Brother is too evil

Chapter 368 The Unexpected Person

Chapter 368 The Unexpected Person (2)
With just one glance, Qin Luoyi could see that Xia Zichen's cultivation level was higher, even one or two levels higher than his own.

Shan Xuelian's cultivation base is much lower, at most the first level of Yufu.

There was light in her pitch-black phoenix eyes, and a slight smile escaped from the corner of her lips. To deal with these two people, she didn't even need to use all her cards to destroy them.

With a thought, she also summoned the Yufu, and the Yufu floated above her head, strands of dazzling light fell down, covering her body with a tough protective shield, and with a movement of her feet, she avoided Xia Zichen very quickly. s attack.

Xia Zichen shrank his pupils, snorted softly, and controlled Yufu to continue chasing her.

Shan Xuelian's attack also arrived.

Her mansion turned into a long arrow, filled with terrifying power of stars, and shot towards her chest.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared, blocking Qin Luoyi's body, a dazzling jade light flashed, and with a bang, her long arrow was hit hard and flew out, shooting hundreds of meters away On the bottom of the seabed, the entire mountain was shaken, and the boulder fell straight down with fluttering wings.

"You...Master Chu..." Shan Xuelian was stunned when she saw the person who appeared suddenly, her face suddenly turned white, and she murmured: "Why are you here?"

Her eyes were full of disbelief, and her red lips couldn't help trembling slightly. Looking at Chu Yifeng's sullen and handsome face, her eyes were full of fierce and fierce light, her heart sank to the bottom of the valley in an instant.

The long arrow turned into by Yufu hit the mountain heavily, but she was so shocked that even Yufu forgot to recall him, and just stared at him blankly.

She knew it was over.

Originally, he wanted to kill Qin Luoyi quietly, and then let him treat him differently... Now he really does treat him differently.No longer the indifference of before, he looked at her with a murderous look, as if he wanted to tear her into pieces.

Xia Zichen's eyes flashed with cruelty, and then they became deep and cold again. He looked at Shan Xuelian who was so shocked that he forgot what to do with disdain, and was extremely angry... At this critical moment, she was able to look at the man in a daze.

His Yu Mansion suddenly turned into a delicate dagger, and it silently attacked Qin Luoyi who was also obviously stunned.

Qin Luoyi was very shocked by Chu Yifeng's appearance, and complex lights shone in his pitch-black phoenix eyes.

What she didn't expect was that he was actually a cultivator of Yufu.

Although the rank is not high, it is around the second rank of Yu Mansion, but it is already amazing.When she left five years ago, he was only the Venerable.

She was in the Misty Sect, before she cultivated out of the mansion, there was a terrifyingly powerful spiritual power in the cold water of the cold water, which allowed her to advance quickly. Such a fast advancement speed.

He also thought of the flying magic weapon he was sitting on, and those men in black who followed her. They had a high level of cultivation, but they respected him very much. All this showed that those men in black might not have been hired by him. .It allowed him to advance so quickly in a few years, I don't know which teacher he worshiped... It must be a very difficult person.

But no matter how shocked she was, she didn't ignore Xia Zichen. She felt that he was attacking him, her phoenix eyes turned cold, and the Yu Mansion covering her body turned into a stream of light, roaring to meet him.

Xia Zichen was a sneak attack, so even though his cultivation base was two levels higher than Qin Luoyi's, the power on the dagger was still unable to match Qin Luoyi's full blow... The dagger was slapped apart, but it scattered The jade light spun and quickly gathered in his hand.

Qin Luoyi quickly rushed forward, took out the Qiankun Bell and struck it down on him.

"Haha, the Qiankun Clock?" Xia Zichen laughed fearlessly, "I heard that you used the Qiankun Clock to show off your skills in the last battle and killed a lot of monsters. You thought I was here to kill you, no Prepare in advance?"

Qin Luoyi's pupils shrank sharply.

Unexpectedly, he is not afraid of the sonic attack of the Qiankun Clock.

Qiankun Zhongyinbo's attack was extremely powerful...but he was unharmed, unless he closed his hearing and consciousness.

After getting the Qiankun Clock, she deliberately studied the Qiankun Clock, and also read many ancient books. She knew that there was a strange technique that completely sealed off her own senses.

Qin Luoyi looked into his eyes.

There was a cold gleam in his eyes.

"No consciousness, no sense of hearing, I'll see how long you can hold on." Qin Luoyi smiled lightly, moved his delicate hand, and the Yu Mansion turned into a dazzling stream of light again, pressing down on him... Without consciousness and hearing , This is a big taboo for monks in battle.

Chu Yifeng also understood, hooked his thin lips, held the radiant Yufu, and killed him too.

Chu Yifeng and Qin Luoyi teamed up to deal with him, while Shan Xuelian was still in a daze... Xia Zichen's eyes flashed a cold light, and he shouted at her: "Xuelian, what are you still thinking, kill him. You don't kill him , if you let him get out of here alive, do you think he will let you go?"

Shan Xuelian's body trembled, and she finally recovered from her daze. She looked at Xia Zichen who was besieged, and Chu Yifeng and Qin Luoyi who were ruthless and fierce.

She knew that Xia Zichen was right.

Also, he dealt with Qin Luoyi for himself, and she had to help him, otherwise, if Xia Zichen died, let alone Chu Yifeng, even Qin Luoyi would not be able to let her go.

Biting her lip, she attacked Qin Luoyi's back.

Chu Yifeng turned around and stopped her. The Yufu, which was exuding a terrifying aura, turned into a long sword, uttered the sound of a dragon chant, and slashed towards her fiercely.

"Did you see, if you don't kill him, he will kill you!" Although Xia Zichen couldn't hear it, he could see it. Seeing that Chu Yifeng and Shan Xuelian had already matched each other, he once again added fuel to the fire, fearing that she would She also preserved the benevolence of a woman, and showed mercy to Chu Yifeng.

And he himself was going all out to deal with Qin Luoyi.

Without Chu Yifeng, his pressure suddenly eased, and a hideous look flashed across his otherwise handsome face.

But Shan Xuelian still had the last trace of hesitation in her heart. She looked at Chu Yifeng, bit her thin lips lightly, and couldn't hide her love and reluctance in her eyes: "Master Chu, you must fight with me?"

Chu Yifeng didn't even bother to talk to her, and what she responded was a more violent attack.How dare you do something bad to his clothes, Shan Xuelian...Damn it!
"You're going to kill me, that rank seven fairy Ye don't want it anymore?" Shan Xuelian raised her voice while resisting his attack.

Chu Yifeng curled his lips into a smile, his eyes shone coldly, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, with a three-point evil spirit, and seven-point ruthlessness: "It's just a flower, do you really think I care about it?"

Shan Xuelian was in complete despair, and laughed wildly, with tears falling from the corners of her eyes, and then retreated quickly, saying in a cold voice: "Chu Yifeng, don't force me to kill you!"

(End of this chapter)

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