Brother is too evil

Chapter 413 Getting Immortal Jade Again

Chapter 413 Getting Immortal Jade Again (4)
Hei Di was also extremely excited.

Many of these spiritual plants can be used to refine twelfth-tier, and even thirteenth-tier and fourteenth-tier pills.

Putting so many things here has been useless, probably because it is too wasteful to eat these spiritual plants and spiritual fruits directly, and I am reluctant to part with them.

"I finally understand, you got the Zihuo Furnace, and Murong Jue didn't come out of the ice field, why did Dongtian Paradise send so many people to hunt you down?" Hei Di laughed.

Murongjue is the hope of heaven and earth.

A young alchemy genius.

During the Jinding Mountain Competition, he was able to refine the first-grade ninth-grade elixir. Given time and his talent, he might be able to refine a higher-grade elixir.

And Dongtian Blessed Land has high hopes for him.

There are no twelfth-level alchemists on Penglai Xiandao, but there are on Xuantian Continent. There are not only twelfth-level alchemists, but also thirteenth-level alchemists. As long as they pay a certain price, they can also get high-level elixirs.

The good things of Dongtianfudi did not come from the right way, and they dare not take them out for others to refine.There is no impenetrable wall in the world. As long as these good things are brought out, they will reach the ears of others one day.

Qin Luoyi also laughed.

Nearly two hundred boxes in the room were packed into Qin Luoyi's bracelet space by Dahei and Heidi one by one.

The last gate is opened.

The room was empty, with only an emerald green jade table standing alone in the middle, and a box made of extremely delicate white jade placed on it.

Qin Luoyi stepped forward.

Gently opening the jade cover, a piece of jade is exposed. The jade is not big, but only about an inch wide.

"It's actually this jade pendant!" Qin Luoyi's pupils shrank sharply, and he took the jade pendant out of the box. It felt warm to the touch, and a strange force flowed inside the jade pendant.

She took out the jade pendant that was placed in the bracelet space and got it in the ice field at the beginning. together, as if they were originally one piece.

"It's not complete yet, there should be two pieces left." Hei Di squinted his eyes slightly and came to a conclusion after looking at it.

Because it was not complete, even if the two jade pendants were put together, Qin Luoyi still didn't notice anything unusual.

I remember that Uncle Wu once said that the pattern drawn on the jade pendant is a very powerful formation pattern, but the jade is not complete, and the pattern pattern is not complete, it is only a part.

Qin Luoyi put the jade pendant back and put it away properly.She has already accumulated two pieces, and it took several years. She doesn't know how long it will take to find those two pieces. There are things that have never been recorded in the secrets, and it takes a lot of luck to find them.

The immortal character on it seems to have aura, exuding a radiant brilliance... I don't know if this jade pendant has something to do with immortals, is it something left by immortals on this continent, or has something to do with cultivating to become immortals.

In this continent, becoming an immortal is just a legend, because there is no immortal calamity, many senior monks, there are different opinions on whether they passed away or became immortals and went to a different region.

She is now a seventh-rank monk in the Yu Mansion. With the Hunyuan Dzi Bead, she should be able to cultivate to the Purple Mansion soon. In addition, the Supreme Sutra is extremely powerful. She has been practicing with the Supreme Sutra all these years. Without encountering obstacles, she firmly believes that it is only a matter of time before she reaches the Purple Mansion.

I'm also glad that I chose the Supreme Sutra at the beginning. If I had the Hunyuan Dzi Bead, there would be no problem in cultivating to the Jade Mansion, but it would take a lot of effort to cultivate out of the Purple Mansion.

Dahei looked around carefully again.

Nothing else was found.

It went to activate the crouching dragon formation, concentrated on watching for a while, and finally with the help of Hei Di, it simply extended the crouching dragon formation, and then left.

Of course, before leaving, Dahei and Heidi did not forget to eliminate all the imprints and aura left by their group.

After closing the stone gate and walking in the quiet forest, Hei Di let go of his consciousness, and suddenly a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

It raised its hand and blasted at one of the big trees with extremely dense branches and leaves that could only be embraced by two people.

The big tree fell suddenly, and an extremely unfamiliar man in Tsing Yi fell from the tree, turned around and wanted to run, but Hei Di snorted coldly, and killed him with his palm.

Dahei soared into the air, jumped onto the top of a tree, and bit off the neck of another man in Tsing Yi who was hiding in the top of the tree.

Hei Di's eyes were like lightning, and his eyes flicked over several trees. Those trees trembled, and several blue figures jumped down from the trees, turned around and fled to the outside of the forest.


Dahei let out a soft growl, and rushed forward.

Hei Di and Qin Luoyi were not idle either. Hei Di slapped each other, and Da Hei was merciless in his strikes. Four or five people in Tsing Yi were killed in an instant.

The people in Tsing Yi who fought against Qin Luoyi were also cultivators of the Yu Mansion, not much weaker than her. Qin Luoyi felt that this group of people in Tsing Yi came strangely, and wanted to keep alive for questioning. Only this one was left alive, and the rest All the people in Tsing Yi were killed by Dahei and Heidi.

It took a lot of effort to capture him alive, the moment the man in Tsing Yi was caught by her, he gritted his teeth, Qin Luoyi's heart trembled, and he quickly reached out to restrain him, but it was too late, the man in Tsing Yi gritted his teeth. There is a strong poison that kills in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, Dahei grabbed the mouths of the other dead men in Tsing Yi, and found that all of them also had highly poisonous poison in their mouths.

"Which sect is this person from? What a vicious method!"

Much like a killer sect.

Qin Luoyi thought to himself.

With a movement of her fingers, she peeled off the clothes of the man in Tsing Yi, who had died of poisonous hair, and searched carefully on his body. In a hidden place under his arm, she found a very small pattern in the shape of a sun.

Others have it too.

Seeing that the man in Tsing Yi who was killed by Dahei and Heidi either had his neck bitten off or his head was smashed, she thought about it, took out the corpse powder again, and burned all the corpses to ashes. Go out to the woods.

Along the way, Qin Luoyi let go of his consciousness, carefully observed his surroundings, and stayed at a place a little further away for a while. After observing, he didn't find anything unusual, and he didn't notice that he was being followed. Then he headed towards the place where the fighting was most intense. and go.

Above the sky, Duanmu Changqing is majestic, with fluttering black clothes, holding a three-foot-long sword in his hand, exuding a cold and domineering aura, fighting with a twelfth-order giant eel monster, The giant elk monster is very powerful, and its eel skin is a natural protective shield. It is impossible for ordinary swords and swords to hack into its body.

(End of this chapter)

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