Brother is too evil

Chapter 398 Holding the Hand

Chapter 398 Holding the Hand (1)
Man is not as good as God, no one knows that Chu Yifeng, who should give up his heart, would actually go crazy, wandering around the gate of hell, and finally figured it out like that.

Both of them regretted it a bit. If they had known this earlier, Chu Yifeng should not have notified Yi'er so quickly when Chu Yifeng went mad... But this is just a thought, both of them know that if time goes back, they will still go The one who told Yi'er was because they didn't want to see Yi'er sad, and they were even more afraid that when Yi'er found out, he would look at them with reproachful and disappointed eyes.

Chu Yifeng naturally felt the hostility between Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing. It was okay when Yi'er was around, but in front of Yi'er, one of the two was cold, and the other smiled wickedly, without any emotion, but As long as the clothes are separated for a moment, the eyes of these two people seem to swallow him alive.

He was a very smart person, and after thinking about it, he understood that these two people were sure before that he would not agree to stay with them by Yi'er's side.

I sneered secretly in my heart.

These two people didn't have the slightest affection for him, thinking that he disappeared beside Yi'er, why didn't he think so?

He heard from Yi'er before that her two senior brothers agreed with him to stay by his side, and he once suspected that the two of them were not sincere towards Yi'er, but now he understands that he was wrong. I'm afraid it won't be less than his affection.

Qin Luoyi was naturally very happy that Chu Yifeng could stay by her side. Anyway, she really liked Chu Yifeng.

She still felt the tense atmosphere between the two senior brothers and Chu Yifeng, and couldn't help but feel a little headache. Seeing the night fall, Chu Yifeng still didn't intend to leave, and she felt even more headache.

Duanmu Changqing looked at her with extremely hot eyes.Counting the days, he was supposed to accompany me tonight.

Her expression fell into Feng Feili's eyes, Feng Feili's heart suddenly moved, he glanced at Chu Yifeng who had not left, and made up his mind, if Chu Yifeng stayed here by himself tonight, Yi'er and his junior brother Together... Maybe Chu Yifeng's determination was shaken once he was stimulated.

"Yi'er, it's getting late, you should go to rest earlier." He stood up, his perfectly thin lips curled up slightly, his handsome face smiled, and he said to Qin Luoyi.

Chu Yifeng glanced at him, then his deep eyes fell on Qin Luoyi, and the light in his eyes flickered.

Qin Luoyi looked at the three men with different expressions in the room. Out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw Dahei and Heidi jumping in from the courtyard, his eyes lit up, he stood up suddenly, and patted his head lightly: "I was too busy talking to you, and I forgot about Dahei. Dahei asked me to make alchemy for him, and I urged him several times. You go to rest first, and I will make alchemy for him first."

Dahei almost staggered upon hearing this, and looked at her speechlessly.

When did it ask her to make alchemy?

It has been urged several times, why doesn't it know?

Qin Luoyi patted its head, and said with some guilt: "Don't be angry, I didn't forget it on purpose, isn't there something going on these few days, I'll go and practice it for you right away."

Hei Di glanced at the three men in the room, grinned, and suddenly said: "There's mine too, don't forget, let's practice together."

Qin Luoyi couldn't help the corners of his eyes twitching, but there was a smile on his face: "I'll never forget it, I'll train yours after training Dahei." While talking, he rubbed his head vigorously.

Hei Di hates people touching its head, especially women, with a flash of light in his black eyes, he wants to throw her out.

Qin Luoyi let go of his hand and walked out.

Chu Yifeng also got up and followed out.

Qin Luoyi took out the alchemy furnace, and got a lot of rare spiritual plants out, and soon raised the alchemy fire, and he really decided to make alchemy now.

"Let me help you." Chu Yifeng smiled and stepped forward to help her. Although he doesn't know how to make alchemy, there is no problem with general washing and cutting, and he can also help deliver things.

The sharpness in Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing's eyes flashed away. Looking at Chu Yifeng standing beside Yi'er, it was naturally impossible for Chu Yifeng to take the opportunity to show courtesy to Yi'er, and the two also stepped forward to help. Afterwards, Chu Yifeng was squeezed away from Qin Luoyi's side with a tacit understanding.

The light in Chu Yifeng's eyes became extremely cold, and an evil glint flashed across the phoenix eyes.

Dahei and Heidi lay on the side leisurely, drowsy.

What Qin Luoyi refined for Dahei was Snow Ginseng Pill. It took eight hours to refine it, and it was not until the next afternoon that it became a pill. Unprepared, Yifeng ran to the bracelet space to practice.

"Yi'er, go and have a rest." Looking at the alchemy she had practiced for nearly ten hours, her cheeks were smothered by the alchemy fire like peach blossoms in full bloom, thinking of the fact that she was refining alchemy and anxious because of Chu Yifeng's matter before, It should be that she hasn't had a rest for several days, Feng Feili was full of reluctance, so she had to stop calculating Chu Yifeng and urged her to go to rest.

"And mine." Hei Di narrowed his eyes and reminded.

"I'll talk about yours in a few days." Duanmu Changqing stared at it.

I don't want Qin Luoyi to accompany me anymore. Although I miss her warm and soft jade body after a long time, nothing is as important as her body. Last night, she shouldn't have started alchemy. It's all their fault, if it wasn't for could Yi'er be like this?

Chu Yifeng directly dragged Qin Luoyi to the inner room.

Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing looked at him like knives, and decided that if Chu Yifeng dared to stay in the Yi'er room without knowing the seriousness, they must give him a good lesson.

Chu Yifeng came out soon.

Feng Feili and the two looked better now.

Dozens of divine rainbows rushed out of the blessed land of the cave, traveling nearly 15 miles before landing on a remote island.

"Damn Xia Zhongli, one day, I will make you look good!" Shan Hong, who was dressed in green, looked angry and ugly, and with a single palm, half of the island sank.

His daughter was killed by Xia Zichen with an evil sword. Xia Zhongli refused to admit it, and even refused to admit that the evil sword belonged to Xia Zichen. His daughter, it was her daughter who wanted to kill his son, but she was afraid of being accused by the monks all over the world. While raising her sword to kill his son, she also yelled in front of the monks all over the world that it was his son who wanted to kill her.

Such a reversal of black and white, red mouth and white teeth, he was so angry that he rushed over to fight him on the spot, destroying the two spiritual mountains of Dongtianfudi.Seeing that Xia Zhong was in so much pain that he almost vomited blood, he felt a little better.

Afterwards, the two fought several times, both of them were equal in cultivation, and it was difficult to tell the winner. He was seriously injured, and of course Xia Zhongli didn't fare well, he injured all his internal organs.

(End of this chapter)

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