Chapter 376
Headmaster Ge looked solemn, and after a moment of pondering, he summoned many strong men and chased him underwater.

Qin Luoyi followed beside him, Head Ge.

Although Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing were fighting monsters, they had been paying attention to Qin Luoyi. When they saw her dive underwater, they looked at each other and chased after her.

Chu Yifeng paused his hands, pursed his thin lips tightly, and there was a glimmer of light in his dark and deep eyes. As soon as Yufu came out, he smashed the head of a seriously injured monster and chased after him.

Because there were monsters fleeing towards the cave, and Qin Luoyi knew the location, the group quickly chased to the well-hidden entrance of the cave.

Along the way, the monks killed more than a dozen monsters, and after killing several monsters that were going into the cave, the group rushed into the cave.

When Qin Luoyi discovered this cave before, he only used his spiritual sense to explore it, and then Xia Zichen and Shan Xuelian chased after him. Only now did he come in and found that this is actually a natural limestone cave, and the surrounding stone walls are very smooth , the inside is even wider than the hole, and there are some large and small gaps around the hole.

Headmaster Ge and Master Luo walked in the front, looking dignified, looking around as they walked, if thousands of monsters came out from here, then there might be unknown dangers inside.

After walking several thousand meters, the front suddenly became extremely wide. There were several monsters ahead, and beside them were the corpses of many monks, bloody and bloody, with stumps and broken arms everywhere... I saw that they were catching up There were so many monks there, the monster beasts roared, turned around and shot towards the hole in front of them quickly.

Seeing the corpses all over the place, all the monks became furious and chased after them at a faster speed.

The two Tuntianmang who came to the back were chopped into meat by several Zifu monks and took the demon pills. Among the other monsters, there was a nine-winged dragon that could attack with sound waves, and two black turtle monsters. There is also a huge E-monster, they are very fast, but still suffered injuries to varying degrees, but finally escaped, disappeared into a mountain wall and suddenly disappeared.

Everyone chased forward, but there was no road ahead. They were all limestone and soil like the surrounding stone walls, which felt wet and hard, just like real mountain walls.

If everyone hadn't seen them disappear suddenly from here, they might be deceived by it, thinking that this is a real mountain wall... But everyone knows that this is an illusion.

Master Ge and Master Luo are both masters of formations. Besides the two of them, there are a few other monks who understand formations. It took a while for them to break through the formations together.Once the phantom formation was broken, the space in front of me suddenly opened up, and the space inside was very huge, with a rough estimate, it was nearly a thousand feet wide.

Inside the phantom formation, there were hundreds of monsters. When they saw them coming in, their eyes showed disbelief, and then they roared loudly and charged towards them.

Master Ge and the others didn't expect there to be so many monsters here, so they didn't dare to take it lightly, released the magic weapon mansion, and went up to meet it.

The ground was shaken by this battle.

As soon as the battle started, Qin Luoyi discovered that the monsters here were all of high rank, all of them were of the eleventh or second rank, and even the thirteenth rank!

In the sea, the thirteenth-level monsters are very powerful, and they can dominate the sea for hundreds of thousands of miles.

In an instant, dozens of monks died, all of whom were from the Qing Mansion with a slightly lower cultivation base. Gradually, several monks from the Yu Mansion also fell, all torn to pieces by powerful monsters. Another cultivator from the Zifu was also murdered, and countless monks were injured.

However, the cultivation base of the monsters is not weak, and the cultivation base of the monks who came in is not weak. Some monks perish, and more monsters perish.

Feng Feili was fighting with an eleventh-order monster. While attacking the monster with the Jade Mansion, he took out the three-story black Nirvana Pagoda on his body. The pagoda rotated rapidly, and then a dazzling white light shot out from the tower. It shines on the body of the monster, intending to suck the monster into the pagoda and melt it away.Even in a fierce battle, he looked graceful, elegant and monstrous, but within a short time, he suppressed the monsters he was fighting with forcefully.

Duanmu Changqing's handsome face was cold and cold, exuding an awe-inspiring domineering aura all over his body. He was fighting against a huge black tortoise. His jade mansion turned into a sharp sword, and he slammed fiercely at the black tortoise. Attack away.

The yin-yang mirror grew several times bigger and blocked him. The black turtle body was about to fall into a world composed of two forces of extreme yin and extreme yang, and it was difficult to break free... It let out a roar, and its eyes widened in horror .

A moment later, the mysterious turtle monster was suppressed by Duanmu Changqing forcefully, and the demon pill was also taken into his hands.

Chu Yifeng stood in the distance, holding the arrow of Tianxin in his hand, and shot at a unicorn monster of the twelfth rank, and the two arrows took the life of the monster... He didn't stop, and continued to shoot at the monster. Herd attack.

Headmaster Ge, Master Luo, and Shan Hong and nearly ten people have the highest cultivation. They fought with the thirteenth-order monsters in the monster group, and the battle was extremely fierce.

The cultivation base of the thirteenth-level monster is too strong. Not long after the battle, even Master Luo suffered some minor injuries, let alone the others.

Chu Yifeng has already killed several twelfth-order monsters in a row. When he killed a huge monster Peng with the Tianxin arrow and was about to get the monster pill, a monster that was fighting with Luo Shizu and others The huge Yaopeng beast suddenly went berserk, roared, threw off the person fighting with him, and rushed towards Chu Yifeng.

Originally it was fighting with Yan Gui and Elder Liu of the Piaomiao Sect. After the monster rushed out, they were about to join forces to stop it. The giant E monster that was fighting with Shan Hong and an elder from Yaochi Wonderland suddenly With a roar, the quick fight made it impossible for them to escape smoothly. It was a little difficult to fight four against one, and just about to lose, a twelfth-level monster rushed over to help.

Shan Hong's eyes flickered, he glanced at Chu Yifeng from the corner of his eye, and then his eyes fell on the Tianxin arrow in his hand, a deep glint flashed in his eyes, and he shouted anxiously: "Mr. , be careful!"

The two monsters fighting with Master Ge and Luo Zu are also thirteenth-order monsters, and obviously they are the most powerful among the thirteenth-order monsters. Seeing that Chu Yifeng is in danger, the two rushed In the past, I wanted to save him.

However, all the monsters seem to have a tacit understanding. They hate the powerful longbow in Chu Yifeng's hand, and many monsters came down from the sea. They know that many of their companions died in this place today. In the hands of human monks.

They didn't allow anyone to save him.

In an instant, the roar shook the sky, not only the powerful monsters of the thirteenth rank were intercepting the demons, but also the monsters of the twelfth ranks made concerted efforts to entangle the monks, and even tried to stop them at the cost of serious injuries. .

(End of this chapter)

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