Brother is too evil

Chapter 421 The Demon Emperor Appears

Chapter 421 The Demon Emperor Appears (3)
Yan Gui, Head Ning and other cultivators in the Zifu were envious.

The reason why the seven great families of Xuantian Continent have been able to stand firm and powerful is because they have many high-level cultivation techniques that are not known to outsiders.

The three people who spit out blood didn't feel much, but Qin Luoyi felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, and then secretly swore that when the war was over, she would make alchemy for them and take good care of their bodies. Quite a few goodies.

The Yin-Yang Mirror and the Nirvana Tower were nourished by the essence and blood, and their power increased greatly, trapping the two monsters again, this time they couldn't escape, roaring and roaring inside.

Chu Yifeng's phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and the jade arrow exuding a terrifying aura shot out, instantly sinking into the body of a monster.

With a loud noise, the body of the monster exploded, and the body turned into minced meat. The monster pill was deliberately kept by Chu Yifeng, but because there was still a monster inside, the Yin-Yang Mirror and the Tower of Nirvana could not be removed. Danli's spiritual power was quickly absorbed by the yin and yang mirror.

A silver light flashed.

The jade arrow returned to Chu Yifeng's hand.

He shot the bow again, and amidst the angry and desperate roar of the monster, he shot it again, detonating its body.

Duanmu Changqing and Feng Feili looked at each other, then withdrew their hands at the same time to restrain the demon pill, and Feng Feili threw the demon pill at Chu Yifeng.

Chu Yifeng glanced at them, did not refuse, caught them gracefully, and put them into the storage space.

The monster being attacked by Dahei and Heidi let out a scream, and died under Heidi's big paw.

"Too perverted!"

All the monks were excited and extremely excited.Three fourteenth-level monsters were killed just like that.

Not only the monks were shocked, but the monsters were even more shocked, and they looked at Qin Luoyi and the others in astonishment.

Qin Luoyi was not idle, and while the monsters were in a state of shock, he quietly fired several cannonballs, killing another fourteenth-level monster.

The monks cheered.

Yan Gui was dumbfounded, and while distracted, he was attacked by a monster again, making a foot-long gash in his chest, which immediately made him curse.

Headmaster Ge felt relieved and let out a long breath. He had been worried about his disciples all along, and now he was finally relieved.

Qin Luoyi rode the sapphire blue warship, rushed over with Dahei and Heidi, and teamed up with Sect Master Ge, Master Luo and Uncle Wu Shan, surrounded the remaining three monsters and beat them fiercely. After that, all three monsters were strangled.

They freed up their hands to look for other targets, because they were worried about their three disciples, Master Ge and Master Luo, who were never too far away from Qin Luoyi's sapphire blue warship, and besides, there was a super powerful Dahei With Hei Di, and Chu Yifeng, who was holding a heaven-defying magical weapon, wherever the group passed, monsters were flying with flesh and blood, screaming incessantly, and seven or eight powerful monsters were killed again in a short time .

The number of monsters decreased sharply, and their combat effectiveness was greatly reduced. Head Ning and others laughed loudly. Although they were more or less injured, they fought more and more bravely. After half an hour, all the monsters had been killed. Seven or eight of them have fallen, and since Qin Luoyi and the others joined the battle, the cultivators of Zifu have not lost a single one.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the leading monster ran away towards the deep sea, not daring to fight any more. As soon as it escaped, the other monsters lost their will to fight and scattered and fled, although they all ran towards the deep sea. Not to be caught by these human monks, they wisely chose a different route.


Yan Gui, who was seriously injured, gritted his teeth and his eyes showed ruthlessness, and chased after one of the monsters with several monks from the Purple Mansion and a few monks who had good personal relationships in the Yueyue Pavilion.

At this time, the monsters are at the end of the road, and he wants to kill them to seize its demon core, the fourteenth-order blue demon core, if it weren't for the tide of monsters, these monsters would not be so big in the deep sea to come around the land on weekdays Yes, he is a cultivator of the Zifu, and he dare not rely on his cultivation to go to the lair of monsters in the deep sea.

Headmaster Ge led a group of people to chase after the monster beasts, and quickly killed two of them. After some delay, the other one, which was fleeing in the same direction, escaped.

Everyone wanted to chase again, but was stopped by Sect Leader Ge: "It's important for us to destroy the teleportation array below. If there are more powerful monsters coming out, things will be troublesome." He knew that everyone's spirits were extremely exhausted.

Dahei and Heidi were extremely fast, Qin Luoyi had a sapphire blue warship, and the monster they were chasing escaped within ten miles before being blocked.

Attacked those two monsters fiercely, and it seemed that they were about to suppress them. Suddenly, there was a violent roar in the sea, which was deafening, and there were hundreds of meters high waves on the sea surface, and the general was fighting against the monsters. Countless monks were involved in the sea, and many monks had not realized what was going on before their bodies were torn apart by the violent sea water and died in the sea.

The other surviving monks hurriedly flew towards the sky with the rainbow, looking pale and panicked at the tumbling sea with terrifying waves, wondering in their hearts.But the two monsters who were already desperate to fight with Qin Luoyi and the others were overjoyed.

"Haha, the Demon Emperor is here!"

"Damn humans, the Demon Emperor will kill you, no one can escape!"

Amidst their excited roars, a huge figure jumped out of the sea. Its body was very huge, covered with silver hairs, shining brightly one by one. Its head was like a unicorn, its body was like a lion, and its limbs were Like a dragon's claw, his whole body exudes an extremely terrifying aura.

It rushed into the air with its head held high, and suddenly two fist-sized purple flashes of lightning shot out from its eyes. Those two flashes of lightning were extremely terrifying, and those who were hit by the flashes were instantly turned into ashes, including many Yufu monks.

"Human beings like ants!" It said coldly, the voice was not loud, but it spread far away, piercing into the ears of all the monks, like Ling Chi being stabbed by someone with a knife, extremely uncomfortable, with cultivation The low-level monk couldn't bear the sonic attack, and blood flowed out of his seven orifices.

"Demon Emperor, save us." The two monsters trapped by the Nirvana Tower and the Yin-Yang Mirror saw that Chu Yifeng's Heavenly Heart Arrow and Heidi's claws were about to fall on them, they couldn't help being anxious, and rushed to The Demon Emperor asked for help.


Hei Di shrank his pupils, slapped him to death, and took away its demon core.

Chu Yifeng's long arrow also shot out, and the body of the other monster instantly turned into a cloud of blood mist.

"Damn human beings! How dare you do anything in front of the emperor!" The demon emperor narrowed his eyes, which were shining with strange light, with unconcealable anger, and then flew towards the sapphire blue warship.

Headmaster Ge felt something was wrong when he heard the roar behind him, and hurriedly turned around, just in time to see the Demon Emperor chasing Qin Luoyi and the others exuding a terrifying aura, shouted sharply, and flew over like lightning.

(End of this chapter)

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