Brother is too evil

Chapter 372 The Three Men Meet

Chapter 372 The Three Men Meet (1)
Xia Zichen's pupils shrank, and he said with a sneer, "With your first-level cultivation in the Yu Mansion, you are wounded to the core. Can you break through? If you don't cooperate with me well, then I will have to leave by myself." Go get the black longsword.

Shan Xuelian didn't let go of the sword, held it tightly, and glared at him coldly. This man dropped himself twice, and she knew he could do it.

Now the situation is critical, although she thinks this sword is a little strange, with its breathtaking power, she doesn't care about it, anyway, she will die anyway, if she fights hard, she might be able to save her life. If she can't achieve it, she will be backlashed. If she succeeds, she will be seriously injured at worst. However, there are many spiritual plants in Yaochi Wonderland. By then, she will retreat for several years or ten years, and no matter how serious the injury is, she will heal. Now she can break out and save her life. That's the first thing that matters.

Relentless, she took the tip of the sword and wiped it on her finger. The blood quickly soaked into the sword, and the runes on it suddenly came alive after being stained with blood. She injected the power of the mansion again, and the black sword suddenly shone brightly. , the surrounding monsters that were swept by the black light suddenly turned into ashes before they could utter a scream.

Xia Zichen's eyes were bright, and there was a smile on the corner of his lips, but his eyes were indifferent and tight, which made people feel chills for no reason.

Shan Xuelian didn't notice the change in his expression, her cold and proud eyes were full of surprises, she didn't expect that this black magic weapon would be so powerful.

She raised her long sword high and slashed fiercely at the surrounding monsters. In an instant, there were no monsters within a radius of tens of meters around them.

Xia Zichen controlled Shenhong, seized the time and rushed forward quickly.

Qin Luoyi and Chu Yifeng, who were fighting with the monsters, looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn't expect that the two of them would have such a powerful magic weapon.

Chu Yifeng looked around, a cold light flashed in Junyi's eyes, he was looking for the best time to make those two people fly away.


Amidst the roars of many monsters, there was a shrill scream: "What kind of sword is this? Why is it automatically sucking the energy from my body? Hurry up...stop, Xia Zichen, put this sword away!" take away!"

It was Shan Xuelian who screamed. Her eyes widened and she stared at the black long sword in her hand in horror. She wanted to throw it away, but she couldn't. The sword seemed to be stuck to her hand. The color of the mansion has changed from Jade Mansion to Qing Mansion, and her cultivation level has dropped rapidly, but in a short time, she has fallen from Qing Mansion to Xuan Mansion again.

Xia Zichen sneered.

He continued to rush forward.

Such a result was already in his expectation, which is why he could not easily use this sword. The price of activating this sword is too high. Although its lethality is great, it also consumes more power. It will make people's realm plummet.

And there is no special technique, and if blood is dripped on the sword body, all the spiritual power and mansion power in the body will be sucked away by the sword, and it will not rest until death. This is also the final decision he made after seeing the monster. The reason for leaving with Shan Xuelian.

Shan Xuelian looked at Xia Zichen who didn't look back, if he didn't understand, he would really be a fool.

She laughed sternly: "Xia Zichen, how dare you treat me like this, use my life to clear the way for you to break through, I will kill you, even if you die... even a ghost will not let you go!"

As she roared, she took the black sword and slashed at him fiercely.

Hei Jian had long recognized Xia Zichen as the master, and could not cause any harm to Xia Zichen at all. Hearing Shan Xuelian kept yelling that she was harming her, that she was going to kill him, he finally turned his head and looked at her coldly. After one glance, and then a quick tap on her body, Shan Xuelian opened her lips and couldn't move her tongue. She just stood there blankly holding a long sword with a dazzling black light.

Seeing that they were about to get rid of the encirclement of all the monsters, Chu Yifeng suddenly smiled with his lips curled up, his eyes gleaming with evil light. This Xia Zichen did him a big favor.

A monk has already rushed over from a distance.

Seeing that Shan Xuelian's cultivation had already fallen below the Xuanfu, the power in her body was passing away faster. This was not the most terrifying thing, she felt that her vitality was also starting to disappear.

She is going to die.

she knows.

The cold eyes stared at Xia Zichen unwillingly, she just died like this, she really didn't have eyesight!With so many monsters, no one would know that he killed her, and her father would only think that she died at the hands of monsters.

The more he thought about it, the more unwilling he became, his anger was overwhelming, a fishy sweetness welled up his throat, and blood escaped from his lips.

Just when she was extremely sad and angry, the silver arrow shot into her body suddenly moved, and then began to heat up, a powerful force burst out from the silver arrow... She found that her tongue could move.

"Xia Zichen, you wolf-hearted thing, I want to kill you, but you dare to hurt me, I want to kill you!" She couldn't shake off the black long sword, and she screamed hoarsely again, her voice went straight into the sky, and she also I saw many monks rushing in this direction.

Her cultivation base has fallen below the Xuanfu, and there is only spiritual power in her body, and spiritual power can hardly support the power of the black sword, so now her life force is passing faster, Xia Zichen... so cruel, life To use her life to clear a bloody path for him!
She was going to die, but Xia Zichen couldn't even think about it!Even if he escapes, her father will avenge her.

At this time, her hatred for Xia Zichen had surpassed everything else, and killing Qin Luoyi suddenly became less important, so at the last moment of her life, she shouted Xia Zichen's name instead of Qin Luoyi and Chu Yifeng.

Of course, what she didn't know was that it was because she yelled Xia Zichen's name that she could yell a few more words and live a little longer. If she had called Qin Luoyi, Chu Yifeng would have driven her out of her wits long ago.

Xia Zichen's face turned livid, and he naturally didn't miss the monks rushing over. He didn't expect that at the last moment, Shan Xuelian, a stinky woman who was about to die, would actually spoil his good deeds.

Just as he was about to shoot at Shan Xuelian again, his body froze suddenly and shot into his body. From the silver arrow that could not be forced out no matter what, a strange force suddenly shot out, and his body seemed to be no longer under his control. The forward speed slowed down.

Seeing the light of the black long sword in Shan Xuelian's hand gradually dimming, he hissed and roared... and the monsters who had been eyeing around him roared and rushed forward, and the two of them instantly turned into a cloud of blood mist and were swallowed into it. Into the belly of the monster, the black long sword fell heavily from the air and fell into the sea water.

These two people are finally dead!

Qin Luoyi raised his brows with a smile, and couldn't help giving Chu Yifeng a thumbs up. Xia Zichen's way of dying was really relieving.

(End of this chapter)

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