Brother is too evil

Chapter 367 The Unexpected Person

Chapter 367 The Unexpected Person (1)
With the barrier of Shenhong, the sea water can't get close to her body, there is resistance in the water, and the speed under the water is slightly slower than walking against the rainbow in the air.

Underwater is not flat ground.

Just like on land, the underwater is also hills, ravines, and uneven. There are many ordinary fish and shrimps without spiritual intelligence and various creatures living here.

There are also many plants.

Colorful and different shapes.

Qin Luoyi let go of his consciousness while walking, and kept looking for the whereabouts of the two monsters just now.

After searching for nearly a hundred miles, but still not finding anything, Qin Luoyi stopped. She was sure that the two monsters just disappeared before walking a hundred miles away.

She fell back again.

This time she searched more carefully.

After finding it for nearly fifty miles, she suddenly noticed that the water flow in front of her was a little strange, so she speeded up and passed by, and soon found a very hidden and deep cave under a mountain nearly a thousand meters long.

Before approaching the entrance of the cave, she quickly dispersed Shenhong and sneaked over quietly. When she reached the entrance of the cave, she observed the surroundings for a while, and then released her divine sense from the entrance of the cave, wanting to find out what was inside.

The opening of the cave was big enough to accommodate monsters tens of meters in size, and it was very deep. She had penetrated for a long time with her spiritual sense, and she felt like she couldn't find her head.

At this moment, she found someone quietly following behind her.

The motion loss was very light, and there was no Yushenhong, but she still noticed something strange.

Qin Luoyi's dark and vivid eyeballs rolled, and his delicate red lips were slightly hooked, showing a mocking smile. With a movement of his body, he jumped away from the hole.

If her guess is correct, there should be monsters inside, what's more, it is a lair of monsters.

Qin Luoyi's speed was very fast, she ran dozens of miles away from the cave in the blink of an eye, away from the entrance of the cave, her speed gradually slowed down, and then hid behind the seaweed on one side, quietly waiting for the people behind to catch up come up.

"Why is there no one there?" Shan Xuelian stopped tens of meters in front of her, looked around, her icy pretty face was full of evil spirits.

"It's clearly here just now... Lian'er, if we look for Zizai again, she won't be able to escape." Xia Zichen curled his lips, and the darkness in his eyes flashed away.

Qin Luoyi blinked, walked out from behind the seaweed, looked at Shan Xuelian and Xia Zichen, with a beautiful smile on his red lips: "Miss Shan, Young Master Xia, what are you looking for you need my help? "

Xia Zichen and Shan Xuelian, who were looking around carefully with their spiritual senses released, turned their heads abruptly when they heard the words, and looked at Qin Luoyi who was smiling and fearless, and their hearts shuddered at the same time.

Xia Zichen reflexively scattered his consciousness away, he thought that every time the people sent out to kill Qin Luoyi, they all died in the end... He didn't see Dahei and Heidi, he secretly took a long breath In tone, the tense body relaxed, a smile appeared on his face, but his eyes were gloomy and fierce.

Shan Xuelian smiled coldly: "Qin Luoyi, we are looking for you, and you dare to come out, haha, you are courting death!"

court death?

Qin Luoyi laughed mockingly.

Looking at Shan Xuelian, who held her head high and her chest high, with a domineering face, her eyes under the long eyelashes were like water in the sea, shining with a cool light.

"Look at you... Tsk, you want to kill me? But, with just the two of you, can you kill me?" She opened her red lips lightly, her voice was cold and cold, but the smile on her lips was even brighter .

Shan Xuelian stared at her.

I was very upset.

Why did Qin Luoyi react differently than he imagined?
Seeing herself coming, and Xia Zichen... Shouldn't she be terrified?It would be even better if she begged herself for mercy in order to survive.

Of course, she will definitely not let her go, since Qin Luoyi made a move today, he can only die!
"Qin Luoyi, you're still stubborn when you're about to die. I'll let you see if we can kill you!" Xia Zichen walked towards her slowly, his eyes were dark and fierce, and he couldn't hide it. evil spirit.

Qin Luoyi glanced at him disdainfully, and said lightly: "Xia Zichen, you wanted to kill me, I had already expected it, anyway, you sent people to kill me not once or twice, I'm just very strange... ...How on earth did you convince Miss Shan to join forces with you to kill me?"

Shan Xuelian was startled when she heard the words, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated... Qin Luoyi knew that Xia Zichen was going to kill her?Is it because of this that I am not surprised to see them chasing after me?Moreover, Dongtianfudi sent someone to kill her more than once, whether this is true or not... She looked at Xia Zichen.

Xia Zichen felt her suspicious gaze, looked at her tenderly, comforted her with his eyes, then looked at Qin Luoyi with a sneer and said, "Qin Luoyi, you are really cunning, you think that you can pick up the girl by saying this? Divide us? Can you walk out of here alive? Stop dreaming! You must die today!"

Shan Xuelian was relieved.

The cold gaze shot at Qin Luoyi again... Chu Yifeng was indifferent to him, maybe it was this woman who picked her up, and now she actually said the words of chasing and killing her in order to survive... If Dongtian wanted to kill someone, she Can you still live until now?

Xia Zichen was obviously looking at himself sad, and he came to kill her for himself, everything he did was for himself... She shouldn't doubt him at all.

A look of guilt flashed in her eyes.

Qin Luoyi looked at Shan Xuelian, then at Xia Zichen, and couldn't help curling his lips.

silly woman.

Being cheated into a circle, I still think that person is doing it for my own good.

Why Shan Xuelian wanted to kill her, she guessed a little bit, it must be because of Chu Yifeng.

The love she looked at Chu Yifeng was too obvious, but every time Chu Yifeng turned a blind eye to him, completely treating him as air, she couldn't get what she wanted, and naturally she could only vent her resentment on herself.

Xia Zichen probably just took advantage of the situation, wanted to kill her and dragged Shan Xuelian into the water.

Can't help but sneer.

She looked at Shan Xuelian with pity.

Xia Zichen's heart trembled, he didn't want to give Qin Luoyi another chance to speak, he wanted to make a quick decision, he was afraid that if she tried some tricks to separate her, Shan Xuelian was after all a monk of the Yufu, and also the sole head of the Yaochi Wonderland. Girl, there are many magical weapons and weapons to save her life, and she is absolutely sure to kill Qin Luoyi.

With a cold snort, with a thought, he sacrificed the Jade Mansion. The jade-colored light was extremely dazzling, exuding a terrifying aura, and instantly turned into countless sharp blades, fiercely shooting towards Qin Luoyi.

As soon as he made a move, he killed him desperately.

Seeing him make a move, Shan Xuelian didn't hesitate anymore, the evil spirit in her cold eyes became stronger, and a small and exquisite Jade Mansion emerged from her body, spinning rapidly.

(End of this chapter)

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