Brother is too evil

Chapter 359 The Pearl of the Jade Lake

Chapter 359 The Pearl of the Jade Lake (3)
When she left, Chu Yifeng was the venerable.

The last time the Fourth Senior Brother Rong Yunhe was rescued by him, I heard that the gang of men in black were the ones who did the fighting, Chu Yifeng and Gong Li just stood aside and did not make a move.

He said he was a teacher...

Thinking of this, Qin Luoyi couldn't help but strike again. The strength in his hands increased a lot, but he still didn't push him away. The powerful force fell on him, and he seemed to have nothing to do with it, smiling and caring about himself wiped on her face.

"Little sister."

Rong Yunhe and Ji Xuanyuhong landed in the courtyard, seeing the two hugging each other in the courtyard, they couldn't help but look at each other, first they were surprised, then they suddenly realized.

Qin Luoyi couldn't help grinding his teeth.

Her back was facing the door, but she also knew that her and Chu Yifeng's current actions fell into their eyes, and they should be extremely ambiguous.

He glared at Chu Yifeng angrily.

It's all because I was too shocked just now, and I put all my thoughts on him, and I didn't even know that the two senior brothers had come.

Chu Yifeng was smiling all over his face, and relaxedly let go of the hand around her waist, without any embarrassment, and then folded the towel that Qin Luoyi had wiped his forehead, and put it in his sleeve.

Qin Luoyi turned around and twitched the corners of his lips: "What's the matter, two senior brothers?" Although the wall was short and couldn't stop them, they couldn't treat it as a display either.

Ji Xuan's eyes flashed.

Rong Yunhe knew that Junior Sister was angry.But... they didn't know that Chu Yifeng was here, and the two of them hugged each other in the yard, and Chu Yifeng wiped her sweat intimately.

It can't be their fault.

"Junior Brother Bai Che came back from the sea, killed two ninth-level giant crab beasts, brought them back to the cook in Crane Tower, and invited many brothers and friends to have dinner in Crane Tower at night. I heard that the master master is back, I Junior brother and I thought you should come back happens that we will go to Crane Tower together at night." Ji Xuan explained the purpose of coming with a smile.

The meat of Cancer monsters is tender and extremely delicious, and can cook extremely delicious dishes.It's just that cancer monsters are very good at hiding, and they are very cunning, so they are not easy to get. In the past, monks who went to sea from Tongjin City could hardly get a few of them all year round.

"Brother Chu, are you interested in going with us?" Rong Yunhe invited Chu Yifeng with a smile on his face.

Since half a month ago when he found out that his junior sister and Chu Yifeng met, his address changed from Young Master Chu to Brother Chu.

"Cancer monster?" Chu Yifeng's eyes flashed, and he glanced at Qin Luoyi from the corner of his eye, nodded and smiled, "I heard that this is a famous dish in Tongjin City, but I didn't expect it to be overtaken by me." .”

The implication is to go.

The four chatted for a while, and then asked about Qin Luoyi's going out with Sect Leader Ge. Seeing that it was getting dark, they set off for the Crane Tower.

Many monks have already come to the Crane Tower.

Bai Che, Wen Lingtian, Yan Nantian, Ning Qiu... Qin Luoyi knew most of the people inside, including monks from the Piaomiao sect, monks from other sects, and some casual cultivators.

Ji Xuan also invited Lin Xiangnan.

Wen Lingtian and Ning Qiu, who are both alchemists, are very familiar with each other and have a good relationship. They are standing and talking together, and next to them is Tang Changshan, who has participated in the Jinding Mountain Competition together.

Qin Luoyi was dressed in a green dress from the West Lake, with a graceful figure, a pretty face, bright eyes looking forward, and black hair, which made her fair skin even more white as jade... Once she entered the restaurant, she attracted everyone's attention look.

And the three men beside her were all outstanding, Ji Xuan was as gentle as jade, Rong Yunhe was like a jade tree facing the wind, Chu Yifeng was even more handsome, exuding a natural nobility all over his body.

Bai Che came forward with a smile.

While exchanging greetings, they were taken to the private room on the second floor.

Yan Nantian looked at Qin Luoyi's back with a complicated expression, and then his sharp eyes fell on Chu Yifeng who was beside her.

At the door, several girls in white clothes walked in with a purple-clothed woman in their arms. The purple-clothed woman's face was cold and proud, her skin was like snow, and her black hair was like ink. The train is flying, and it has a bit of a fairy-like taste.

Looking up, he saw a purple figure walking upstairs. He was startled for a while, but then his eyes couldn't hide his surprise, and his pace slightly accelerated.Lightly parting her red lips, she called out, "Young Master Chu!"

"It's Miss Shan Xuelian from Yaochi Wonderland."

"I didn't expect her to come too."

"Mr. Chu saved Miss Shan Xuelian among the people saved last time."

There was a whisper in the restaurant, they looked at Shan Xuelian, who had a hint of joy in her cold and proud eyes, and then at Chu Yifeng, who saved Shan Xuelian's life, no wonder Shan Xuelian turned her usual behavior With a cold and reserved look, he took the initiative to greet people.

Shan Xuelian is the jewel in the palm of Shan Hong, the head of Yaochi Wonderland, but she has cultivated out of Yufu at the age of more than two hundred years. She is a cultivation genius that is rare in Yaochi in a thousand years.

Because she is the head's daughter, with a strong background, high cultivation talent, and beautiful appearance, she is known as the Pearl of the Fairyland.

On Penglai Xiandao, the outstanding men who pursued her were like crucian carp crossing the river, but this Shan Xuelian girl was as her name suggests, like a lotus flower on the top of a snow mountain, beautiful but cold, making it impossible to reach.

Qin Luoyi naturally heard the clear and sweet voice of Big Brother Chu, turned his head slightly, and saw Shan Xuelian's apricot eyes looking at Chu Yifeng with joy and affection, and suddenly felt a little disillusioned in his heart.

"It turned out to be Miss Shan." Chu Yifeng turned his head, looked at Shan Xuelian who was very eye-catching in the crowd, his eyes were calm, and a very faint and alienated smile escaped from the corner of his lips, he nodded, and then turned his head keep going.

Shan Xuelian's feet froze, and Xing's eyes flashed in a daze. Obviously, she didn't expect that Chu Yifeng would be so indifferent when she took the initiative to greet her.

When she was surrounded by monsters that day, in order to break out of the siege, she was covered in blood, her hair was messed up, and her physical strength was exhausted. It is understandable that he didn't notice her in such a mess, but now... before she came, she specially prepared a siege. Fan, put on a purple gauze dress very similar to his body.

Yaochi Zhizhu was left out in the cold, there were quite a few of her admirers in the restaurant, seeing this, they hurriedly surrounded her, smiling courteously, trying to attract her attention.

Shan Xuelian quickly calmed down the disappointment in her heart, regained her habitual cold, arrogant and unattainable look, and glanced at the monks who surrounded her, a flash of disdain flashed in her eyes, she felt that they were all ordinary people, not vulgar Nai, how can it compare to Chu Yifeng's extraordinary charm.

The elegance and nobility of the gestures made her heart throb... The corner of her eyes flickered with heat, and she quietly chased up the stairs again, but only saw a tall figure disappearing quickly. Inside the elegant room on the second floor.

(End of this chapter)

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