Brother is too evil

Chapter 362 The Paradise of the Paradise Xia Zichen

Chapter 362 The Paradise of the Paradise Xia Zichen (1)
What Qin Luoyi can give him, she can also give, and what Qin Luoyi can't give him, she can also give him. With her cultivation talent, the next head of Yaochi Wonderland is in her pocket!
"The seventh-rank fairy Ye Lian who can help people condense the Zifu, hehe, it is really a good thing, but... as Miss Shan said, my people saved your life, but Miss Shan asked me to come to the door and ask the head of the Shan sect to ask for help." Want to turn seven fairy Yelian... Miss Shan, who do you think Chu is? Chu can't say that." Speaking of this, the sarcasm in his eyes became stronger, but the corner of his mouth evoked a wicked smile .

Shan Xuelian was stunned, her expression changed.

She understood what he meant... She wanted to thank him, so she sent the Rank Seven Immortal Ye Lian herself, so that she could show the sincerity of Yaochi.It's just that he only gave him rank seven Immortal Ye Lian, and delivered things to him... How can she cultivate a relationship with him?

Chu Yifeng never came back, and Shan Xuelian's seat was also vacant. Qin Luoyi was talking to someone, but his eyes couldn't help but pay attention to the door, and the feeling of uncomfortable congestion reappeared in his heart.

She was also a little absent-minded when talking to people. After a while, she stood up and walked outside the private room. Standing on the second floor facing the street, she quickly saw Chu Yifeng's figure.

Beside him is Shan Xuelian.

Shan Xuelian turned her back to her, she couldn't see the expression on her face clearly, but Chu Yifeng raised the corners of her lips lightly, with a slight smile, both of them were dressed in purple clothes, they were very close, the moonlight fell on them, Shadows overlap behind.

Seeing this scene, Qin Luoyi was furious, his chest heaved violently, his thin lips were tightly pursed, and fire flashed in his phoenix eyes.

"Mr. Chu misunderstood. The Lingzhi on the top of the snow mountain is not only the seventh-rank fairy leaf lotus. My father told me privately that other things in Yaochi Wonderland may not be available, but there are many Lingzhi. I wonder if Mr. Chu Cultivators of the Zifu, do you still need to use the rank nine fairy leaf lotus... After a few months, when the rank seven fairy leaf lotus matures, the snow lotus will be picked and given to Mr. Chu personally to show my gratitude to Penglai Wonderland." She had already said it, but she couldn't invite him to pick it together, Shan Xuelian could only bear the pain and said that she only hoped that she would not leave a bad impression in his heart.

Chu Yifeng looked indifferent.

Whether or not Yaochi Wonderland should give him rank seven fairy leaf lotus, he didn't take it seriously, and he didn't go for rank seven fairy leaf lotus, but... if they really offered it with both hands, he had no reason to refuse, no? ?
Yi'er is now at the sixth level of Yu Mansion, with her cultivation speed, maybe she will be able to use that thing after a while.

"Master Chu."

Shan Xuelian still wanted to talk, but Chu Yifeng's expression suddenly changed, he didn't look at her, his eyes fell on the second floor of the Crane Tower, his phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, then he walked away without saying a word .

Shan Xuelian was stunned.

Turning around, she raised her head slightly, and looked in the direction he was just now... Qin Luoyi was standing by the railing on the second floor, and next to her was Yan Nantian, the young master of the Moon Picking Pavilion, who was dressed in black.

Shan Xuelian couldn't help but clenched her fists, her chest was straightened out, her already cold and proud eyes became even colder, her face expressionless.

"Seventh rank fairy Yelian? Hehe, Shan Xuelian... I didn't expect to be a stupid woman, chasing men to this point." In a corner not far away, a man in black clothes who looked 27 or [-] years old stood, Taking a panoramic view of this scene, a contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of his lips, but there was a glint of prey in his eyes.

Chu Yifeng soon appeared beside Qin Luoyi.

Shan Xuelian moved her feet lightly, stood in the shadow of the pillar beside her, looked at Qin Luoyi upstairs, and then her eyes fell on Chu Yifeng, her proud face was cold and expressionless.

Chu Yifeng's handsome face, which was completely indifferent to him just now, now has a dizzying arc on his lips, and a burning light is shining in his long and narrow phoenix eyes. The evening wind blows, and the purple clothes flutter. There, there is an indescribable romance, an unexplainable chicness.

After a while, the three people upstairs left and returned to the private room, and then Shan Xuelian walked out from the shadows, and slowly walked towards the restaurant.

"Miss Shan." At this moment, a greeting with a smile came from behind her suddenly, with a touch of surprise: "So you are here too, what a coincidence."

Shan Xuelian turned her head and saw that the person who came was Xia Zichen from the Paradise of Paradise, who was also one of her suitors.

Xia Zichen is the son of Xia Zhongli, the head of Dongtianfudi, who is of the same status as her, and has reached the eighth level of the Jade Mansion... Different from other people, Shan Xuelian saw him with a beautiful but cold and arrogant face, which was extremely rare. A faint smile.

"When did you come to Tongjin City?"

Xia Zichen walked in front of her, looked at her affectionately and with a hint of doting: "I just arrived in Tongjin City, and I was planning to come to you tomorrow. I didn't expect to meet you so soon."

Looking at his eyes, Shan Xuelian's self-esteem that was hit by Chu Yifeng suddenly felt better.

Xia Zichen was dressed in white, and he was extremely tall, with a handsome face, and he was considered a good-looking talent, and he had deep affection for her, but unfortunately she had never had any feelings for him.

And after looking at Chu Yifeng and then looking at him again, he felt that there was a clear difference between the two of them... There was a flash of disappointment in his eyes.

Xia Zichen has always pursued her passionately, whether it is cultivation talent, family background, or good looks, she has quietly decided to stay with him for a while, and then agree to double cultivation with him.

It's just that when Chu Yifeng fell from the flying magic weapon that day, she felt that her heart suddenly lost its frequency, and she fell in love with it at just one glance... Naturally, Xia Zichen was not in her consideration.

Originally thought that with his appearance and cultivation talent, as long as she gave a little hint, Chu Yifeng would fall in love with her easily like those men.

did not expect.

Unexpectedly, Qin Luoyi came out halfway.

She smiled and stared at Xia Zichen, but she couldn't help but think of Chu Yifeng leaving her to go upstairs in a hurry just now, and how considerate he was to Qin Luoyi during the meal before... She couldn't help feeling extremely resentful and jealous .

Naturally, Xia Zichen didn't miss her distraction, and sneered in her heart, she was just a woman pretending to be cold and arrogant, she really thought how great she was, and thought that all the men in the world should bow down under her pomegranate skirt.

It's simply out of phase!

If it wasn't for Rank Seven Immortal Leaf Lotus, and the rare spiritual plant on the top of the Snow Mountain in Yaochi Wonderland, he would have liked her in every possible way?That face is beautiful and beautiful, but the cold look makes people feel disappointed.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the second floor.There was a flash of heat in his eyes. Even though the woman on the second floor was only glimpsed just now, and only dimly illuminated by the light, he had already seen her appearance clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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