Brother is too evil

Chapter 389 Out of Control, Obsessed

Chapter 389 Out of Control, Obsessed (2)
In the Xuantian Continent, the strong are respected. As long as women have the ability, they can also dominate men. While still in the Shenglong Continent, it has only been five years at most in the Xuantian Continent. Some concepts have already been deeply ingrained, and it is impossible to change them.

Just like him and Duanmu Changqing, who have lived for more than 100 years, never dreamed that they would fall in love with the same woman one day, and in order to be with her, they were willing to take a step back, just to stay by her side .

"I hope so." A sharp light flashed in Duanmu Changqing's dark eyes.Chu Yifeng was able to give up on his own initiative, which saved them a lot of trouble.He had always felt in his heart that Yi'er might like himself and senior brother, but in the end he would choose to double cultivate with the two of them, a large part of which was because of the Hunyuan Dzi.

That's all before, whether it's because she likes them or because of Hunyuan Tianzhu, as long as they are together, he will have plenty of time for her to really like him in the future, but it's different when Chu Yifeng appears. I realized that Yi'er's feelings for Chu Yifeng should be very deep.

Telling Yi'er that they are willing to accept Chu Yifeng is a huge bet, and the bet is that Chu Yifeng cannot accept such a reality.

If they object, given Yi'er's feelings for Chu Yifeng, neither he nor his senior brother can guarantee that Yi'er will choose them in the end...and such a result is not something they can bear.

Chu Yifeng didn't see Qin Luoyi come again until it was dark. He stood alone in front of the window for several hours. In the next few days, whenever Qin Luoyi appeared, he couldn't help but ask Xiang Xiang Looking from the camphor tree, it was just that the familiar figure no longer appeared on that tree.

The spiritual power in the body began to faintly feel uncontrollable. The last retreat, the injury he suffered due to the forced use of the unskilled one-qi transformation and three-purity backlash, did not heal very well. After these days of delay, the injury became more serious.

He knew that he should retreat, and if he didn't retreat, his body would suffer serious problems.

Gong Li was overjoyed to see him recuperate and heal his wounds.

Nan Zheng and the other three Zifu monks were not very optimistic. They felt that Chu Yifeng's mood was a bit wrong during this time. Because of this, although they were always worried about him, they did not persuade him very much. During the healing period, the three of them took turns guarding the house.

The first two days were uneventful.

Everyone was relieved for a while. On the afternoon of the third day, Chu Yifeng, who was practicing, suddenly turned extremely pale. He opened his eyes suddenly, spat out a mouthful of blood, and then fell straight down and passed out. .

"No, I'm really crazy!" Du Zhiliang, a cultivator of Zifu who was guarding the house, changed his expression, stood up abruptly and rushed over, quickly sacrificed the Zifu in his body to protect Chu Yifeng's heart .

"How could this happen?" Gong Li's eyes widened in shock, her fists clenched, and she stood there dumbfounded.

"Quickly, go and call Mr. Nan Zheng and the others over." Du Zhiliang didn't dare to move his hands away from Chu Yifeng's body, and turned around to shout at Gong Li.

Only then did Gong Li come to her senses, suppressed the panic in her heart, and rushed out.

Soon, Nan Zheng and Liu Yuan, another cultivator from the Zifu, rushed in, and when they saw Chu Yifeng lying on the cultivation jade platform, their expressions changed drastically.

"Damn it, his insanity made his injuries worse!"

"The spiritual power in the body is completely out of control, we must protect the heart veins, hurry up, let's do it together."

"It doesn't work to protect the heart meridian, the Yufu is all scattered, and the vast spiritual power can't flow in the meridian, sooner or later he will explode and die!"

"Let's work together, force all the spiritual power into the dantian, and gather the mansion for him, hurry up!"

The spiritual power in Chu Yifeng's body ran uncontrollably, and the skin on his face and body was no longer as pale as before, but had become as red as blood, and his blood vessels swelled, as if they were about to swell and burst.

Gong Li, who stood beside him anxiously, couldn't help him at all, his chest was heaving violently, and his eyes bloodshot from Jiao Pao's worry fixed his eyes on Chu Yifeng, who was surrounded by Mr. Nan Zheng and the three of them.

After a while, under the joint rescue of the three Zifu monks, the blood red color on Chu Yifeng's skin gradually faded, and the previous paleness was restored, but his consciousness was not clear, and he was still in a coma.

"Your Highness... is he alright?" Gong Li asked, her voice was hoarse and there was a trace of obvious tremor.

In order to forcibly condense the scattered mansions in Chu Yifeng's body, the three Zifu monks were all sweating profusely, as if they had fought a big battle, and their faces were a little pale.

"It's just that it's okay for the time being." Nan Zheng looked very dignified, looking at Chu Yifeng who was unconscious on the jade: "The injury of this gasification Sanqing is no worse than others. If you suffer from other injuries, just take the healing pill and don't need to luck Gong can also be restored, but it’s different when one breath transforms the three cleans. When repairing, it’s equivalent to cultivating. The mood is unstable, and it’s easy to go crazy. I think His Highness’s situation these days is very wrong... The most feared thing is that he goes crazy , I didn’t expect... Hey, I’m really afraid of something. We can only temporarily control the out-of-control spiritual power in his body and help him condense the mansion, but it’s only temporary. The rioting spiritual power in the body will take another three days at most before the mansion will disperse again, and even if we make a move at that time... we will not be able to control it!"

His body was already backlashed by the method of turning one qi into three cleanses, and his injuries were so serious that he hadn't healed at all. Can't save him.

"Then what should I do to completely control it?" Gong Li clenched her fists and said in a suppressed voice.

"Nirvana Pill, the twelfth-order pill, is needed!" Du Zhiliang said in a deep voice, his eyes, which used to be full of energy, now looked very gloomy.

I didn't expect that something like this would happen when I came to Penglai Xiandao this time, and I placed great hopes on him and Qin Tian... the old Patriarch.

Even the Immortal Liquid of Facing Sui Yi Jing, which can change the cultivation aptitude and may not be obtained for tens of thousands of years, was given to him, even for his grandson Qin Mo, it was nothing more than that.

"The twelfth-order pill...can't the others work?" Hearing Du Zhiliang's words, Gong Li's heart instantly turned cold, as if she had fallen into a thousand-year ice cellar.

The twelfth-order elixir, that is a elixir that requires countless treasures from heaven and earth to refine.

He knew that His Highness didn't have any twelfth-order pills on him now.The three seniors didn't take out the Nirvana Pill, and it was obviously gone.

As far as he knew, there was no alchemist on Penglai Xiandao who could refine twelfth-rank elixirs, and the highest-rank elixir they sold was only tenth-rank, and there were occasional eleventh- and second-rank elixirs. That was also obtained from Xuantian Continent.

(End of this chapter)

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