Brother is too evil

Chapter 410 Getting Immortal Jade Again

Chapter 410 Getting Immortal Jade Again (1)
If she could rob the treasure house of Dongtian Paradise, it would be a great joy. She always regretted that when she and Bai Yi came together, she only took away the source of chaos.

"It's very possible." Dahei was even happier. He took a closer look at the door and narrowed his eyes with a smile: "This door is a bit weird. The door is left open, which saves us a lot of effort."

Hei Di ran in first.

Qin Luoyi walked in the middle.

Dahei went last.

Not far from the stone wall, there is a fist-sized lighting luminous stone inlaid, emitting a shining light.

On weekdays, Dahei would never let go of these luminous stones, but today he can't care about them. As long as he thinks that there is a treasure house in the cave, he will be very excited.

After walking nearly a hundred steps, I heard the sound of violent fighting and deep roars coming from inside.Qin Luoyi took his steps even more lightly.

After walking several tens of meters, a space several feet wide appeared in front of her.

On the huge white stone wall, among the four black gates, one of them has been opened, and the multicolored light shines through it, which is very dazzling, and there are actually many spars with extremely powerful spiritual power inside!

Qin Luoyi's gaze suddenly became extremely fiery. With so many crystals, maybe she can cultivate to a high level in the Zifu!
Dahei and Heidi were even more excited. The cave has been established for hundreds of thousands of years, and it really has a profound foundation.

Shan Hong and Xia Zhongli, who were dressed in white, fought fiercely together. Both of them were seriously injured, with blood gushing from their lips, and their expressions were ferocious and cold.

There is not much difference in cultivation between the two, and there are also many magic weapons and secret treasures. After fighting for a long time, they couldn't tell the winner.

Hei Di was impatient and was about to strike when a long black sword suddenly appeared in Shan Hong's hand. With a swipe of his finger, a wisp of fresh blood soaked into the sword, and the runes on the sword seemed to come alive. Jump up.

"Put Heart Sword!"

Xia Zhongli's face changed drastically, the terrifying mansion emitting a powerful purple light no longer attacked Shan Hong, and all of them were retracted to form an extremely solid layer of protection on his body.

"Xia Zhongli, your son took my daughter's life with this sword. Today, I will use this sword to take your life and avenge my daughter!" Shan Hong laughed loudly, with a very proud expression on his face, as if he was sure of winning .

He slowly approached Xia Zhongli with Zhuxin Sword, Zhuxinjian had already recognized him as the master, and compared to Xia Zichen, he was more able to exert the power of this sword.

Xia Zhongli glared at him coldly: "Shan Hong, your daughter died, and my son died too... put down the sword, we have been friends for thousands of years, even if we fight our lives, we can't get their lives back , you put down your sword, I can pretend that today’s incident never happened, since you can find this place, you should know the person who trespassed in this secret place, unless I let him go, no one ever got out alive.”

"Thousands of years of friendship?" Shan Hong sneered: "Bah! Xia Zhongli, who has friendship with you? In the past, we were just using each other. Since I can come in here, I will naturally have a way to get out. You don't have to fuck too much." I'm too worried."

He approached Xia Zhongli again, and the tip of the sword was delivered to his neck. There was a wall behind Xia Zhongli, and there was no way to retreat, and he glared at him with a livid face.

"After today, even if the Paradise of Paradise exists, it will no longer be the Paradise of Paradise before. Haha, Xia Zhongli, so many monsters have attacked your Paradise of Paradise. Do you like this gift I gave you?" Xia Zhongli became more angry. , Shan Hongyue was very happy, and laughed triumphantly.

"What do you mean by that?" Xia Zhongli was stunned for a moment, then suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and said fiercely: "Could it be that you already knew about that teleportation formation?"

Shan Hong glanced at him strangely, and narrowed his eyes with a smile: "Yes, I found out about half a month ago. After leaving you, I found that teleportation array. These monsters really did not disappoint me. I caught you off guard, haha."

"Bastard!" Xia Zhongli was furious, his chest heaving violently. Because of the monster beasts attacking, many of the disciples of Dongtian Paradise died, and his heart ached for those spiritual plants that had grown for thousands of years: "I'm going to kill you!" you!"

Shan Hong snorted coldly: "You want to kill me when you are about to die? Dreaming!" With a flick of his wrist, the tip of his sword was pushed forward, and he was about to kill Xia Zhongli on the spot.

Xia Zhongli let out a grin, and the purple mansion's light shrouded his body suddenly became stronger, temporarily blocking Xinzhujian's attack, and then he touched a very inconspicuous protrusion on the wall behind him, and suddenly many strange shapes appeared on the ground. The runes, the cyan light on those runes rose into the sky, like a giant dragon, trapping Shan Hong holding the Xinzhu Sword inside.

"Ah! There's a crouching dragon formation here!" Shocked and angry, Shan Hong roared in horror. Trapped by the dazzling blue light of runes, he couldn't break out of the siege, let alone get close to Xia Zhongli, even if he held on to the heart-killing sword.

Xia Zhongli sneered: "That's right, this is the Fulong Formation. Do you really think that my place is a place where you can come and go freely? Don't say you are a monk of the seventh rank of the Purple Mansion, even if the peak monks of the Zi Mansion come, you can't even think about coming in and out of the Fulong Formation." Break out from the dragon formation, Shan Hong, you wolf-hearted thing, dare to lure monsters to destroy my paradise, you go to die, just go with your dead daughter, don't worry, even if there are monsters trampling you It doesn't matter if I lose my Paradise of Paradise, Paradise of Paradise will still be the Paradise of Paradise before, if the things here are destroyed, don't you still have many good things in your Yaochi Wonderland?"

"Xia Zhongli!" Shan Hong's arm was bitten off by the giant dragon formed by the talisman culture, and with a scream, the Xinzhu Sword in his hand fell to the ground with a bang.

Unexpectedly, Xia Zhongli would plot against Yaochi Wonderland!
At this moment, he was filled with hatred, anger and destruction in his heart, he should have taken Xia Zhongli's life outside if he knew earlier, and it would not be too late to come here again.

It's just that it's too late for him to regret it.


After a huge dragon roar, Shan Hong's head was also bitten off by the giant dragon, and rolled to the ground, his body also fell to the ground with a bang, and blood gushed out from his neck.Those eyes were blood red and wide open, even though they had been separated from the body, they did not close.

After Shan Hong's death, the huge dragon shadow gradually disappeared. Fulong Formation is a legendary ancient formation, extremely powerful. Those trapped by Fulong Formation can rarely escape, just as Xia Zhongli said Even if the top monks of the Zifu came, if they didn't have extremely powerful means, they might not be able to get out of trouble.

The runes on the ground disappeared, and the room returned to calm.

Xia Zhongli walked over with his hands behind his back, looked coldly at Shan Hong on the ground, a faint light flashed in his eyes.

A moment later, he picked up the Punishing Sword and put it in the storage space, and with a flick of his sleeve, a golden flame fell on the corpse, instantly turning the corpse into fly ash, and the blood on the ground, like snowflakes Melted, blinked away.

(End of this chapter)

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