Brother is too evil

Chapter 371 There is no most ruthless, only more ruthless

Chapter 371 There is no most ruthless, only more ruthless (2)
Chu Yifeng smiled and nodded.

The Heavenly Heart Arrow, like the Qiankun Clock, is a holy weapon. It was refined by a powerful monk in ancient times from the rare Tianxin Stone in the world.

The Tianxin Stone is very special. The long arrow made of Tianxin Stone is invincible to the monks of the same level. The user is a first-level monk in Xuanfu, so the Tianxin Arrow can break through the protection of the mansion of the ninth-level monk in Xuanfu. And now he is a monk of the Yufu, a monk of the ninth-level peak cultivation of the Yufu, even if the mansion is turned into a protective enclosure, he can break it.

And Qin Luoyi suspected just now, firstly because of the color of the bow and arrow, and secondly because it effortlessly broke through the protective shields condensed by the power of stars on Shan Xuelian and Xia Zichen.

She had heard the elder brother and the second elder brother talk about a lot of things about Xuantian Continent, so she had heard a little about Tianxin Shenjian.But at that time, the two senior brothers said that the Tianxin Shenjian had been missing for many years on Xuantian Continent, and they didn't expect it to fall into Chu Yifeng's hands now.

Chu Yifeng said that Shan Xuelian and the two are dead, it is not an exaggeration at all, because the most powerful thing about Tianxin Arrow is not that it can break through the defense and protection condensed by monks within the same level, but that as soon as it enters the body, it will be shot by Tianxin Arrow. The people in it are like spirit beasts that have formed a soul contract with human beings. With just one thought, they can trigger the arrows of the heavenly heart and make people instantly lose their minds.

Knowing the power of Tianxin's arrow, Qin Luoyi stopped paying attention to the two fleeing people, and focused all his attention on the group of monsters chasing after them.

There are more monsters than before, now there are hundreds of them, all of them are rushing from the direction of the hidden hole, aggressive, with fierce eyes, and there are many monsters chasing after them.

Of course, there were many monsters chasing them, and many went after Shan Xuelian and Xia Zichen, but there were more monsters chasing after them.

Qin Luoyi looked at the endless stream of monsters, and guessed that the cave might be more than just a lair. It might have something to do with the outbreak of monsters. The intelligence of monsters is not inferior to that of humans. Well, they must want to keep that secret lair, that's why they dispatched so many monsters to deal with them.

Chu Yifeng's flying magic weapon is fast. From their point of view, she and Chu Yifeng will definitely be more difficult to deal with than Xia Zichen, so naturally there will be more monsters chasing them.

Qin Luoyi handed Chu Yifeng a [-]th-order divine movement talisman, and asked him to bless it on the flying magic weapon, and soon the speed of the flying magic weapon was more than double that of before.

She took out the Qiankun Clock herself, and as the long bell rang, the monsters chasing behind them slowed down a lot, and many of them were injured by the sound waves of the Qiankun Clock, and their mouths and noses began to bleed.

A thick bloody smell spread in the sea water.

The powerful lethality of the Qiankun Clock made Chu Yifeng laugh, his thin lips curled up, Junyi's face was full of evil, and he couldn't help stretching out his hand to squeeze her face gently. .

Qin Luoyi gave him a sideways look, and slapped his hand away vigorously.Her heartbeat couldn't help but speed up slightly, and there was a glimmer of light in her eyes.

Soon they rushed out of the seabed thousands of meters away, and flew straight into the sky. The moment they rushed into the air, Qin Luoyisu raised his hand, and a bright red flame roared in the air, reaching tens of thousands of meters into the sky , It is extremely dazzling in a piece of blue sky.

This is a communication magic weapon specially made by Master Luo after the two unexpected raids by monsters last time. Because the sea is too wide, a general signal can only be sent out hundreds of miles after it is sent out. A communication instrument that can ascend to an altitude of tens of thousands of meters can be seen by people far away.

Hundreds of monsters have been chasing densely on the surface of the sea, and there are still monsters ups and downs behind. She knows how many monsters are in that cave. She dare not take it lightly, thinking that she and Chu Yifeng will be able to Kill them all.

Shan Xuelian and Xia Zichen also escaped in extreme danger. In addition to the previous arrow wounds, they had new wounds on their bodies, but these wounds were nothing to them, because they rushed out of the sea, at least Qin Luoyi did not dare to be upright kill them all.

Although the Misty Sect is powerful, their Cave Heaven Paradise and Yaochi Wonderland are not weak. If she dares to make a move, there is no guarantee that she will not be seen by others. At that time, she will be condemned by all the monks in the world, and her saliva can drown her.

Seeing Qin Luoyi activate the communication magic weapon, the two of them were even more overjoyed. It won't be long...Tongjin City will have many strong people rushing over. Qin Luoyi is now surrounded by monsters and can't take care of himself. It is simply impossible to pull out your hand to kill them.

The more the two thought about it, the happier they became, and the more they thought about it, the more proud they were, but they were obviously too happy. There were many monsters chasing after them, and there were many monsters with powerful cultivation bases of ninth and tenth ranks. Both of them were seriously injured, and their speed was much slower than usual, and soon monsters caught up with them and surrounded them.

Shan Xuelian's face was pale, and her heart was desperate. She knew that today must be a bad day, and the magic talisman on her body was gone. Just now, all the talismans were used up to block Qin Luoyi and Chu Yifeng, and her cultivation base It's not high, it's only the first level of Yu Mansion, and facing a ninth-level monster alone, she is sure to win, but there are so many monsters, more than when they were attacked last time... I want to defeat them Rushing out is simply whimsical.

Xia Zichen's face also turned livid.

He protected his whole body with the Jade Mansion, and looked at Shan Xuelian with a dark gaze, but his expression was very solemn: "Sister Lian, I have a sword here, which is very powerful. You can use it to kill monsters. I, Yuhong, will use all my strength Break out... as long as we cooperate well, we will be fine today, and we will be able to save the day."

Shan Xuelian's eyes lit up, like a drowning person grabbing a life-saving straw in despair.

Xia Zichen, as the son of Xia Zhongli, the master of Dongtianfudi, should have a life-saving magic weapon in his body, the more he thought about it, the more excited he became, and hurriedly urged: "Then quickly take it out."

A cold light flashed in Xia Zichen's eyes, and with a thought, he quickly took out a long black sword and handed it to Shan Xuelian.

The black long sword looks very old, with a mysterious aura flowing on it, and some strange runes are engraved on the sword, which makes people feel palpitations and uneasiness.

Shan Xuelian couldn't help but take a closer look.

Several monster beasts roared and attacked them, Xia Zichen controlled the Yufu, carefully protected his whole body, and shouted: "Lian'er, why are you still hesitating, cut your fingers quickly and soak the blood on the tip of the sword Go up, and then penetrate the power of the mansion inside, hurry up... If you hesitate any longer, we will all die."

Shan Xuelian was startled, and finally turned around, her expression still a little dazed: "This is your sword, you can use it, I will break through."

(End of this chapter)

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