Chapter 414
But Duanmu Changqing's long sword is different, it is a real sacred weapon!Qin Luoyi once heard him say that this long sword has been kept warm in his mansion. Because it has no great success, it has not been used.


After several rounds of the battle, Duanmu Changqing cut off the monster's neck with a sharp sword and took its demon pill.


The ruthless and domineering aura, the incomparably chic posture, and the iron fist method when suppressing the monsters made many monks show envy and reverence in the eyes, and many young female monks even forgot that they were fighting with monsters at this time. Fighting, looking at him with eyes full of love.

Duanmu Changqing ignored everyone's admiration and admiration, turned around and found an eleventh-order giant monster not far away, and raised his sword to fight again.

"It seems that the sword should be completed." Qin Luoyi smiled slightly, turned and looked to the other side.

Feng Feili was dressed in a red brocade robe, which made his already monstrous face even more monstrous. He didn't have a sword in his hand, but commanded seven small swords to form a sword array, facing a twelfth-rank reckless bull. The monster strangled.

"Brother's sword formation has also been accomplished." Qin Luoyi pursed his lips, and a smile flashed in his eyes. During the double cultivation some time ago, the two senior brothers suppressed their cultivation. Although they both only advanced to the first level, they were gentle The sword in the mansion was nourished by enough sources of chaos.

Originally, I heard from them that it would take at least ten years to complete it. Obviously, because of absorbing enough sources of chaos, the sword array of the senior brother and the long sword of the second senior brother have already been completed, and they can be used against the enemy. If you continue to warm up, the power of the sword and the sword array will be even more powerful.

But still did not see Chu Yifeng's figure.

The monsters were raging in the Paradise of the Heavens, and the Paradise of the Paradise was severely damaged. Many monks joined hands to kill the monsters, while deliberately looking for places like the secret room of the Treasure Pavilion in the Paradise of the Paradise.

Several hilltops have been looted.

Qin Luoyi narrowed his phoenix eyes slightly, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

She thought of the pamphlets contained in the space of the bracelet, and with a move in her heart, she led Dahei and Heidi quietly to the hills that had not been looted.

She hid the boxes containing the pamphlets in a very secret room. When those monks chased the monsters to the mountain to fish in troubled waters, she purposely took advantage of the chaos to penetrate the secret room. The box was instantly exposed.

"What is this?" All the monks looked at these exquisite boxes, their eyes glowed, and they couldn't hide their excitement.

"Don't move, this is something from our Paradise of Paradise." The disciple with Paradise of Paradise shouted with red eyes.

Although they have never seen it before, since it is placed in the secret room, it must be extremely important.

They rushed forward and wanted to pick up all the boxes.

The monks who had long been agile and cultivated for a long time picked up the box before they did it.When he opened it, he saw that there were thin booklets inside, his eyes became brighter, and he hurriedly opened them to read.

"The thirteenth-order monster pill that disappeared from Tianyi Palace 800 years ago, I haven't found out who stole it... It's actually a paradise!"

"The Huoteng tree that was missing in our Shuiyue Cave was robbed by Yaochi Wonderland and Cave Paradise together!"

"And the Linglong Grass in our Louvre Hall!"

As the boxes were opened continuously, the disciples of Dongtian Paradise and Yaochi Wonderland were stunned. They never thought that these terrible things were actually contained in the boxes.

All the monks were red-eyed.

More people go to the boxes on the ground.

The incidents of killing and looting treasures that Dongtian Paradise and Yaochi Wonderland once did individually or jointly have been exposed one by one. For thousands of years, no matter whether it is a casual cultivator or a powerful sect, there have been incidents on the entire Penglai Immortal Island. All the important events are actually related to these two sects.

"Dongtian Paradise and Yaochi Wonderland have evil intentions, and they have done so many outrageous things over the years!"

"Destroyed the blessed land of the cave!"

"Yaochi Wonderland can't let go!"

"Retribution! The monsters broke through the defenses of the Paradise of Heaven today, so we can see their true colors!"

"Let them spit out what they stole from us!"

"Yes! Let them spit it out!"

The monks got angry and put away all the boxes in the secret room. This was the evidence that Dongtian Paradise and Yaochi Wonderland had done evil.

Qin Luoyi smiled slightly, and quickly retreated with Dahei and Heidi. At this time, the monsters outside were almost wiped out because of the tens of thousands of monks from Tongjin City.

With these booklets, there will be no more Paradise of Heaven on Penglai Xiandao in the future. The Paradise of Paradise has left these records. I don’t know what kind of intentions they have hidden in the Treasure Pavilion with the Fulong Formation. Thinking, it will be revealed to the world one day, right?

The clever disciples of Dongtian Paradise and Yaochi Wonderland sensed something was wrong, and while everyone was browsing, they hurriedly and quietly plundered away, but were stopped by all the monks, and all of them were restrained and locked in the secret room inside.

"Now there are still monsters that are still alive, so please don't say anything for now. After the monsters are wiped out, I will hand over these books to the head, and let Dongtian Paradise and Yaochi Wonderland give us justice."

After discussing with each other, they took the box, suppressed the anger in their hearts, and walked out of the secret room.

Having said that, many disciples feel that this matter is of great importance, especially those who have been robbed of treasures in the sect, but quietly approached the elders of the master sect.

But in a short time, many monks knew that the things that were stolen on Penglai Xiandao were all made by Dongtian Paradise and Yaochi Wonderland.

Everyone was furious.

When Qin Luoyi released the striata, she also planned it carefully in advance, and only put it in when the monsters had been killed. She didn't want all the angry monks to run to trouble the disciples of the Paradise of Paradise and Yaochi Wonderland first. , and let the monsters take advantage of it.

Not long after the brochure was exposed, all the monsters were slaughtered, and the monks from various sects who had suppressed their anger for a long time began to join hands to control all the hills in Dongtian Paradise, and then began to search for important figures in Yaochi Fairyland and Dongtian Paradise.

Shan Hong and Xia Zhongli had already been wiped out by Qin Luoyi. They searched for a while but couldn't find the heads of the two sects, so they went to the elders of the sects.

There are no disciples in the blessed land of the cave to destroy the monster teleportation formation in the sea.The sect is their foundation, except for a few Zifu elders, everyone else stayed behind to protect the sect.

After the shady things they did were exposed, because the disciples of Dongtian Paradise who knew about it were controlled early, and almost all the sects knew about it, but they only kept Dongtian Paradise and Yaochi Wonderland from it. The elders and core disciples of the two sects who stayed here hadn't realized what was going on, so they were restrained and asked about the whereabouts of the treasures that had been robbed back then.

(End of this chapter)

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