Brother is too evil

Chapter 370 There is no most ruthless, only more ruthless

Chapter 370 There is no most ruthless, only more ruthless (1)
The last time she was besieged by monsters, she was about to use this talisman to escape by herself, but Chu Yifeng fell from the sky.

Unexpectedly, after more than half a month, she would still use this talisman... It's just ironic that it was Chu Yifeng who saved her last time, but this time it was Chu Yifeng who wanted to kill her and forced her to The only way to escape is to use the amulet to escape.

Her speed was too fast, and the grade of the talismans thrown was not low. By the time Chu Yifeng escaped from the encirclement of the talisman attacks and chased after her, Shan Xuelian was already thousands of meters away.

The puppet in Tsing Yi was not afraid of those talismans, but his speed was not as fast as that of Shan Xuelian who used the magic amulet. Although he ran in front of Chu Yifeng, he was still hundreds of meters away from Shan Xuelian.

Chu Yifeng narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes were extremely sharp.

As Shan Xuelian is the daughter of Shan Hong in Yaochi Wonderland, since she has already beaten her face, there is absolutely no reason to let her escape, otherwise she will cause a lot of trouble for Yi'er in the future.

For Shan Xuelian, he already has the heart to kill.

Xia Zichen, who was worried about being overtaken by the sharp and ear-piercing sound behind him, was startled when his speed slowed down a lot. When he turned around and saw that it was Shan Xuelian who was catching up, he couldn't help being overjoyed again.


There was blood on the corner of Shan Xuelian's lips, and the cold light in her eyes flickered, but she smiled at him and urged urgently: "Give me your hand."

Xia Zichen was overjoyed. Looking at Shan Xuelian's speed, she could tell that she had used a magic talisman. Otherwise, as a junior monk in the Yu Mansion, she was seriously injured, and it was impossible for her to catch up with her at such a fast speed.

He stretched out his hand to Shan Xuelian without hesitation, secretly rejoicing in his heart that his decision to bring Shan Xuelian to kill Qin Luoyi was indeed extremely correct.

As long as they escaped from the bottom of the sea, they would no longer be afraid of Qin Luoyi. He didn't believe that she dared to kill him in front of the alliance monks.

Chu Yifeng did not chase.

He took out a blood-red longbow, put on a silver arrow that was radiant and had an inexplicable aura, and pulled the bow... The silver arrow shot towards the two people who were fleeing in front of them.

Qin Luoyi gave him a sideways look, and temporarily stopped thinking about taking out the sapphire blue warship and blasting the two of them to pieces.


With a crisp sound, the Shenhong on Shan Xuelian's body was torn apart by the silver arrow. The silver arrow remained undiminished, and then shot precisely at her vest.

Shan Xuelian screamed, fell down in embarrassment, struggled to get up, tried several times, but couldn't get up.

Without Shan Xuelian, Xia Zichen's speed slowed down, but he didn't stop, he didn't even look back at her, and continued to drive away.

Shan Xuelian smiled with a pale face.

Xia Zichen actually wanted to abandon himself and run away again.

I used to believe him, thinking that he was really good to me... She is such a fool, it seems that Qin Luoyi was right, he was the one who wanted to kill Qin Luoyi.

It's a pity that it's too late to understand this now, and Qin Luoyi, they have completely opposed each other, either you die, or I live!
Another silver arrow appeared in Chu Yifeng's hand, he aimed gracefully, drew the bow, and then shot.

With a sound of "whoosh", the silver arrow shot towards Xia Zichen's vital point on the back like lightning.

Even though Xia Zichen didn't turn his head, he still felt the cold killing intent behind him, and felt his whole body stand on his head with chills. While running forward quickly, he couldn't help but look back.

This look made him shudder.The silver arrow had already arrived behind him, and with the momentum of a thunderbolt, it broke through his divine rainbow, and it was about to penetrate the jade mansion protection on his body.

Xia Zichen was startled and frightened. His instinct to live made him dodge quickly to the side. After all, he was an eighth-level cultivation base of Yu Mansion. Although he didn't dodge the silver arrow completely, he avoided the vital part of his chest. Cum on his stomach.


Xia Zichen let out a muffled grunt, and fell heavily on the ground. The silver arrow entered his body, and he felt the power in his body stagnate suddenly.

Shan Xuelian, who finally stood up from the ground, had a pale face, endured the severe pain and sneered again and again: "Xia Zichen, you bastard... you run again? Now let me see how you run!" When she spoke, she gritted her teeth and her voice was hoarse , with soaring anger shining in his eyes.

It's all him!
If it wasn't for him, how could I have ended up like this today?

"Shut up!" Xia Zichen glared at her fiercely, and said in a low voice, his eyes were gloomy, and there was no trace of the gentle expression in the past.Then he turned his head to look at Qin Luoyi, and when he saw Qin Luoyi behind him, he was suddenly startled, and then overjoyed, with unconcealable excitement in his voice: "Run, our chance has come."

Shan Xuelian's heart was boiling with anger, but when she heard this and followed his gaze, she couldn't help but gasped.

"Quick! What are you still standing there for?" Xia Zichen shouted in a low voice, his body rose suddenly, and he shot fiercely, grabbed her and ran away.

Qin Luoyi also noticed the strangeness behind her. There was the sound of violent water ripples behind her. Her heart trembled. When she looked back, she happened to see dozens of monsters with different looks coming from the cave she discovered just now. She rushed out in the direction of her, with a fierce light in her eyes, and rushed towards where she and Chu Yifeng were.

It seemed that her guess was right, there was indeed a monster's lair inside, after all, it was too close to the cave, and the movement of the fight was too loud, which alarmed them.

"Let's go!" Chu Yifeng's expression changed, there were too many monsters, and each of them had a very strong aura.

He immediately released the silver flying magic weapon, grabbed Qin Luoyi and jumped up, then quickly rushed towards the sea.

The monster came out from behind them, and it was very close to them at this time, no more than a few thousand meters away.

"We can't let them go." When Qin Luoyi left, he didn't forget to bring the Tsing Yi puppet with him. Standing on the flying magic weapon, he looked at Xia Zichen and Shan Xuelian who were going away in front of him, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Letting them go is tantamount to letting the tiger go back to the mountain.

Without hesitation, she took out the sapphire blue warship, aimed the cannon at them, and prepared to blast them into pieces.

"Don't worry about them, they won't survive." Chu Yifeng looked at her sapphire blue warship, his dark eyes lit up, and a charming smile that captured people's hearts was evoked at the corners of his eyes.Pressing her hand lightly, she said, "The silver arrow has already shot into their bodies, and I can make them fly away at any time."

"That sword...could it be said that the arrow is the legendary Heavenly Heart Arrow?" Qin Luoyi's heart moved, and the phoenix eyes shone with a scorching light, looking at him in surprise.

When she saw the dazzling red longbow like flames just now, she was a little skeptical, but the Heavenly Mind Arrow belongs to Xuantian Continent, how could it be in his hands?

(End of this chapter)

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