Brother is too evil

Chapter 388 Out of Control, Obsessed

Chapter 388 Out of Control, Obsessed (1)
"Gong Li!"

A cold voice suddenly came from the room, and Gong Li's figure, who had rushed halfway, suddenly froze, and hurriedly shot towards the room, standing in front of him respectfully.

"Where are you going?" Chu Yifeng looked at him coldly, his face was pale, but there was fierce domineering in his dark eyes.

"Your Highness..." Gong Li was furious, but he was shocked by his gaze, and dared not say anything if he wanted to find Qin Luoyi.

"Go back to your room." Chu Yifeng looked at him for a moment, then spoke again, his voice was cold and indifferent, and his eyes moved out of the window.

"Your Highness, please retreat. If you don't retreat, Senior Nan and the others all said that it will be very troublesome in the future." Seeing Chu Yifeng reclined on the soft couch, with no intention of retreat at all, Gong Li persuaded.

"Get out." Chu Yifeng didn't turn his head, but there was a violent storm in his indifferent and calm voice.

Gong Li, who knew him very well, knew that he was on the verge of breaking out, so she didn't dare to persuade him anymore, so she had to retreat.

Chu Yifeng looked out the window and stayed up all night.

Nearly ten days have passed since the last tide of monsters. These days, there are very few monsters in the 20-mile sea area, and even if there are any, they will be strangled immediately by the monks.

Compared with the previous few days, there were a lot less things going on at the alliance headquarters. At noon, Qin Luoyi had nothing to do. After talking with some familiar monks for a while, the two senior brothers were still busy, so she left first. .

Back in the small courtyard, sitting on the stool in the courtyard, seeing the place where Chu Yifeng had sat, couldn't help but think of the way he was so anxious and angry that day he vomited blood. sad.

Chu Yifeng... I don't know how he is doing now.Slightly turned around and looked ahead, on the hill directly opposite the small courtyard, there were dense and lush forests.

The rainbow suddenly appeared on her body, and she swept up the mountain in the blink of an eye. She knew that Chu Yifeng had been here last night, and he still stood here for a long time, but in the end he left.

At the place where Chu Yifeng once stood, Qin Luoyi stood for a long time, even though several hours had passed, there still seemed to be a familiar aura floating in the air.

Her heartbeat accelerated slightly, she took two deep breaths, and then Yu Hong walked towards the place where the fourth senior brother lived.

It's not the first time she has come to Fourth Senior Brother's house, and she also knows that Chu Yifeng lives in the lotus courtyard.Even the two courtyards next to the lotus courtyard are occupied by his people.

The lotus courtyard is located in the quietest part of the house. Strictly speaking, it is actually the back garden of the house. Behind it is a dark red wall. Outside the wall is a long and deep alleyway, which stands across the alley from the lotus courtyard. It is also a very large mansion.

On both sides of the alleyway, many camphor trees were planted. Qin Luoyi controlled Shenhong and directly landed on the tallest and largest tree among them.

The lotus pond of the house in the small courtyard can be seen in the bottom of her eyes, her eyes glanced over the blooming lotus and landed on one of the houses.

There was an unusually familiar aura fluctuating there, the aura belonging to Chu Yifeng, she knew he lived in that room, and he was in it now.

And at the moment when she jumped onto the camphor tree, Chu Yifeng, who was leaning on the soft couch with an indifferent expression, suddenly froze, and a bright light shone in his black eyes.

He moved his body slightly, looked towards the window, and easily saw the white figure on the tree.


Chu Yifeng couldn't help murmuring softly, a touch of excitement appeared on his much thinner face, and he wanted to stand up, but the scene of Duanmu Changqing hugging her into the house last night suddenly appeared in front of his eyes... His heart froze, and he stood up Half of the body sat down again slumped.

Qin Luoyi didn't hide his aura, even Gong Li, who hadn't cultivated out of the mansion, noticed her coming.

A strange look appeared on his face.

Over the years, whether it was the Shenglong Continent or the Penglai Immortal Island, His Royal Highness always took the initiative to find her... This was the first time he saw that woman come to His Highness on her own initiative.

What made him even more incredible was the attitude of His Highness the Crown Prince. Seeing that she was outside now, His Highness the Crown Prince actually stayed in the room, ignoring her... Thinking of His Highness's abnormalities these two days, the palace Li frowned involuntarily.

After nearly half an hour, the white figure on the tree disappeared, and Chu Yifeng walked to the window, coughing violently.

Gong Li's heart tightened, and she hurriedly jumped in.Just in time to see a ray of flames emanating from Chu Yifeng's hand, turning the bloody hand into ashes.

"Your Highness!" Gong Li was in a hurry, he didn't expect His Highness's injury to be so serious that he vomited blood: "Please retreat and heal immediately."

Chu Yifeng remained silent, staring out the window with dark and deep eyes.

It's not that he doesn't want to retreat, but he knows that retreating in his current state will be very dangerous, and he is the most prone to madness.

At the same time the next day, Qin Luoyi came to the camphor tree again, stayed for half an hour, and left again without seeing Chu Yifeng come out.

She knew that Chu Yifeng was in the house, and she must have known that she was coming, because she did not hide her aura at all.

On the third day, when Qin Luoyi, who still hadn't seen Chu Yifeng, jumped down from the tree, a self-deprecating smile curled up on the corner of his lips.

What is she still looking forward to?
Although he came to his neighborhood that night, he still didn't show up in the end, didn't he?Just because of that, it actually made her feel a bit of extravagant hope.

She's been here for three days, but he hasn't shown up. He doesn't even want to come and stand by the window. He doesn't want to meet her face to face at all... What does this mean? It's already very clear, isn't it?

Before leaving, Qin Luoyi looked back at the room again, with a trace of determination in his phoenix eyes, and then turned around resolutely.


Chu Yifeng, who had been holding back his cough all this time, coughed violently after she left, with blood gushing from the corners of his lips, and his fists clenched tightly. Thinking of Qin Luoyi's look just before he left, his eyes widened. There was a sudden flash of panic at the bottom.

For three consecutive days, Qin Luoyi went to Chu Yifeng's place. Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing knew it well, but they didn't realize it.

On the fourth day, Qin Luoyi didn't go again.

Both of them secretly breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"Chu Yifeng...he really gave up?" Duanmu Changqing whispered, Chu Yifeng came nearby that night, and he also noticed it, but it was only a day, and he never came again.

"It should be." Feng Feili narrowed his peach blossom eyes slightly, and a wicked smile appeared on his handsome face. Compared with before, he was in a much better mood: "You are indeed right, he is the prince of a country. Growing up in Shenglong Continent where men are respected, it is impossible to accept that Yi'er has us by his side."

(End of this chapter)

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