Brother is too evil

Chapter 412 Getting Immortal Jade Again

Chapter 412 Getting Immortal Jade Again (3)
Xia Zhong, whose fingers were only a few inches away from the bracelet, suddenly bloomed, and blood splashed all over the ground.

"It's finally dead." Dahei walked over, smiled, and reached out to pick out the storage space on his body.

Qin Luoyi came out of the bracelet space, looked at Xia Zhongli's motionless body, and picked up the bracelet from the ground.

The texture of this bracelet is extremely weird, it looks like jade, and it is tens of thousands of times stronger than jade. Even the powerful Hunyuan Dzi Bead that can shake a mountain when it is advanced can block it, and she is not afraid that Xia Zhongli will destroy it. up the bracelet.

"What are you running so fast for?" A smile flashed in Hei Di's eyes: "Are you afraid that I won't be able to kill him?"

"Of course not, I'm afraid he will jump over the wall in a hurry." Qin Luoyi smiled at it, and reached out to pat its head.

Although the bracelet space is not afraid of being destroyed by Xia Zhongli, if Dahei and Heidi were not by her side, she wouldn't dare to sneak in in front of others.

Although this bracelet has recognized her as the owner, if it is really obtained and hidden, it is unknown whether the mark she left on it will be erased and the bracelet will be recognized as the owner again.

"Don't touch my head!" Hei Di, whose head was touched again, glared at her, walked away with his head held high, and entered the room filled with countless spars. Qin Luoyi looked at its tall and majestic back , the phoenix eyes flashed like glass, and the laughter was like a silver bell.

Compared with the Hei Di whom I first met a few years ago, the current Hei Di is much easier to get along with and is much cuter, and he will not be like before, where he has to settle accounts with her very clearly every time he does something.

Dahei also ran in.

Qin Luoyi did not rush in.

Looking at Xia Zhongli's body on the ground, she took out a pill bottle and sprinkled the white powder inside on the body.After a while, the body disappeared, and after cleaning up the blood on the ground, she walked in.

There are hundreds of colorful crystal stones, each of which contains extremely terrifying spiritual power.

Dahei packed all these stones, and excitedly handed them to Qin Luoyi, who took them and put them into the bracelet space.

Hei Di glanced at Da Hei, but didn't make a sound, but a faint fondness flashed in the depths of his eyes.

There were complex runes engraved on the door, and it took Dahei a lot of effort to open another door next to him.

"Chaos spar!"

His big black eyes lit up and he rushed in.

There are hundreds of brown stones placed inside, each of which exudes a strong power of stars. Although it cannot be compared with the source of chaos, it is many times stronger than the power of stars between heaven and earth.

"Tsk, I didn't expect there to be so many Chaos Crystals in the Paradise of Paradise." Hei Di was also very excited.

Chaos spar is extremely rare on Penglai Immortal Island, even rarer than Lingli spar. She has never seen it in various markets or auctions in the past few years since she came to Penglai Immortal Island.Even the Piaomiao Sect doesn't have this kind of chaotic spar. I didn't expect there to be hundreds of them in the Paradise of the Heavenly Paradise!

"This cave is really heaven-defying!" Dahei took one and looked at it in his hand, and couldn't help murmuring.

Qin Luoyi had the Hunyuan Dzi Bead in her hand, and she didn't need the Hunyuan spar, so she gave all the Chaos spar inside to Dahei and Heidi.

In the third room were nearly a hundred small boxes with a width of half a foot, which contained booklets. Qin Luoyi thought it was some kind of cultivation secrets, but when he opened it, he found that all the records were the secrets of the cave. pungent.

She opened a book casually.

Suddenly surprised.

It records that more than 50 years ago, Dongtian Blessed Land cooperated with Yaochi Wonderland to snatch two Chaos Crystals from a casual cultivator, and then killed that casual cultivator.

She picked up another copy casually.

His face changed again.

It's about the Piao Miao sect.

"It turns out that the tens of thousands of years old spiritual plant that Piao Miao Sect lost hundreds of years ago actually fell into the hands of Dongtian Paradise and Yaochi Wonderland."

After flipping through several books in a row, Qin Luoyi's expression became colder and colder. Dongtian Paradise and Yaochi Wonderland are obviously cultivators, but they are all doing insidious things like burning, killing and looting.

Mystic striata, spiritual plants, crystal stones, chaos crystal stones... are all their targets. Of course, they don't look down on ordinary things, and they will only shoot if they are extremely valuable.

The Zhuxin Sword was also obtained from a casual cultivator in a blessed place. Apart from the Zhuxin Sword, even the secret striata and some dragon marrow that that casual cultivator got from the tomb of a senior powerful monk were snatched by them.

"The blessed land of the cave must not be left behind!" Qin Luoyi pursed his lips, his phoenix eyes glowing brightly, with an awe-inspiring aura.

Originally, she only planned to kill Xia Zhongli, Zhou Tian, ​​and those hateful principals, but now it seems that there is no need for the entire cave to exist.

She put all the secret striata into the space of the bracelet.

Open the last door.

There are also many exquisite small boxes, big and small, neatly placed inside, there are as many as two hundred.

Dahei frowned when he saw the box. "There are so many unscrupulous things going on in this blessed place. The room couldn't fit just now, but there is actually one here."

Hei Di's eyes flashed.

It opens one of them.

A powerful spiritual power flowed out from the box, and it exuded a very strong fragrance.

The outside of the box is unremarkable, but the inside is inlaid with colored glass. It contains a fist-sized light yellow spiritual fruit with crystal clear color.

"This is an extremely rare phoenix snow dragon fruit!" Hei Di raised his brows and said in surprise, the phoenix snow dragon fruit doesn't even exist under the lion and tiger cliff.

Qin Luoyi walked over.

On the light yellow spiritual fruit, there is a golden phoenix and a small dragon floating faintly.

"Sure enough, it's Feifengxuelongguo!" The pitch-black phoenix eyes became extremely hot, Feifengxuelongguo is extremely rare, and Feifengxuelongguo that grows baby dragons and phoenixes is even rarer, the spiritual power inside is extremely rare of terror.

It is rumored that the Taihao Sect obtained one thousands of years ago.

Thinking of this, Qin Luoyi's heart moved, and he probed into the bracelet with his divine sense. After searching in the space of the bracelet, he found a book of secrets, which contained records about this flying phoenix snow dragon fruit.

This flying phoenix snow dragon fruit belongs to the Taihao Sect, and it was snatched from the Taihao Sect in a blessed way.

Dahei was excited.

There are nearly two hundred boxes here.

It picked up a few at random and opened them.

"Qingtian Fulong Ginseng!"

"Thousand Years Thorn Fruit!"

"Purple blood vine!"

Everything is a rare thing that can be used for cultivation, contains powerful spiritual power, and is priceless.

"Haha, heaven and earth have snatched so many things, and they have benefited us today." Dahei couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart, and danced with joy.

(End of this chapter)

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