Brother is too evil

Chapter 391: Fame Moves the World

Chapter 391: Fame Moves the World (2)
Chu Yifeng and Qin Luoyi were often together some time ago, and they were almost inseparable. They both knew that they had a very good relationship. Seeing Qin Luoyi rushing in like this, they probably knew that something happened to Chu Yifeng.

Qin Luoyi shot straight into Chu Yifeng's room, turning a blind eye to other people, with an unconcealable anxiety in his expression.

Chu Yifeng lay quietly on a white jade bed. The white jade bed made his face very pale, with a little haggardness. Compared with the last time she saw him, he was much thinner, and his perfect thin lips were even more pale. There is no trace of blood.

Qin Luoyi straightened her back and walked towards him slowly. The biting cold spread from the bottom of her heart to her whole body, making her feel like she was in an ice cellar.

"Qin Luoyi, what are you doing here?" Gong Li suddenly stood in front of her, preventing her from approaching Chu Yifeng, with a dark and cold expression: "Get out!"

His voice was not suppressed intentionally, and it was full of outrageous anger, and all the monks who were guarding in the lotus courtyard heard it clearly.

They looked at each other suspiciously.

"Get out of the way." Qin Luoyi looked at Gong Li who was standing in front of her expressionlessly, and said coldly, if he wasn't Gong Li, or someone Chu Yifeng valued, she would have done it if he was standing in front of her now A palm waved him away.

"Don't even think about it!" Gong Li's expression was gloomy and cold, the murderous look in his eyes flashed away, and he refused to budge an inch: "You are the one who caused His Highness to become like this... You can only step on my dead body if you want to go there."


Qin Luoyi shot fiercely, a burst of spiritual power shot out, and Gong Li who was blocking her was easily shaken away, and then her body was fixed by the window by a powerful force, unable to move.

"Chu Yifeng!"

Qin Luoyi walked to Chu Yifeng's side, bent over and squatted down, and touched his thin face with his fingers. His face was so cold that her hands couldn't help trembling violently.He held his breath and moved his finger to his nose, clearly feeling his exhaled breath... couldn't help but be ecstatic.


She didn't come too late.

A faint smile could not help but escape from his lips.

"You can still laugh!" Gong Li, who was restrained and unable to move, looked at her and smiled, and couldn't help being furious, her chest heaving violently: "You really are a heartless woman, seeing him like this, You're happy, aren't you?"

For such a cruel woman, His Highness actually made himself like this for her. His life is at stake... The more he thinks about it, the more he feels wronged for His Highness. If he didn't know that His Highness is reluctant to hurt her, he really wants to call someone up and chop her up right now. .

"What exactly did he get mad." Qin Luoyi turned around, walked up to Gong Li who was glaring at him, and said in a deep voice.

Find out the cause of the madness, and then you can prescribe the right medicine. The most important thing now is to rescue Chu Yifeng first, and she will not bother to care about Gong Li's thorny words. Difficult to cure.

"Why should I tell you?" Gong Li stared at her mockingly, his eyes full of anger.

Qin Luoyi was furious.

She couldn't bear to attack again and threw him from the window. Chu Yufeng's life and death were uncertain, she was not in the mood to talk to him nonsense, anyway, there were many monks outside, so if he didn't talk, someone else would.

The Three Dao Shenhong quickly fell into the lotus courtyard, it was Nan Zheng and others who went out to borrow the Baiyu Terrace, and their expressions were not very good-looking.

Gong Li was thrown out of the window by Qin Luoyi, and quickly stabilized her body - after all, Qin Luoyi didn't want to hurt his life, so the strength in her hands was not too strong.Seeing that there was no joy on their faces, Gong Li's heart sank to the bottom of the valley in an instant, and she didn't bother to talk to Qin Luoyi, and asked with a glimmer of hope: "Master Nan, Baiyutai... have you borrowed it yet? "

"Hey!" Nan Zheng shook his head, with a worried expression on his face: "Piao Miao Sect's head master Ge is in a strange state, and he can't get out for a while, and he can't be disturbed. Sect Leader Ning is not in Tongjin City, but Yan Gui from Moon Tower is... but..." Speaking of Yan Gui, a smear of anger appeared on his face.

"Will Master Yan not want to borrow it?" Gong Li's heart tightened.

"He didn't say he wouldn't borrow it, but he talked a lot with us. He only said that this is an extraordinary period and Baiyutai is very important... He delayed for a long time and didn't say whether to borrow it or not."

Another Zifu monk, Wei Feng, said angrily: "I think he is clearly preparing to open his mouth like a lion." Although the fox Yan Gui said that he was sad about Chu Yifeng's madness, but the calculation in his eyes showed him But not missed.

"Then what exactly does he want?" Although Gong Li was angry in her heart, she couldn't help but see a gleam of hope in her eyes. As long as Yan Gui was willing to lend the Baiyu Terrace, even if the lion opened his mouth, he could only return to Xuantian Continent. The Qin family, His Highness's life can be saved.

"We have promised him a lot of benefits..." Nan Zheng sighed, also very depressed.

"Three adults, what should we do now?" Gong Li was extremely anxious, three days, His Highness only has three days!Every moment of delay is a fatal waste for His Highness.

"Wait a little longer, let's look for him later." Du Zhiliang said, the old fox Yan Gui wanted the lion to open his mouth, so he would definitely make a gesture first.

Qin Luoyi's white figure jumped down from upstairs and landed directly in front of Nan Zheng. Among all the people following Chu Yifeng, Nan Zheng's cultivation was the highest. She looked at Nan Zheng firmly and said: "Master Nanzheng, are you borrowing the Baiyu Terrace to rush back to the Xuantian Continent?"

"That's right." Nan Zheng nodded, catching the anxious look in her eyes, but his heart moved.Qin Luoyi is a disciple of Sect Master Ge, and maybe he can borrow the Baiyu Terrace of Sect Master Ge through her. He has been in Tongjin City for nearly a month, and he has been sensitively aware that Chu Yifeng will come to Penglai Fairy this time. Dao and Qin Luoyi may have a direct relationship.

Although Sect Leader Ge is in a strange state, it's not that he can't perceive the outside situation. Now when the tide of monsters is approaching a big outbreak, even if the monks are practicing, they still practice with one eye open.

"As long as he returns to Xuantian Continent, will he be saved?" Qin Luoyi's anxious and worried eyes lit up.

"Not bad." Nan Zheng nodded again.

Gong Li also thought of Head Ge.

"After returning to the Xuantian Continent... how to save it?" Qin Luoyi asked again, without asking clearly, she couldn't be at ease no matter what, she was crazy, this is nothing compared to anything else, a little carelessness, the whole person will be useless.

"I need a twelfth-order Nirvana Pill. As long as I have the Nirvana Pill, he will be saved." Nan Zheng didn't hide from her, but a dark look flashed in his eyes.

Three days is too short, even if there is Baiyutai, until the spirit plants are assembled and the pills are refined... three days, I don't know if I can make it in time.

(End of this chapter)

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