Chapter 387
They didn't leave until dusk.

Ji Xuan and Rong Yunhe invited them to go to Xianhe Tower to eat something together, and they didn't leave until very late.

Chu Yifeng, who was dressed in green, stood in the distance, with his hands behind his back, his handsome face showed an unusual paleness, and he looked in the direction of the small gray tile courtyard with no expression on his face.

He didn't know how he got here.

When I looked at the familiar small courtyard, I suddenly realized that I had come here unknowingly.

There was no one in the house.

There was no familiar figure.

He has been standing here for nearly two hours without even moving his feet.

The sun was setting, the bright moon was rising, and in the thick night, three figures finally came in the distance. They walked slowly without Yuhong, just walking slowly.

Wearing a black brocade robe is Duanmu Changqing.

Feng Feili was dressed in white.

A cold and domineering.

An evildoer is elegant.

Both of them are extremely graceful, the proud sons of the sky, even if you look at them from a distance, you can occasionally catch the gentleness on their faces from time to time.

The three of them walked side by side, with Qin Luoyi walking in the middle, she was wearing an apricot-colored dress covered with tulle.

They talked while walking, not knowing what Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing said, which made Qin Luoyi frowned slightly, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

Chu Yifeng's dark and deep eyes fixed on her.Moonlight mixed with starlight dimly sprinkled on her body, and that delicate and beautiful face carved like a crystal appeared even more charming and alluring amidst the halo of light.

She looked exactly the same as she did a few days ago.


The blood in Chu Yifeng's heart was rolling again, and a fishy sweetness rushed to his throat. He raised his hand and covered his lips with a handkerchief, and coughed lightly, a smear of bright red rhyme dyed on the snow-white silk handkerchief.

Chu Yifeng didn't even look at it, and threw away the silk handkerchief, his dark eyes still fixed on the apricot figure.

The three entered the courtyard.

He stood opposite the small courtyard and could see everything in the courtyard clearly.

The room lit up, Feng Xili took out a fresh flame fruit with a bright red head, washed it, cut it open, then cut it into small pieces, put it on a plate and brought it in front of Qin Luoyi.

Duanmu Changqing brewed spiritual tea and handed it to Qin Luoyi.

Feng Feili picked up a piece of flame fruit and handed it to her lips, Qin Luoyi took his hand and took a bite.

Chu Yifeng's expression became distorted, and fire seemed to spew out from his eyes.

When he saw Feng Feili enter another room, but Duanmu Changqing entered the inner room with Qin Luoyi in his arms, Chu Yifeng let out a muffled snort, and blood escaped from the corner of his lips again.

He closed his eyes tightly, his chest heaving violently.The last illusion in my heart was completely shattered.

He became a partner of dual cultivation with two senior brothers, and it turned out that what she said was true... When he opened his eyes again, the light in the house under the mountain had gone out.

Chu Yifeng's expression became numb. After a long time, he turned around abruptly and ran away.After he left, Feng Feili's figure appeared in the place where he stayed just now, looking at the direction he left with cold peach eyes, and snorted coldly.

His gaze immediately fell on the Juanpa on the ground, where the dark red blood stain covered the faintly written word Chu.With a wave of his finger, a flame shot out, and the Juanpa was suddenly reduced to ashes.

Rong Yunhe's house is very big.

The pattern of three entrances and three exits, pavilions, small bridges and flowing water, everything is complete, and it is divided into many independent courtyards.

Chu Yifeng lived alone in a very elegant courtyard - the lotus courtyard. Apart from him, there were only Gong Li and several Zifu monks in the lotus courtyard.

The others who came to Tongjin City with him lived in the two courtyards next door.

The reason why the lotus courtyard is called the lotus courtyard, as the name suggests, is naturally related to the lotus. In the lotus courtyard, there is a river pond tens of feet wide, which is full of lotus flowers.

At this time is the time when the lotus is in full bloom, white and pink, against the backdrop of the green lotus leaves, it is very beautiful, and the breeze blows, and there is a burst of elegant fragrance.

Gong Li stood on the edge of the pond anxiously, the beautiful scenery in the pond did not arouse his interest at all.

Beside him stood three Zifu monks, and their expressions were not good-looking.

A white figure fell from the sky.

"Your Highness, you are finally back." Gong Li hastily greeted her.

Chu Yifeng looked a little pale, his handsome face was expressionless, but his eyes were frighteningly cold and sharp.

"Your Highness, you have injured the root of the wound with one qi transformation and three cleansing, and you should retreat to heal your wounds." The three Zifu monks looked at him, their brows furrowed deeper, and they couldn't hide their worries.

Although he managed to evolve into three cleanses with one qi, and escaped a catastrophe, his body was also badly eaten back... Also, it seemed that he was almost healed two days ago, why did he suddenly repeat it so badly? ?
The three looked at each other.

"I'm fine, don't worry." Chu Yifeng waved his hand, signaling them to go back early, then turned around and went into the house.

How could everyone not worry about him like that.One of the middle-aged men in Tsing Yi frowned and asked Gong Li, "What happened, Your Highness?" With such an injury, he ran out all day long without retreating... How can that be done!
Gong Li shook her head depressedly, and said in a low voice: "I don't know either." But there was a look of anger in her eyes.

His Highness left the customs three days ago, after he left the customs, he didn't want to follow him, and went out alone.He guessed that His Highness was looking for Qin Luoyi, but he didn't care.

Some time ago, His Highness didn't even come back all night. He secretly followed him once, and found that His Highness squatted on a tree every night, which made him very angry.

Three days ago, His Highness went to see Qin Luoyi, and it was like this after he came back... It must be that woman made some kind of coquettish moth to torment His Highness.

He couldn't figure it out, the master came to him after all kinds of hardships, and liked her so much that no woman was looked down upon, what was she dissatisfied with, insisting on torturing his master like this?
He even asked the master to squat on the tree every day.Every time he thought about it, he felt depressed and angry.

Now he only regrets the day the master left the customs, why didn't he follow, otherwise it wouldn't be like this now, I don't know what happened to make His Highness so out of control, all three souls and seven souls seem to be lost average.

"Damn Qin Luoyi." Looking at the darkness of the room where His Highness lived, he finally couldn't help but cursed in a low voice, turned around and was about to rush out of the courtyard, he wanted to ask the woman for clarification.

(End of this chapter)

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