Brother is too evil

Chapter 420 The Demon Emperor Appears

Chapter 420 The Demon Emperor Appears (2)
"Hey, what an unjust death!" He couldn't help laughing.

The monks on the sea also reacted. The five-color monster bull was fooled by Qin Luoyi, and the two fourteenth-level terrifying monsters were wiped out. The morale of the monks who were already close to exhaustion suddenly shook.

The three of Feng Feili finally flew close to the sapphire blue warship, high above the sky, the strong wind was fierce, blowing their skirts fluttering, their hair fluttering, and they were graceful.

The three quickly jumped into the sapphire blue warship.

"Why are you here?" Qin Luoyi raised his eyebrows, a little displeased, but more worried.

Especially Chu Yifeng, his cultivation base is only the second level of Yu Mansion, and he dares to rush to this.

Chu Yifeng clenched his fists and looked at her, restraining the urge to hug her into his arms. The five-color demon bull chased her persistently just now. Thinking about it now, he still has palpitations.

Duanmu Changqing couldn't help but stretched out his hand and tapped her forehead heavily: "You still asked how we came up, but you just ran up like that, do you know that we will be worried?"

Feng Feili also stared at her, her enchanting handsome face was more serious than ever before.

"I'm not worried about Master and them." Qin Luoyi blinked and said, his nimble eyes were dark and sparkling: "What else do you mean by running up like that? I have Dahei and Heidi by my side, and Baolan Zhan The boat, you don’t just run up on a hothead!”

After speaking, he looked at them with a half-smile.

"Since you are all here, you are not allowed to leave the warship for a while!" She glanced over the faces of the three of them one by one, and said solemnly: "Our cultivation base is not as good as those monsters. It's not right to look at it, but it's okay if we can't beat it!" run."

"Kill them!"

The monsters who were fighting with all the cultivators of the Purple Mansion went mad, and one of the blood moon monsters roared, among all the monsters, it had the strongest cultivation, and all the monsters followed suit.

In an instant, these human monks killed the two go-getters on the side. It was extremely angry, and it had already seen that except for the two beasts, the cultivation base of the others was not strong, and even the Zifu had not cultivated. .

To die at the hands of such lowly human beings is simply a shame and a great humiliation for monsters.

Another three huge monsters rushed over, one of them was besieging the three heads of Ge, and the other two were besieging Yan Gui, head Ning and the others. Lan Guang, aggressive, roared and rushed towards Qin Luoyi and his party.


Headmaster Ge reminded them that one of the seven monsters surrounding them had been killed, two were dealt with by Qin Luoyi and Dahei just now, and now one left, leaving only three. They immediately lost a lot of pressure, but they were even more worried about Qin Luoyi and the others.

Yan Gui and the elders of Yaochi Wonderland were very happy.

Especially Yan Gui, he had been seriously injured just now, and now his body was covered in blood, and his fighting power had dropped a lot. If he continued like this, he wouldn't be able to hold on for long.

Seeing the three monsters attacking Qin Luoyi and the others, he felt relieved, but he pretended to be worried and reminded them to be careful.

Dahei and Heidi roared wildly, and instantly surrounded a blue-eyed fire lion. They beat it hard, one against two, and another powerful magic weapon, and their bodies were also very strong. Compared with the monster beast, he didn't show much and quickly gained the upper hand. Although he hasn't killed the monster beast yet, it will be a matter of time.

Qin Luoyi ran away driving the sapphire blue warship.

While running, she fired at the two monsters. Of course, this time it was not a spiritual shell, but the homemade shell that she killed the five-color demon cow just now. She made this shell by imitating the current bomb. Several kinds of crystals are added in it.

The two monsters had already prepared themselves, knowing the power of the cannonball, they didn't dare to hit it hard, and kept dodging.

After a few failed attacks, Qin Luoyi stopped wasting shells and signaled the Tsing Yi puppet to use the Qiankun Clock to shake the two monsters. Anyway, the Tsing Yi puppet manipulated the Qiankun Clock and would not be injured. It could shock the two monsters. Best of all, it doesn't matter if the shock doesn't hurt.

Duanmu Changqing stood in the sapphire blue warship, his handsome face was cold and his eyes were cold, he took out the yin and yang mirror.

Feng Feili hooked his lips into a smile, and summoned the Nirvana Pagoda.

Chu Yifeng held the blood-red Tianxin Arrow.

Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing's Nirvana Tower and Yin-Yang Mirror emitted a dazzling light, completely covering the two monsters inside. The Yin-Yang Mirror slowed down the monster's attack, and then they felt the power in their bodies quietly The passage of time, Nirvana sends out a strong suction to suck them in.

"Humph, what a trick!" The two monsters were shocked at first, and then laughed.

These two magical artifacts may be powerful, but the cultivation level of the person holding the magical artifacts is too low to exert the power of these two heaven-defying magical artifacts.

The blue light on their bodies was even brighter. With a flick of their tails and a loud roar, they jumped out of the light from the Yin-Yang Mirror and the Tower of Silence.

The long arrow shot by Chu Yifeng could not penetrate its powerful body and enter its body.


The two monsters attacked more fiercely, wanting to make a quick decision and crush these humans into a pulp.

Chu Yifeng's eyes were deep and cold, and he directly forced out a mouthful of blood in his heart, sprayed it on the long arrow, took the bow, and aimed at one of the monsters.

The eyes of Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing were equally ruthless, and a sinister and bloodthirsty smile appeared on their handsome faces. They also spurted out a mouthful of blood, and instantly sank into the Yin-Yang Mirror and the Tower of Nirvana.

Using their cultivation base to deal with fourteenth-order monsters, no matter how many spirit pills they eat to replenish their spiritual power, it will be useless. Monsters are too powerful. Only the blood essence with powerful mana in their bodies cultivated by the family's secret method can make them obtain magic weapons. The power is multiplied.

For monks, essence blood is a very precious existence, relying on it may save their lives at critical moments, many monks, even Zifu monks, can't get a drop of essence blood even if they practice for a lifetime, because there is no cultivation method, Among the seven great families in Xuantian Continent, not every family has the technique of cultivating essence and blood, and that technique is extremely difficult to cultivate. The two of them have cultivated for more than a hundred years, using a lot of treasures from heaven and earth, but they can only produce Just two drops of blood.

Naturally, their cultivation would also suffer if they lost their essence and blood, but those were not important, as long as they killed the monsters and spent more time practicing.

The Qin family also has a secret method of cultivating blood essence, but Chu Yifeng has not practiced it for a long time, and there is only one drop of blood essence in his body, but this is also against the sky.

In order to deal with the monsters, the three of Chu Yifeng did not hesitate to use the most precious blood, because only in this way can they be invincible and protect the people they like from being harmed.

"The three of them are not the ones in the pool!" Master Luo nodded approvingly. Only those who give up can gain. The three of them are well aware of their own strength, and they chose the most advantageous fighting method without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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