Chapter 397
"Until you are completely strong, and your little sister has not cultivated to a high level in the Purple Mansion, this matter is not allowed to be mentioned again." Although Qin Luoyi is now at the seventh level of the Yu Mansion, but in front of the monks of the Purple Mansion , Yufu monk is too vulnerable, he does not allow Qin Luoyi to be put in such a dangerous situation: "Before that, whether you really decided to practice together, you should take this opportunity to think carefully."

"Uh, your master is right." Luo Shizu squinted his eyes and nodded with a smile: "Yi girl, in Penglai Xiandao and Xuantian Continent, although there are precedents for women to choose multiple partners, you still have to become strong first. , with strength, none of us are afraid."

Qin Luoyi has the Hunyuan Dzi Bead on his body, plus he is smart and talented in cultivation, so he should be able to cultivate Zifu in a few years.

"I will work hard to cultivate." Qin Luoyi's phoenix eyes shone with burning brilliance, and his voice was unusually firm.Because she knew that if her cultivation base was too weak, she would not be qualified to stand beside the two senior brothers.

Two years ago, when she agreed to double cultivation with her two senior brothers, the senior senior brother and the second senior brother hesitated for a long time to discuss whether to disclose their relationship to the master and family members, and finally decided to keep it a secret for the time being so that she could concentrate on cultivation. Don't be disturbed by other people, don't put her on the top of the waves, such a relationship, even the closest master, they can't guarantee that he will support them after hearing it.

After two years of not seeing each other, the two senior brothers have both advanced to the second rank. She knows that in order to protect herself, they have not relaxed their cultivation for two years. They are all working hard to strengthen themselves and work hard for their future.

Regarding their decision to conceal it for the time being, of course she expressed her support, because since this is the matter of the three of them, they have to face it together, and she needs time to be strong, and she needs to rely on her own strength to get the approval of the Feng family and the Duanmu family .

Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing held Qin Luoyi's hand tightly, and they exchanged glances quickly, with a faint smile flashing across their eyes.

Master's attitude today was within their expectations, and Master Luo's support was a bit beyond their expectations, but as long as the master does not object, their goal will be achieved.

Coming out of the master's room, Qin Luoyi looked at the two senior brothers suspiciously, wondering why they suddenly changed their minds and told the master about them in advance.

Duanmu Changqing and Feng Feili walked beside her in a cold and monstrous manner. Both of them are graceful and handsome, and they are amazingly talented figures in the younger generation. It attracted the admiring gazes of many female cultivators, and they looked at Qin Luoyi with unconcealable envy and excitement.

In the past few days, the news that Qin Luoyi is the top twelfth-rank alchemist has already spread throughout Tongjin City, causing a big shock.

"I don't know when the tide of monsters will end, and the master has not retreated. Sooner or later, the master will know about our affairs. Let the master and the old man be mentally prepared by talking about it first." Duanmu Changqing looked at Qin Luoyi suspiciously. Eyes, lips hooked slightly, the coldness in the eyes melted away, and the tenderness disappeared in a flash.

He lowered his voice and spoke at a distance. Except for the three of them, no one else could hear his words. But looking at the corners of his slightly curved lips and the gentleness in his cold eyes, everyone around him The female cultivators all gasped, their eyes were burning hot, their heartbeat suddenly became out of rhythm, as if they were about to jump out.

Mr. Feng Feili, who was originally from the Piaomiao sect, is already enchanting enough. I didn't expect Mr. Duanmu, who is usually cold, to be so charming and dazzling with just a shallow smile, not inferior to Mr. Feng. Thousands of scenery have become his foil.

There were a few who thought they were good-looking, and had a little relationship with Piaomiaozong, so they boldly came forward to say hello to Qin Luoyi. Of course, it was obvious that they were saying hello to her, but their eyes fell from time to time. With Duanmu Changqing, she wanted to find an opportunity to attract his attention.

There are even a few who have long admired Feng Feili, and they also walked forward with fiery eyes, because they are all sensitive to the fact that Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing seem to be in a good mood today, thinking in their hearts, even if they can't To get their liking, it is good to go up and say a few words to them, and it is also good to get closer and look at them more.

Qin Luoyi naturally understood that these women's ulterior motives were not about drinking, so she glanced at the two senior brothers with a half-smile. Although she knew that the two senior brothers had nothing to do with these women, she still felt a little uncomfortable.

When Duanmu Changqing and Feng Feili saw the hint of anger in her smile, their hearts suddenly froze, and the color of joy quickly disappeared from their eyes.

The two quickly glanced at the female cultivators who came over with joy in their eyes. Duanmu Changqing's eyes returned to their previous coldness, and there was a sharp coldness on the brows and corners of their eyes. Fear flashed in Xiu's eyes, as if his feet were stuck by something, he didn't dare to move half a step forward anymore.

And although Feng Feili was smiling, the innate elegance and noble aura exuded from his whole body made people dare not get close to offend him casually, and could only watch the three of them go away.

Feng Feili stayed at the alliance headquarters.

Duanmu Changqing took Qin Luoyi to the Immortal Crane Tower. When he went upstairs, he happened to meet Yan Nantian and his cousin coming down the stairs. Yan Tiannan's face brightened at first, and then darkened.

When his cousin saw Qin Luoyi, her eyes were extremely complicated, jealous and envious, she stood tightly beside Yan Nantian, her fingers pulled Yan Nantian's sleeve nervously, as if she was afraid that he would run away.

Qin Luoyi only smiled at Yan Nantian and said hello, then walked past him and went up to the second floor. Duanmu Changqing cast a cold glance at Yan Nantian and went up the stairs too.

Yan Nantian turned his head and watched Qin Luoyi's beautiful figure disappearing on the second floor, his eyes were infinitely disappointed, the twelfth-rank top alchemist... Qin Luoyi's shock to him has not calmed down until now.

"Cousin, let's go, the pavilion master said he has something to ask for you." His cousin's fingers on his sleeve tightened even more.

Yan Nantian turned his head, flung it away skillfully, and then continued to walk down.For this cousin, he has always been just a cousin, and it is impossible to double cultivate with her.As for Yi'er...he knew that his liking was doomed to be fruitless. In fact, when his father went to Piao Miao Sect to seek marriage a few years ago, he should have understood that he had never given up.

Duanmu Changqing called for a lot of Qin Luoyi's favorite food, and patiently ate with her, and then sent her back to rest.

Qin Luoyi knew that he still had things to do, waved his hand, and said that he could go back alone, and this place is not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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