Brother is too evil

Chapter 363 The Paradise of the Paradise Xia Zichen

Chapter 363 The Paradise of the Paradise Xia Zichen (2)
The face is like a lotus, the flesh is like fat, and the phoenix eyes are shining... That is the real beauty in the world. Suddenly, the nine-day fairy descended to the mortal world. It is unforgettable at a glance, and the blood in the heart is boiling. I just want to hold her in the palm of my hand and press her under my body. , Love in every possible way.

Shan Xuelian saw the flashing heat in his eyes, but misunderstood her, her phoenix eyes flashed lightly, her heart moved, she suddenly smiled, and then invited him to go upstairs with her.

These words hit Xia Zichen's meaning.

The two walked into the private room on the second floor while talking.

"Hey, isn't this Brother Xia? You have also come to Tongjin City."

In the private room, except for Qin Luoyi and Chu Yifeng who didn't know Xia Zichen, everyone else was familiar with him. Seeing him coming in with Shan Xuelian, they all greeted him with smiles.

Ji Xuan and Rong Yunhe looked at each other. As Wu Shan's disciples, they knew more about Dongtian Paradise than Bai Che and the others, and they also knew that they had sent many people to hunt down and kill Junior Sister.So although the two of them also greeted him, their expressions were indifferent and not warm.

The corners of Qin Luoyi's lips hooked slightly, but the coldness in Feng's eyes flashed away.

Xia Zichen came in with a smile, turned his eyes around in front of everyone, and soon saw Qin Luoyi sitting beside Chu Yifeng. He was closer now, and he could see it more clearly. He felt that she was farther away than before. It looks even more beautiful from a distance.

After knowing that she was Qin Luoyi, even though he was deeply scheming, his color changed slightly.Squinting her eyes slightly, she smiled and said, "I've heard that Miss Qin can refine the ninth-grade top-grade pill at a young age. She is an amazingly talented person. I want to meet her a long time ago..."

Lin Xiangnan and others all knew that a few years ago, Qin Luoyi had won the gifted alchemist Murong Jue from Dongtian Paradise, and also obtained Dongtian Fu's Zi Huo Furnace. So Xia Zichen was Murong Jue's senior brother.

In order to avoid embarrassment, they changed the topic without any trace: "How long will Brother Xia plan to stay in Tongjin City this time? How is the situation in Dongtian Paradise?"

A chair was added to the room, and Xia Zichen sat down beside Shan Xuelian.

On the other side sat Yan Nantian.

"It won't last long, half a month at most... There are more and more monsters there, and the tide of monsters should come soon, but it's still not known whether they will land from Tongjin City or from the south." Xia Zichen talked about the situation in the sea area of ​​Dongtianfudi.

He came to Tongjin City to tell the situation in the sea area of ​​Dongtian Paradise to the head of Ge who sits in Tongjin City, as well as other elders and heads, and then bring the news from Tongjin City back to Dongtian Paradise. Find out exactly when and where they are most likely to land, so you can prepare well in advance.

When everyone came out of the Crane Tower, the night was already very deep.

Although Shan Xuelian was accompanied by Xia Zichen, her eyes fell on Chu Yifeng from time to time.

Seeing Qin Luoyi leave, Chu Yifeng also said goodbye, and followed her by her side, he couldn't help being even more angry, and almost gritted his silver teeth.

Xia Zichen hooked his lips.

He cast a thoughtful glance at Chu Yifeng's back, wondering when such a number one person appeared in Penglai Xiandao, or maybe he was not a monk from Penglai Xiandao at all, but from Xuantian Continent?

Walking to the small courtyard in the outskirts, Qin Luoyi opened the door, and Chu Yifeng was about to follow, but Qin Luoyi blocked the door, looking at him with a half-smile.

"Yi'er, don't you want me to come in and have a seat?" Chu Yifeng leaned over, his phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, the heat was evil and full of charm, the faint smell of alcohol escaped from his lips, with a slight Xun, reaching out to grab her slender waist.

"It's too late, you should go back early." Qin Luoyi said lightly, this time she had already prepared, knowing that Chu Yifeng's cultivation base might be a big improvement, before his hands fell on her body, her feet With one move, he quickly stepped back, and with a slamming sound, the door closed in front of him.

"It's so cruel." Chu Yifeng stared at the closed door, and couldn't help muttering in a low voice. If he hadn't retreated quickly, the door would have fallen directly on his face.

Qin Luoyi stood in the courtyard, a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes, after a moment of silence, he walked into the house, ignoring the man who was still standing outside and not leaving.

He tossed and turned in bed, and fell asleep very late.

She slept late and woke up late, and when she opened her eyes, it was already high in the sun, and the bright sun slanted in through the window. After washing up, she walked out of the house.

"Yi'er, you can really sleep." The purple figure leaned on the branch of a tall pine tree outside the courtyard, with a handsome smile, and a teasing voice, looking at her playfully.

Looking at this man who tortured him all night, Qin Luoyi's mood couldn't be better, and he glared at him with a sullen face, "Why haven't you left yet?"

Because he was in a bad mood, his tone was a little rushed.

Chu Yifeng was startled, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at her dangerously, with a wicked smile on his lips, and a flash of fire in his eyes: "Let's go? Where do you want me to go?"

Qin Luoyi pursed his lips, and felt that he was a little confused, so he calmed down and said, "I told you that the tide of monsters and beasts is about to should go back to the Holy Dragon Continent as soon as possible."

That Shan Xuelian looked at him affectionately, she didn't like how she looked at him, and her heart was very dry. Although she knew that this man would marry a wife and have children sooner or later, he would also accept many women in the Sangong and Sixth Courtyard, but Shenglong Continent Far away from here, she is out of sight and out of mind.

Chu Yifeng jumped down from the tree and landed in front of her. Seeing her calm down, he sighed secretly in his heart: "Yi'er... the tide of monsters is coming soon, at this time, what do you want me to do?" Leave at ease." What's more, he came here on purpose to find her, and if he wanted to leave, he would take her with him.

Seeing the deep affection in his pitch-black eyes, Qin Luoyi's heart trembled, and he said lightly, "You want to stay until the tide of monsters is over?"

Every time there is a big tide of monsters and beasts, it can be as fast as a year, or as slow as it can be for several years.

"Yes. Yi'er... don't tell me to leave again." Chu Yifeng nodded, but he was thinking in his heart that when the tide of monsters and beasts was over, he would abduct her and go with him.During this period of time, he was able to cultivate a good relationship with her. Since he had loved her deeply for a long time and couldn't let go, he also wanted her to fall in love with him, so much that he couldn't leave him... When he was in Shenglong Continent, He was swayed by her, and in the end he could only watch her leave, but this time, he had plenty of time to spend with her slowly.

There was a knock on the door outside.

Qin Luoyi went to open the door.

Standing outside the house was Fourth Senior Brother Rong Yunhe.

"Junior Sister, Master Sect Master asked you to go." When Rong Yunhe saw Chu Yifeng in the courtyard, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.Chu Yifeng didn't return all night last night, so he didn't expect to stay here with the little junior sister.

Master must have something urgent to find him, Qin Luoyi didn't delay, leaving Chu Yifeng and Rong Yunhe behind, and Yuhong left soon.

(End of this chapter)

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