Brother is too evil

Chapter 369 The Unexpected Person

Chapter 369 The Unexpected Person (3)
This stupid woman!
Although Xia Zichen, who was fighting fiercely with Qin Luoyi, couldn't hear it, and couldn't perceive it with his spiritual sense, he could see it with his eyes. Shan Xuelian was still hesitating there, which made his heart blaze, and he almost couldn't control it. For himself, if he wanted to leave Qin Luoyi behind, he would slap her away first.

Qin Luoyi looked back at Chu Yifeng with a half-smile in his busy schedule... Tsk, he really fascinated people.

"I'm the one who killed you!" Chu Yifeng smiled lightly, the powerful star power and spiritual power on the Yufu moved the nearby sea water, forming a terrifying vortex, spinning towards Shan Xuelian, To drag her into the whirlpool and tear her to pieces.

Shan Xuelian's complexion changed drastically, and she quickly backed away.

Chu Yifeng really wanted to take her life cruelly!

"Since you are so cruel...go to hell!" A purple sable the size of two fists and covered in purple suddenly popped out of her sleeve, screamed, and rushed towards Chu Yifeng viciously.

"This is... a purple electric sable!" Qin Luoyi quickly recognized it, and his expression changed slightly. Although the purple electric sable has a small body, its attack power is very powerful, especially when it comes to surprise attacks: "Be careful."

The purple fur on the sable's body stood upright, and then streaks of dazzling purple light shone on its body, and soon those purple lights gathered together and became very thick, like lightning, crackling and shooting towards Chu Yi The wind blew past.

Behind the boulder in the distance, there was a sudden wave of extremely light water flow, but it calmed down quickly without anyone noticing.

Xia Zichen smiled.

Seeing that Shan Xuelian released the purple electric sable, he knew that he no longer needed to worry about that woman being too stupid to show mercy to Chu Yifeng. He began to deal with Qin Luoyi with all his strength, and calmly dispersed the spirit and hearing restraints. Gongfa.

Qin Luoyi paid some attention to Chu Yifeng.

Chu Yifeng was originally on the same level as Shan Xuelian, even a little higher than her, but Shan Xuelian released the purple electric sable, and the attack power released by the purple electric sable was extremely amazing. The Yufu protective shield on his body showed signs of ice cracking.

And Shan Xuelian was not idle either, with a cold face, she was holding Yufu's fierce attack, her moves were fatal.

If this continues, Chu Yifeng won't last long.

Qin Luoyi pursed his lips into a smile, his eyes filled with murderous intent, and with a thought, he released the Tsing Yi puppet from the storage ring and asked him to kill Zidian.

Xia Zichen, who thought he was sure of winning, let out a soft cry in shock, his heart beating wildly. The man in Tsing Yi... Could this be the very powerful man in Tsing Yi when he rescued Ji Xuan and other monks last time?
Everyone in Tongjin City was very curious about the identity of the man in Tsing Yi, but they didn't expect him to be by Qin Luoyi's side!
I had a bad premonition in my heart.

With the addition of the man in Tsing Yi, it will be very difficult for him to kill Qin Luoyi today.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and when she thought about the fact that every time Dongtianfudi sent out to rob and kill her, they never came back alive... His face became even more ugly.

The puppet in Tsing Yi is not afraid of the lightning attack from the sable.

The last time his body was destroyed was uneven, Qin Luoyi once asked his master how to repair it, and then did as the master said, with the idea of ​​giving it a try, let Dahei and the others bring it to the Holy Lord of the ancient clan It took nearly a month to repair the bumps on its body.

Moreover, Dahei and Heidi discovered that the puppet that had been refined by thunder and fire not only had its body repaired, but also had stronger fighting power.

After the two discussed it, the puppet in Tsing Yi was finally left in the cave of the Holy Lord of the ancient clan, staying there for nearly two years, until she was out of customs, and was carried back by Dahei.

Shan Xuelian and Zidian Sable were teaming up to attack Chu Yifeng, when they suddenly saw a man in Tsing Yi appear, and her attack was suddenly stagnant.

"Be careful with him."

Xia Zichen roared fiercely, his voice was loud, if Zidian Diao and Shan Xuelian were killed, he would never get out of here today.

Too late.

The puppet in Tsing Yi had no breath on its body, and its speed was extremely fast. When Shan Xuelian heard Xia Zichen's stern shout, the puppet in Tsing Yi had already rushed to Zidian Mink's side, grabbed it, and gently After a pinch, there was a crackling sound of bones breaking, and the purple electric mink was crushed into a ball of meat.


Ziyu Diao is the soul contracter of Shan Xuelian, whom she met by accident in a secret place in the snow mountain more than 100 years ago.

It is small, but its attack power is extremely powerful... As long as it is not a cultivator from the Purple Mansion, she will never be defeated if she joins hands with Zidian Sable!
Unexpectedly, the purple electric mink that he loved so much was easily killed by this man!She roared hysterically, angry, angry and hated in her heart, suddenly lost her mind, the dazzling jade light turned into a long sword, and slashed at the puppet in green.

The puppet in Tsing Yi looked at her coldly with an indifferent expression.

Seeing that the long sword was about to hit the puppet in Tsing Yi, Chu Yifeng's attack also arrived. With a loud bang, Shan Xuelian flew out and fell heavily a hundred meters away. Bright red blood flowed from her body. The corners of her lips protruded, and she stared at Chu Yifeng with cold eyes in despair.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Xia Zichen didn't care about fighting any more, turned around and ran away.

Qin Luoyi has the Qiankun Clock on his body, and it was extremely difficult to deal with, but he finally found a way to deal with her, forcing her to use the Qiankun Clock. Unexpectedly, another Chu Yifeng came out, and now a man in Tsing Yi came. ...To kill Qin Luoyi today, there is absolutely no chance of winning.

If you escape now, you can still save your life. He is the son of the head of Dongtianfudi, and his reputation is not bad on weekdays. Even if Qin Luoyi said that he wanted to kill her, as long as he denied it, she would not be able to produce evidence. , and no one would believe her.

And Qin Luoyi looked at his back as he ran away quickly, raised his red lips, and smiled coldly.Raising his slender hand, he took out the Qiankun Clock and struck it in his direction.

Xia Zichen staggered and almost fell to the ground, but he didn't turn his head, and continued to flee to the distance with Yu Shenhong, but he was obviously injured, so his speed was much slower.

Shan Xuelian had just been seriously injured by Chu Yifeng, and now she saw that Xia Zichen, who had always been obedient to her and wished to hold her in his hands, dared to abandon her and let him run for her life, her eyes widened and she gritted her teeth in hatred.

Chu Yifeng held the long sword transformed from Yufu, and the puppet in Tsing Yi forced her towards her again. Shan Xuelian was cruel, and threw out several attacking talismans, but she no longer wanted to fight, and took out a twelve The supernatural amulet chased in Xia Zichen's direction.

This magical talisman was specially purchased by his father in Xuantian Continent for her. It cost nearly ten million taels of silver, and it was used to save her life in times of crisis.

(End of this chapter)

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