Brother is too evil

Chapter 437 Spike

Chapter 437 Spike (2)
There are even many monks who came here from other places because they admired him... Although we only got together for a short month, Huangfuyan's wisdom and open-mindedness, even if he became obsessed and fell into a desperate situation, he couldn't wear him away His will to be a strong man, all of which made him admire.

Because of admiration, and because he also wanted to become stronger, he accepted Huangfuyan's inheritance, and also assumed the responsibility of protecting this territory in the future. He could bear the pain when the power of the sun broke out, no matter how painful it was, but he couldn't What he endured was because of himself, unexpectedly letting Yi'er get hurt, the reason why he became stronger was to protect Yi'er.

Huangfuyan has a big heart and has the world in his heart, he can understand, but... for the sake of his world, he actually chose to hurt Yi'er, he didn't expect it, and was even more angry and unbearable.

"Dissipate the power of the sun?" Qin Luoyi was startled when he heard the words, but he didn't expect Jian Yuyan to say such words so easily, a corner deep in his heart suddenly softened, and a strange sour feeling rose in his heart.

Jian Yuyan smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to caress the blue hair on the top of her head, Qin Luoyi's eyes flickered, and was thinking about how to tell him that practicing the Taiyin Heart Sutra would not hurt him, and when he didn't have to be so angry, two divine rainbows suddenly pulled out. They rose from the ground and shot at them like lightning.

The two looked up.

The divine rainbow was extremely fast, but it arrived in front of them in the blink of an eye, blocking their way.One white figure, one blue figure, was the old man who had brought her here by tearing apart the void, and the other one she was familiar with was Sima Yu beside Duanmu Changying.

"Qin Luoyi, where's my young master!" Zong Wuying's eyes flickered, looking at Qin Luoyi, and then at Jian Yuyan beside her, his expression quietly changed several times.With his cultivation base, he can naturally feel that Jian Yuyan's aura is very unusual.

Qin Luoyi raised his chin slightly, looked at him with a half-smile and said, "Fall into the Tianlong Mountain Range and was eaten by spirit beasts."

Duanmu Changying in the space of her bracelet, she went to see it, she was drugged and served by her, and she was hit on the head with a sap, nearly half a month passed, and she still didn't die, what a fate .

Zong Wuying didn't believe it.

As the holy son of the sect, Duanmu Changying has a very high status, and is even more highly valued by the Holy Master. He has a soul jade slip in the sect, and he went to see it on purpose, and the soul jade slip is fine.

His indifferent eyes fell on Jian Yuyan.

Qin Luoyi was fine, standing here unscathed...could it be this man who saved her?Duanmu Changying fell into the hands of the two of them?

Because Jian Yuyan has been secretly accepting Huangfuyan's inheritance for the past two years, no one has ever seen him except the core members of the Huangfu family, so Zong Wuying obviously doesn't know him, and he secretly guesses Jian Yuyan's identity in his heart.

"Hand over my son!" He looked at Qin Luoyi again, and the powerful aura of the top cultivator in the Zifu burst out, crushing towards Qin Luoyi.

Qin Luoyi and Jian Yuyan were standing together, and that aura naturally enveloped Jian Yuyan. Jian Yuyan shrank his pupils and snorted coldly. Before the aura was approaching, the powerful aura from his body shot out, towards Zong Wu Shadow pressed down hard.


Sima Yu let out a muffled snort, and retreated tens of meters abruptly, his face turned pale in an instant, and the blood in his heart was churning violently. The aura was as strong as a mountain pressing on him, making him breathless.

Zong Wuying's expression changed drastically.

Jian Yuyan's aura is not weaker than her own!

Although his cultivation was high, he resisted forcefully and did not retreat like Sima Yu, but the blood in his heart was really churning... This man must be a top cultivator in the Purple Mansion just like him!

He was even more sure that Duanmu Changying had fallen into their hands, and was even more depressed. Qin Luoyi's luck was a little bit better. When he arrived at the unfamiliar Tianlong Mountains, his cultivation was also sealed by himself. This actually allowed her to escape, and there was such a powerful man beside her.If he had known this, he should not rush to Yaochi Wonderland, but should escort the Son to Zongmen first.

It's just too late to regret now.

He didn't look at Qin Luoyi, and his eyes fell on Jian Yuyan. This man is very strange... The monks of the Zifu on the Shenglong Continent have been recorded in the sect, let alone the peak monks of the Zifu. Where did it come from?
For a top cultivator in the Zifu, it is better to win him over than to fight him hard.Thinking of this, the expression on his face eased a lot, and he said to Jian Yuyan very politely: "Friend Daoist, I am Zong Wuying from the Duanmu family. I wonder if you saw my second son half a month ago?"

"Duanmu... your second son..." Jian Yuyan frowned slightly: "Could it be Duanmu Changying?"

Even if Jian Yuyan has not yet started to travel outside, Jian Yuyan already knows the seven super families of Xuantian Continent, because the Huangfu family has very detailed records of the other six families.Moreover, Duanmu Changying is also the younger brother of the second senior brother Duanmu Changqing, so he was naturally more distracted.

Zong Wuying smiled slightly: "Exactly." He thought to himself that this man would help Qin Luoyi, maybe because he didn't know Duanmu Changying's identity, such a powerful person, as long as he handed over him, he would naturally stop talking to him Forget about it, the strength of the Duanmu family made him never think that Jian Yuyan would have other choices.

A gleam flashed in Jian Yuyan's eyes, and when she looked at Qin Luoyi, she suddenly understood that when she asked her how she got here, she just explained it.

Presumably the old man she was talking about was this person.The Duanmu family... She must have been so vague because she was afraid that she would suffer in their hands.

Thinking of Jiuyou Lake, my heart skipped a beat. Could it be that the man by Jiuyou Lake is Duanmu Changying?But the thought was fleeting.It was quickly rejected by him.

Even he couldn't see through that man's cultivation level. Duanmu Changying had just entered the Jade Mansion this year, and it was impossible for the Jade Mansion's cultivation level to give people such an unpredictable and weird feeling.

Yi'er also said that she didn't know that person... Thinking of what she saw at that time, a bitter evil spirit shot out from her body.

Duanmu Changying was most likely the one who gave Yi'er the aphrodisiac. Thinking of the seal in Qin Luoyi's body, his eyes became colder.

"never seen it."

Zong Wuying's expression changed, the smile on his lips retracted, and a solemn look appeared on his expression... Could it be that he is also a member of the Seven Great Aristocratic Families?Judging by his appearance, it is clear that Duanmu's family is not taken seriously.

"It turns out that fellow Taoist hasn't seen it before." The cultivators of the Purple Mansion, whose cultivation base is similar to his, should try not to do anything if they can. People from the family, he is not afraid.

His eyes fell on Qin Luoyi again: "My second son has been with Miss Qin before, since Miss Qin said that my second son was eaten by a spirit beast, I have to ask Miss Qin to show me a way to take a look. , which spirit beast ate it, I will tear it to pieces and avenge the Second Young Master."

(End of this chapter)

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