Chapter 377
They were all afraid of the Tianxin arrow on Chu Yifeng, and decided to destroy this human being first no matter what the price was.

Because Chu Yifeng was attacking with a bow and arrow, in order not to be attacked from behind by the monster when he was attacking the monster, he leaned against the stone wall behind him, and stood in a relatively safe position in the corner. The beast attacked itself, its perfect thin lips tightened, picked up the Tianxin arrow again, and shot it out.

"Humans, how dare you kill me...Go to hell!" The thirteenth-order Yaopeng beast roared angrily, watching the long silver arrow shoot in front of it, it waved its claws and slapped the silver arrow fiercely. The shot flew out, and all shot into the stone wall beside it.

"Be careful!" Qin Luoyi's face changed drastically, he threw down the nine-winged demon dragon he was fighting with, and rushed towards Chu Yifeng.

The nine-winged demon dragon naturally refused, and wanted to catch up to stop her, but the Tsing Yi puppet didn't give it this chance, and killed a black turtle that was fighting with him, and swung its fist heavily at the nine-winged demon dragon.

Looking at the thirteenth-order monster roaring towards him, Chu Yifeng's eyes became extraordinarily dark, and he couldn't help but curse in a low voice.

His cultivation base is too low, the Heavenly Heart Arrow is useless against this monster!If he is a cultivator of the Zifu, he will not be afraid of it at all.It's a pity that he is not a cultivator of the Zifu at this time, if he is really thrown on him by this monster, his life will be ruined.

After shooting an arrow that didn't work, he didn't try any more, turned around quickly and rushed towards the direction he came from.

The thirteenth-order Yaopeng beast roared and followed behind him. Although Chu Yifeng was fast, the thirteenth-order monster was no better than others. It was the existence that could fight against the top monks of the Zifu... In the blink of an eye, it was caught by the Yaopeng. The beast got close.

Qin Luoyi was extremely anxious.

She knew that at this time, she could not rely on others to save Chu Yifeng. All the people, especially the cultivators of Zifu, were entangled by powerful monsters of the twelfth and third ranks. Don't dare to rush over to face the monsters of the thirteenth rank, that's simply impatient to live - looking for death!
Seeing that Chu Yifeng was in danger, she quickly took out the sapphire blue warship, intending to use the sapphire blue warship to bombard the Yaopeng beast.

Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing's expressions also changed. It was a monster of the thirteenth rank. They didn't expect that Qin Luoyi would chase after it without hesitation. The two were worried and quickly chased after it. .

Sect Leader Ge's face turned livid. This time they miscalculated. They knew that before they came in, they should have blasted some of these monsters to death with warships.The dark eyes couldn't help but glared at Shan Hong. When he came in just now, he was the first to rush in with people.

Shan Hong smiled wryly, with regret in his eyes.

He didn't know that among these hundreds of monsters, there were actually five thirteenth-level monsters. He only saw three thirteenth-level monsters on the sea just now, and they had all killed them.

"Don't worry about them, Luoyi has a warship in hand, even if they can't win, they can save their lives." Master Luo whispered to Sect Master Ge.

What's more, Qin Luoyi also has such a perverted bracelet, but what he really doesn't understand is, what is the relationship between Qin Luoyi and that Chu Yifeng who suddenly came to Penglai Xiandao, and why would he even connect with a thirteenth-order monster for it? Dare to chase and kill.

Sect Leader Ge also knew that Qin Luoyi had a lot of things to protect his life, and the three disciples should be fine, but he still couldn't help worrying... After all, the three of them are only cultivated in Yufu.

The attacks of his subordinates became more fierce and powerful, with a sharp cold light bursting out from his eyes, and the terrifying purple light on the Purple Mansion was dazzling, turning into a giant tiger, and attacking the thirteenth-order mysterious turtle with its mouth wide open.He was still worried about Qin Luoyi and the others, and wanted to make a quick decision before chasing and killing the Yaopeng beast.

Qin Luoyi was very fast, catching up quickly while attacking non-stop with sapphire blue warships.

And in order to catch up to the Yaopeng beast in front, they also used the magic movement talisman to bless the sapphire blue warship, making it faster. Although Duanmu Changqing and Feng Feili also used the magic movement talisman, they failed to catch her up , The anxiety on their faces was hard to hide.

Qin Luoyi was even more anxious.

She saw that the monster was getting closer to Chu Yifeng, only a hundred meters away, and Chu Yifeng was extremely dangerous now... biting her red lips, her phoenix eyes were full of evil spirits, with madness and spiritual power He desperately kept bombarding the Yaopeng beast in front of him.

However, the monster's body is too strong, and her continuous bombardment did not cause it to be seriously injured, but only slightly injured. The monster was disturbed by her persistent attack, and turned its head back fiercely. He glared at her, but his movements did not slow down, and he decided to hunt down Chu Yifeng first to avenge his son.


After chasing hundreds of meters out of the hole, the Yaopeng beast finally caught up with Chu Yifeng, opened its bloody mouth, and swallowed him in one gulp.

Qin Luoyi's eyes widened, and he looked at that scene in disbelief. His internal organs ached like tears, and he sat in the battleship blankly and recorded his reaction. He just looked forward, and tears rolled down from the corners of his eyes, seeping into his eyes. into the mouth.

Chu Yifeng...

he died!
He was devoured alive by the monster.

Right in front of her!

The bits and pieces of being with him over the years, scenes and scenes were displayed in her mind, and quickly dissipated one by one, just like the flower in the mirror, the moon in the water... Hehe, from now on, she will never see him again.

Never to be seen again.

His heart seemed to be gouged out with a knife, he was so angry that his heart was burned, and with a sneer, he spat out a mouthful of blood.


"Yi'er, what's wrong with you?"

Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing finally caught up, jumped into the sapphire blue battleship quickly, and saw Qin Luoyi's two lines of tears falling from the corners of his eyes, the corners of his lips were dazzlingly red with blood, and there were countless plum blossoms a few meters ahead of him. The blood was scattered, with a look of grief...the two of them were stunned at the same time.

They also saw the scene of Chu Yifeng being swallowed... Both of them couldn't help but tighten their lips.

She didn't expect Chu Yifeng's death to make her so sad.

"I'm going to kill you!" Suddenly Qin Luoyi murmured, and then stopped sitting in a daze, like a madman, controlling the sapphire blue warship to keep turning back, looking at Her Yao Peng shot wildly.

Her firing speed was very fast, and a steady stream of spiritual energy shells fell on the thirteenth-order Yaopeng beast. In the blink of an eye, several spars were exhausted.

The thirteenth-order Yaopeng beast went crazy.

Although it had rough skin and thick flesh, it was still injured by such a crazy attack. It roared and rushed towards Qin Luoyi, trying to tear her into pieces to vent its hatred.

Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing took a deep look at Qin Luoyi, clenched their hands hanging by their sides into fists, and then both turned their heads expressionlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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