Brother is too evil

Chapter 366 Temptation

Chapter 366 Temptation (2)
Of course she couldn't do what he wanted.

Turn a blind eye to him and ignore him, he likes to sleep on a big tree, just sleep on a big tree, he is the prince of the Holy Dragon Continent, and since he was a child, he was well-clothed and well-fed, she didn't believe how long he could last, maybe how long One day he couldn't stand it and left by himself.

But she obviously underestimated his patience.

Chu Yifeng persisted for more than half a month, every night like this, one night, she couldn't stand it anymore, and when he was about to climb up the tree again, she asked him to go back to the fourth senior brother with a sullen face, but unexpectedly he Smiling and shaking his head, he firmly refused, then looked at her tenderly and sentimentally and said that he was afraid that once he left, she would disappear again.

This reminded her of when he was preparing to marry her in Shenglong Continent back then, but she secretly worshiped her master without telling him... Chu Yifeng successfully evoked the deepest part of her heart guilt.

Thinking of this, Qin Luoyi sighed heavily again.

Right here, there was a strange wave in the air.Although it was very small, and it was thousands of meters above the sky, Qin Luoyi could still feel it. With the advancement of her cultivation, her consciousness and soul perception became stronger.

Staring at the rippling sea surface, a gleam of cold light flashed across her pitch-black phoenix eyes, and from the slightly familiar breath, she already knew who was following.

How dare you follow me, what a blessed land... Sure enough, none of them are good things!She didn't expect that it wasn't just one... The corners of her lips curled up, and an anxious smile appeared on her bright face.

No matter who dares to follow and fight her, she will kill the Heavenly King and Lao Tzu.

Unfortunately, after waiting for a while, no one came down.

Qin Luoyi stood up in disappointment, looking at the surrounding sea area, a few strange monks passed by quickly in the distance... her eyes lit up, and she instantly understood.

If they don't do it, don't they dare to do it here?A sly look flashed across her eyes...Since this is the case, why don't she create some opportunities for them, anyway, sooner or later they will have to fight, if it can be solved in the sea now, that's fine.

"She's gone, that's not the direction to go back to Jincheng."

Thousands of meters above the sky, watching Qin Luoyi Yuhong go, a man in white squinted his eyes slightly, and said in a low voice, he is Xia Zichen from the Paradise of Paradise.

Standing beside him was Shan Xuelian from Yaochi Wonderland.

Shan Xuelian's expression became even colder, looking at Qin Luoyi's retreating figure, her face was indifferent, her fingers in her sleeves were almost pinched into her flesh.

Xia Zichen looked at her sideways, his eyes flickered, then he gently stretched out his hand, took her hand up, opened his sleeves, and saw that the palm of her clenched hand was already bleeding, his eyes flashed with pain , hoarsely said: "Lian'er, why do you torture yourself like this? Well, if you really like him that much... I'll help you."

"You help me?" Shan Xuelian raised her head sharply, looking at him, a hot light flashed in her cold eyes, and her voice was filled with a strange eagerness: "He likes that woman... How can you help me?" ?”

Xia Zichen let go of her hand, gently stroked the blue hair on her head, and said in a low voice: "As long as she disappears, maybe he... will see your beauty. This is a rare opportunity, and the two beasts are not with her." By my side, Xuelian, as long as you make up your mind and make a decision, no matter what you want to do, I will help you."

Shan Xuelian looked deeply at the man in front of her, as if she was meeting him for the first time. Before, he would respond to her request. She never thought that he would treat her so well, love her so much that she was willing to help her get another man The heart... A trace of regret suddenly escaped in my heart, why didn't I fall in love with this man?

Xia Zichen looked at her somewhat dazed expression, snorted coldly in his heart, but his eyes were even more tender, and his fingers brushed her eyebrows with attachment, and they left after touching her, and quickly put them down again.

"I can only stay here for a few more days. The original plan was to stay for half a month... Xuelian, you must think clearly. I will leave Tongjin City in a few days, and Qin Luoyi's cultivation speed is too fast. It's weird, now I feel that my cultivation base is higher than hers, but it's not a few levels higher. If I wait another year or a half, maybe she is higher than me. At that time, I just want to help you, but I have no power. "

Shan Xuelian's heart trembled when she heard the words. Thinking of Chu Yifeng's handsome and noble face, the last trace of hesitation in her heart disappeared. Looking at the direction where Qin Luoyi disappeared, she whispered to you: "Zichen, you helped me, no matter what Whatever happens in the future, I will never forget what you have done for me today."

"Fool." Xia Zichen smiled lightly, but couldn't hide the Xiao Suo in his eyes: "Is there any need to talk about this between us? Let's go, since we have decided to make her disappear, let's catch up quickly, or she will disappear in a while of."

As soon as the words fell, he followed Shenhong and led her quickly towards the front.

In order to create opportunities for others to kill him, Qin Luoyi didn't run fast, he stopped and stopped, and when he encountered a small island, he would stop to rest for a while, and then walked around the vicinity twice, pretending to be looking for something look.

Xia Zichen and Shan Xuelian quickly caught up with her, but they still didn't show up. They were looking for the most secluded place, waiting for the most suitable time, and trying their best to hit her.

Thousands of miles away from the original small island, another small island appeared.

There are some low plants growing on the small island. Qin Luoyi stood on the small island for a while, when his spiritual sense suddenly detected some abnormalities in the water.

Shocked in her heart, she circled the island twice, and finally found two huge monsters thousands of meters underwater. Their heads were like snakes, their bodies were like horses, and they had four limbs. Also covered with a hard phosphorous sheet.

These two monsters were swimming fast underwater, they disappeared in the blink of an eye, and then even their breath disappeared, and they couldn't feel it anymore. If Qin Luoyi was not sure that she really saw it just now, they would all be hers in the future. Just an illusion.

"I don't know if it has anything to do with the monsters that besieged Senior Brother and them last time." Qin Luoyi stood on the small island and whispered to herself softly. She knew that the people following her had already caught up, but she didn't let go at all. on heart.

The appearance of thousands of monsters last time was really weird, Qin Luoyi thought for a moment, and decided to find out.

After searching for so long, I still haven't found out how the monster came out. It's really worrying... It's like setting countless time bombs outside Tongjin City. You don't know where it is, when it is will explode.

This feeling of being out of control is very bad.

With a thought, the rainbow rose from his body, and with a bang, Qin Luoyi jumped from the island into the water, and quickly swam towards the direction where the two monsters disappeared just now.

(End of this chapter)

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