Brother is too evil

Chapter 411 Getting Immortal Jade Again

Chapter 411 Getting Immortal Jade Again (2)
Qin Luoyi's pupils shrank.

Xia Zichen turned his head, looked at the direction where she was standing, and smiled: "Girl, have you seen enough?"

It was discovered.

Qin Luoyi blinked, a cold smile appeared on her red lips, and she walked out slowly.

Xia Zhongli's dark eyes fell on her.

What came out was a very young girl.

Wearing a thin skirt of green water from the West Lake, with black hair like a waterfall, a slender figure with undulating curves, graceful and varied, her skin is more frosty than snow, glowing with crystal luster, her face is extremely beautiful, and there is a cold smile on the corner of her lips.

"Qin Luoyi? It's actually you." Xia Zhongli narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes became extremely cold, and a cold killing intent flashed from his eyes.

"Sect Leader Xia actually recognizes me... I'm really flattered." Qin Luoyi raised his eyebrows, and the smile on his lips grew deeper.

Xia Zhongli's eyes sank, however: "The twelfth-rank alchemist, a monk from Yufu, has come here...Qin Luoyi, you really have some abilities. I was the one who underestimated you before."

"Thank you, Master Xia, for your compliment." Qin Luoyi raised his chin slightly, and smiled, his voice was like big pearls falling on a jade plate, which was extremely beautiful.

Xia Zhongli snorted coldly: "At first I wanted you to live two more days, but... since you came here and saw something you shouldn't see, then I have no choice but to give you a ride myself." There was a murderous look in his eyes emerge.

Qin Luoyi's growth rate is too fast. It has only been five years since he became a disciple of Piaomiao Sect, but he has cultivated out of Yufu, and he is also a top-ranked twelfth-level alchemist. Given time, he will definitely become his formidable opponent. She is fledgling, he must destroy her first!Thinking that all the people he sent to kill her disappeared without a sound, the murderous intent in his eyes became even more intense.

Qin Luoyi's complexion remained unchanged, and he said with a smile: "Master Xia, you are welcome. You are getting old, so let me give you a ride. Just let you go to reunite with your son. Master Shan is going to see his daughter." Now, you can't let your son be alone down here, can you?"

Xia Zhongli's expression changed, and he suddenly said: "You killed my son?" He obviously got the news that his son died at the hands of monsters, but at this time Qin Luoyi said such words, he always had a feeling that something was wrong .

"I didn't kill him." Qin Luoyi shook his head.

Xia Zhong let go of his heart.

"It's just that I did some tricks on him." Qin Luoyi grinned, showing his white teeth: "It's just to make him run a little slower, otherwise, with that heart-killing sword, there is still a lot of trouble." Viciously using Shan Xuelian to clear the way... Maybe he really ran out."

"Qin Luoyi, I will tear you to pieces! Pull your tendons and peel your skin, separate your soul and suppress it in the soul refining pool, so that you will never be reborn!" Knowing that her son is not innocent Xia Zhongli roared angrily, released the purple mansion, purple light filled the sky, and rushed towards Qin Luoyi viciously with red eyes.

The powerful coercion of the Zifu monks was released without reservation.But before he rushed to Qin Luoyi's side, two huge figures suddenly jumped out, and with a whimper, they stood in front of Qin Luoyi.


Hei Di slapped Xia Zhongli's body with his paw.

Xia Zhongli's body flew out violently, and hit the wall heavily, blood spattered, before he could recover, Dahei's big paw came again, slapping towards his face Say hello.

Several slaps were slapped on his face one after another, Xia Zhongli knocked out two of his front teeth, and stared at him with blood red eyes.

"What are you staring at? If you stare again, your eyeballs will be ripped out." Dahei roared in a low voice, how many people were sent out by the Heavenly Bliss to chase and kill Qin Luoyi, but it never forgot.


He had never been beaten so embarrassingly before, and he was still beaten by an animal. Xia Zhongli, who had no power to fight back, was angry, angry and shocked. He spurted out a mouthful of blood and almost fainted from anger.


He gritted his teeth and roared, finally killed Shan Hong, and Qin Luoyi came here again, originally he thought that he would be able to get rid of these two people once, anyway, now is the time when the tide of monsters breaks out, even if those people They will not be found, nor will they be suspected of him.

Even if you doubt it, no one has evidence, it's just a private guess.She didn't expect her two strange beasts to be so powerful!Moreover, he also came here, with his seventh-level cultivation in the Purple Mansion, in front of them, he was completely powerless to fight back.

He knew that let alone wanting to kill Qin Luoyi today, even getting out of here would be very difficult.

The word "animal" angered Hei Di, he snorted coldly, and slapped his black paws on the top of his head.

Xia Zhongli's hair suddenly turned upside down, and he rushed towards the corner, his face was pale, and the sweat dripped from his forehead.

There was a flash of light in Heidi's eyes, and the movement of taking pictures quietly slowed down.

"Bang!" With a crisp sound, Xia Zhongli heavily imprinted a bloody handprint on the wall.

"How is it possible?" Xia Zhongli was shocked to see that the wall was still there and there was no secret passage. This passage was designed by himself after he became the master of Dongtianfudi. How could there be no secret passage now?
Reluctantly, he patted it away with his hands.

Dahei sneered.

"Don't waste your time, I've blocked that passage for you." While he was fighting with Shan Hong fiercely, he had figured out all the mechanism formations in the vicinity.

Naturally, Fulong Formation did not escape its blazing eyes.

In the Piaomiao Sect these years, as Qin Luoyi's soul contract beast, where else can it not go in the Piaomiao Sect?
There are many exercises in the formation secret striata in Zangshu Pavilion, and it has almost read them all.Naturally, the crouching dragon formation was also seen in the Piaomiao sect, but it only recognized that it was the crouching dragon formation. The formation method of the crouching dragon formation has long been lost, so I didn't expect it to be seen here today.

"I'll fight with you!" Xia Zhongli roared in despair, and his blood-stained body rushed towards Dahei, but before it could reach Dahei's side, its body suddenly turned and turned towards Qin Luoyi rushed over.

These two strange beasts are too powerful, if he wants to survive, the only way to survive is to catch Qin Luoyi.

With a thought, Qin Luoyi burrowed directly into the space of the bracelet. Xia Zhongli is a high-ranking cultivator in the Zifu. Even if he is seriously injured, his attack power is terrifying. She is a cultivator in the Yufu, and she doesn't want to take risks.

Her figure disappeared out of thin air, and a crystal bracelet appeared on the ground.

Xia Zhongli was stunned.

After all, he is the palm of one sect, he is well-informed, and he intuitively sensed that this bracelet is an excellent thing, so he rushed towards the bracelet again.

"Looking for death!" Hei Di snorted coldly, and slapped it down.

(End of this chapter)

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