Chapter 396 Want to be together (3)
"Master, don't worry, during this period of time we have sent people to the bottom of the sea to check carefully, and found no other teleportation formations, and also told all the monks, if you find a place where monsters haunt, pay attention to the place under the sea surface, and all After discussing with the elders in charge, in the name of the alliance, a special announcement was made, that if anyone finds the teleportation formation, the alliance will reward you." Duanmu Changqing said with a smile.

Headmaster Ge and Master Luo nodded slightly, seeing their eyes gleaming with satisfaction and satisfaction, and then asked some other questions in detail. It was almost noon, and Headmaster Ge signaled them to step back.

Ji Xuan and Rong Yunhe left first.

Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing looked at each other, a strange blazing light flashed in their dark eyes, they took Qin Luoyi's hand from left to right and walked up to the master, and very seriously proposed to marry Qin Luoyi. double repair.


Master Luo was holding a teacup and was sitting leisurely on a chair drinking tea. Hearing this, he spewed out all the tea, choked the tea in his throat, and couldn't help coughing violently. While coughing, he stared wide-eyed in disbelief looking at them.

Headmaster Ge was also very stunned, two of his disciples wanted to double cultivate with Qin Luoyi at the same time... At first he thought he had heard wrong, but when he saw his master's appearance and their clenched hands, Knowing not, she frowned tightly, stared at Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing sharply and asked, "You said the three of you want to double cultivate together?"

"Yes." Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing replied without hesitation, their eyes calmly and firmly met Master's sharp scrutinizing eyes.

"Are you willing to double cultivate with them?" Headmaster Ge stopped looking at them, and turned to Qin Luoyi with sharp eyes.

Qin Luoyi didn't expect that the two senior brothers would bring it up to the master so bluntly at this time. At first, he was a little stunned, his heart beat faster, then he calmed down quickly, and nodded calmly and firmly: "I am willing."

Headmaster Ge's brows tightened even more, his sharp and deep eyes glanced over the three of them one by one, he was secretly startled, Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing are both people with eyes above the top, how could they fall in love at the same time Are you undressed?What puzzled him even more was that Yi'er agreed to double cultivation with them.

"No!" He shook his head.

Master Luo finally stopped coughing, and laughed, his beard trembling: "Since they are all willing, why not? I think it will work."

Qin Luoyi's eyes flickered, and he suddenly wanted to laugh. He didn't expect this master to be really interesting. Everyone said that he was old antique... He was older than Master, but more enlightened than Master.

"Please master." Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing were surprised that master Luo could speak for them, but it is a good thing to have the support of master Luo.

Headmaster Ge glanced at his master, his expression slightly angry.Looking at the three of Qin Luoyi again, he sighed: "It's not that I don't support you as a teacher. Do you think the three of you can do double cultivation together? Will the Feng family and the Duanmu family agree? If your family agrees, the master will naturally Nor object."

If the couples of ordinary disciples want to be together voluntarily and report to the master, and there is no objection from the master, the master will hold a formal double cultivation ceremony for them. Respect... But that's double cultivation, not three people together!
Looking at the three disciples standing in front of him, the male is tall and handsome, and the female is elegant and beautiful, headmaster Ge suddenly has a headache and has the urge to stroke his forehead.

Feng Feili is different from Duanmu Changqing.

One is the young master of the Duanmu family, and the other is the young master of the Feng family. They are important people in the future of the Duanmu family and the Feng family. Let them form a dual cultivation partner with Luoyi at the same time. I am afraid that people from these two families will kill at the same time. Piao Miaozong came.

Qin Luoyi has the Hunyuan Dzi Bead on her body, such a heaven-defying treasure, although there is a bracelet space to block her strange advancement, but there is no eternal secret in the world, and it is hard to guarantee that it will be discovered one day.

She is a disciple of Piaomiaozong, if something happens to her, Piaomiaozong will naturally protect her with all its strength. Originally, he thought that she, Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing are senior brothers and sisters, as long as they get along well with each other, maybe they can have a good relationship in the future. Feng's family and Duanmu's family are two helpers... not to mention helpers, if they don't join the ranks of scrambling, it will be very good.

Now that she wants to form a dual cultivation with Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing at the same time, she will really stand on the top of the peak. When the core figures of the two families are dispatched, the secret of the Hunyuan Dzi may be difficult. keep.

"As long as our family members don't object, Master, you won't object, right?" Feng Feili said with a smile on his evil handsome face, looking at Sect Master Ge.

"Of course." Headmaster Ge's eyes twitched fiercely, and then he said in a deep voice.

"The disciple thanked Master first." A smile flashed across Duanmu Changqing's cold eyes, and he tightened his grip on Qin Luoyi.At first, I thought it would take a lot of effort to convince the master, but I didn't expect the master to be so sure that their family would not agree, so he nodded so readily.

"The horoscope has not been written yet, what are you thanking?" Headmaster Ge gave him a cold look, and then stared at Feng Feili: "You haven't told your family about this, have you?"

Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing nodded, their eyes darkened, and Qin Luoyi held their hands tightly behind his back.

"You guys still know something about the seriousness." Headmaster Ge breathed a sigh of relief, and a flash of relief flashed in his eyes: "Don't mention this matter again for the time being."

Master Luo smiled, looked at his apprentice and snorted: "You are the one who does this, Master? What you just said just now, as long as other people's family members don't object, I don't object... Now don't ask people to mention it, no How do you know if people object or not?"

Turning around to Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing again, he said: "Just mention it, and the master will support you. Tsk, what's wrong with Yi girl and their double cultivation? It's just that the fat and water don't flow into the fields of outsiders, so as not to take advantage of those who have ulterior motives "There are many people in the Alliance Headquarters and Tongjin City who have shown great hospitality to Qin Luoyi, and he has seen them all, and Qin Luoyi's identity as a top-ranked alchemist of the twelfth rank has been exposed again, and he will have ulterior motives in the future. There will be more people close to her.

"How do you plan to support them, old man?" Headmaster Ge's face turned green, and he looked at him slightly angrily and said, "Or you will never leave Piao Miao Sect in the future, and you will always follow Luoyi to protect her?"

"This..." Master Luo opened his mouth, his eyes flickered non-stop, and he was choked up speechless.

"It's impossible for you to stay by her side at any time, right?" Headmaster Ge stopped looking at his junior brother, and stared at the two disciples with sharp eyes: "And with your cultivation base, even if you don't leave her side at all times, it's not necessarily It can protect her comprehensively." Neither the Feng family nor the Duanmu family can allow their proud descendants to double cultivate with a woman at the same time!
(End of this chapter)

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