Brother is too evil

Chapter 390: Fame Moves the World

Chapter 390: Fame Moves the World (1)
There are only three days, where can I get a twelfth-order Nirvana Pill in three days!

"Go back to the Holy Dragon Continent, let's go back to the Holy Dragon Continent immediately." Gong Li gritted his teeth and said, returning to the Holy Dragon Continent, back to the Qin family, maybe His Highness still has a chance.

"Sacred Dragon Continent naturally has to go back." Gong Li knew that Penglai Xiandao did not have twelfth-order pills, and Nan Zheng and the others had lived for thousands of years, so they understood more clearly.

"It's definitely not possible to take a flying magic weapon. The time has been delayed for too long. It will take at least a month to go back to Qin's house. We have to borrow a white jade platform." Nan Zheng said solemnly.With the Baiyu Terrace, one can rush back to Xuantian Continent in one day.

It's just that the Qin family may be able to get together the spiritual plants that refine the twelfth-level Nirvana Pill in a day or two, will take time to refine the alchemy to the twelfth-level alchemist, and I don't know. It's too late in time.

"Sect Master Ge of the Piao Miao Sect has the White Jade Terrace on him. Let's go to Master Ge and the others to discuss it. There is also Yan Gui from the Moon Reaching Pavilion, and Shan Hong from the Yaochi Fairyland also has the White Jade Terrace on him. Unfortunately, he is not in Tongjin City. But The head of the Taihao Sect should also have..."

The news that Shan Hong's daughter in Yaochi fairyland was killed by Xia Zichen, the son of the head of Dongtianfudi, had already spread throughout Tongjin City, so they naturally knew about it.

"Now is the time when the tide of monsters breaks out. I'm afraid it's not easy to borrow the Baiyu Terrace." Nan Zheng said solemnly. At the critical moment when the tide of monsters breaks out, Baiyu Terrace can save lives.

"As long as he is willing to borrow it, no matter what price he pays." Gong Li clenched his fists tightly. He also knew that it was unrealistic to go back to Xuantian Continent with a flying magic weapon, and His Highness didn't have so much time to delay.

"It's fine if it's a normal day, but at this time... I'm afraid they won't be willing to borrow if we ask them to ask for it." Now is an extraordinary time, although the large-scale wave of monsters has not appeared for ten days, but Every time a wave of monsters attacks, it happens very suddenly, and it may not be in Tongjin City, but in the sea area of ​​Dongtianfudi, if a wave of monsters really breaks out, a few white jade platforms can kill dozens of the most powerful strongmen. Or quickly sent over.

"No matter what, we have to try." Du Zhiliang looked at the ignorant Chu Yifeng and sighed heavily.

The three Zifu monks left quickly, and went to find Yan Nantian, the head of Ge, and Ning Qingyu, the head of Taihao Sect, about borrowing the Baiyu Terrace.

Gong Li stood in front of Chu Yifeng's body every step of the way, looking anxious and angry.

Knowing that His Highness is like this, he must have nothing to do with Qin Luoyi, and secretly swore in his heart that if something happened to His Highness, he would definitely let Qin Luoyi be buried with him.

When Rong Yunhe heard that something happened to Chu Yifeng, he hurried over from the Qingshui Building where he lived. Looking at Chu Yifeng who was pale and lying motionless, he could not hide his worry and anxiety.

After asking what was going on, he stumbled and said sadly, "If it's anything else, that's all. Twelfth-rank pill, where can I find it for him."

Ji Xuan also came over.

After all, Chu Yifeng led people to save Rong Yunhe's life, and we lived together again during this period, so we got along very well. It's a pity to see him like this.

The jade platform... Only the master has it, not even the master ancestor. The jade platform that crosses the void made of special materials is too rare, and the Piaomiao sect is just like that, and it is passed down from generation to generation by the head of the sect Every generation that comes down is in the hands of the master.

At dawn, they went to the alliance headquarters, and talked about Chu Yifeng's obsession with two senior brothers, Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing's expressions changed drastically.

"He went crazy... Do you think this is true or not?" Duanmu Changqing said to Feng Feili, who was also grim, with a sullen face when no one was around.

Both of them knew that Chu Yifeng had injuries on his body, and they were injured when he forcibly used one qi to transform the three cleanses during the last battle against monsters.

"It should be true." Feng Feili said, Feng Feili knew better than Duanmu Changqing about the transformation of the Three Purities in One Qi, and this was naturally because of Qin Mo's relationship.

The two were silent for a long time.

Chu Yifeng's people were in a hurry to find Bai Yutai and wanted to take him back to Xuantian Continent. That was because they didn't know that Qin Luoyi could refine twelfth-order elixir, and it was also a top-grade twelfth-order elixir.

And if Yi'er knew about Chu Yifeng, he would definitely save him.

"Should I tell her?" Feng Feili squinted slightly, looking in the direction where Qin Luoyi was, and murmured softly.Qin Luoyi did not come to the alliance headquarters with them today.

When Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing returned to the small courtyard in the suburbs, Qin Luoyi was standing in the courtyard, holding a flower pot, leaning slightly to water the flowers and trees in the courtyard.

On the slender and graceful body, there is a white brocade long skirt, revealing a graceful neck and clearly visible collarbone. The spirit of ice and snow is clear, the black hair is mixed into a bun at the back of the head, and a lavender hairpin is inserted obliquely, which looks casual but elegant. There was an unmistakable silence.

Seeing the two senior brothers who came back suddenly, Qin Luoyi raised his brows in surprise, quickly retracted the silence in his eyes, looked at them with a slight tilt of his head and smiled and said, "Is it over so quickly today?"

It was only half an hour before they went out.

Duanmu Changqing and Feng Feili looked at each other, and a dark color flashed across their eyes quickly.Duanmu Changqing stared at her fair and bright pretty face, then he calmed down and told her the news of Chu Yifeng's accident.


The flower pot in Qin Luoyi's hand fell to the ground suddenly, the smile on his face disappeared, and the shock and panic in his phoenix eyes could not be concealed.

"Desperation? How could this happen!" A sharp pain started in my heart, and then spread quickly, from the heart to all the limbs.

Going crazy... What a monk fears the most when he is cultivating is going crazy. If one is not careful, the mansion will disperse, and all the spiritual power and blood will flow back. If the light is abolished, one life may be saved, and if it is serious...lose life It is also common.

The more Qin Luoyi thought about it, the more nervous he became, and the more he thought about it, the more worried he became. Suddenly, the rainbow rose from his body, and shot towards the distance like lightning.

Seeing her disappearing figure quickly, she didn't even have time to say hello to them when she left... Feng Feili couldn't help but pursed her thin lips tightly, her peach blossom eyes narrowed dangerously.Duanmu Changqing's dark eyes also became extremely sharp.

Qin Luoyi Yuhong fell from the sky and fell into the lotus courtyard. There were many people standing in the lotus courtyard. They were all monks who came from Xuantian Continent with Chu Yifeng. They watched her barge in silently. , was about to stop her, but after seeing clearly that it was her, they all stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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