Brother is too evil

Chapter 438 Spike

Chapter 438 Spike (3)
He walked towards Qin Luoyi.

The whole person seems to be casual, but in fact it is loose on the outside and tight on the inside. His spiritual consciousness has been locked on Jian Yuyan to prevent him from making sudden moves.

Qin Luoyi smiled: "It's just right that he died, why should I take you there?" Standing beside Jian Yuyan, she didn't show any panic because of Zong Wuying's approach.

Zong Wuying's eyes were deep.

Qin Luoyi... Is she sure that this man will protect her?He didn't stop under his feet, he accelerated towards Qin Luoyi, and was about to pull Qin Luoyi with his hand.

Jian Yuyan's eyes were cold, and the coercion of the top monk in the Zifu burst out again, and with a flick of his sleeve, an extremely powerful force swept towards Zong Wuying: "Didn't you hear that she said she wouldn't go with you? "

There is infinite murderous intent hidden in that force.

Zong Wuying's heart trembled, he moved, and quickly fled away, but even so, a piece of the skirt of his body was cut off.He was tentatively attacking Qin Luoyi, but he didn't expect this man to kill him.

"Friend Daoist, I just want to find my young master, you must protect her?" Zong Wuying's eyes became extremely sharp, and he looked at Jian Yuyan: "You have to think clearly about our Duanmu family's enemy. "

Jian Yuyan smiled coldly: "What about the Duanmu family? My disciples of the Piaomiao sect are not to be bullied."

This seemingly young man is actually a member of the Piao Miao sect?Apart from Ge Hong and Luo Sheng, when did the Piao Miao Sect have such a powerful person who could cut off his skirt with one move?

"Haha, since that's the case, then I have to do it myself." Although Zong Wuying was surprised, he didn't show it at all on his face. Instead, he laughed out loud, knowing that he wanted to find out the whereabouts of Duanmu Changying. It has been unavoidable.

After all, the Piaomiao Sect is in Penglai Xiandao. Although it is very powerful, it is better to be an enemy of the Piaomiao Sect than to be an enemy of the aristocratic family. Kill this man now, and it won't be too late to kill Qin Luoyi after finding Duanmu Changying.

The Purple Mansion flew out of him, the purple light was dazzling, illuminating half of the sky, and the surrounding spiritual power rioted because of the powerful Zi Mansion.

"Yi'er, stay away." Jian Yuyan made a move, and a spiritual power sent Qin Luoyi out, away from him and the old man in Tsing Yi, and also sacrificed a radiant purple mansion, and the surrounding spiritual power rioted even more violently .

The two purple mansions spun rapidly, and then turned into two beams of light, colliding fiercely together.


There was a loud noise, and the sky and the earth were shaken endlessly, and the birds in the distance were frightened and flew away into the distance.

Qin Luoyi was far enough away, but the force of the collision was too strong, and he was so shocked that his blood was tumbling, and he quickly retreated several thousand meters.

There were a few more earth-shattering bangs, and the dazzling purple light rose tens of thousands of meters into the sky. The purple light was too dazzling, and the two figures who were fighting inside were covered by the purple light. Even if she let go of her consciousness, she couldn't see who it was. Who.

Sima Yu quietly sneaked over, looked at Qin Luoyi who was looking up into the air, a look of cruelty flashed in his eyes, and took advantage of Qin Luoyi's unpreparedness, he sneaked towards her.

Duanmu Changying is missing. If he catches Qin Luoyi and rescues the Second Young Master, he will gain a firm foothold beside the Second Young Master in the future. If he has a chance to become the Second Young Master's confidant, no one will be able to shake his position. The second son became the real ruler of the Duanmu family, so he can wake up and take over the power of the world, and lie drunk on the lap of a beauty.

He knew that this day would not be too far away, at most in a few or ten years, the Second Young Master would be able to truly control the Duanmu family.

The Yu Mansion turned into a transparent and exquisite dagger, and it went straight to Qin Luoyi's vitals. When it was about to fall on Qin Luoyi's body, Qin Luoyi moved his feet and moved away gently, with the corner of his lips curled up. With a faint mocking smile.

Sima Yu's heart shuddered.Unexpectedly, Qin Luoyi's reaction was so fast that he almost succeeded in sneak attacking.

Qin Luoyi raised his hand and slapped it lightly, and the dagger transformed from the mansion was shattered, and then he jumped on him.

The last time Sima Yu brought someone to attack her and Duanmu Changqing in the inn, she did not forget that she lost a lot of spar because of him. just come.

Sima Yu turned and ran.

Although he didn't go to Penglai Immortal Island when the wave of monsters came, he also knew that Qin Luoyi was now a sixth-level monk in the Yu Mansion, and he was only a fourth-level monk in the Yu Mansion, and his cultivation was two levels behind. He also knew that Qin Luoyi had many perverts on him. There is also a puppet in Tsing Yi, if he really wants to face Qin Luoyi, he has no chance of winning.

After running for more than ten kilometers, he reached a thick and dark forest, and his speed quietly slowed down.

Qin Luoyi chased him in.

Dozens of men in blue clothes wore uniform clothes and covered their faces with black scarves. Each of them held an extremely sharp long sword in their hands. They jumped down from the top of the invisible tree silently and surrounded her.

Sima Yu smiled, and ordered to everyone in an unusually chic way: "Take her down, and she will die."

These Tsing Yi people are all monks of the Yu Mansion, and two of them are already eighth-rank monks of the Yu Mansion. There are so many people who are more than enough to deal with Qin Luoyi and her Tsing Yi puppets.

Qin Luoyi glanced at his eyes with an extraordinarily relaxed expression, a Sima Yu who was holding a winning hand, and a sly smile flashed in his dark eyes.

With a thought, he summoned the sapphire blue warship and blasted all the monks in blue. In the blink of an eye, half of them were blown to pieces and lost their lives. Quick, this escaped a catastrophe.

"What's that!" Sima Yu's face was ashen. It's been a few years since Qin Luoyi still had such a powerful magic weapon.

There were still six or seven Yufu monks left, and Qin Luoyi aimed the cannon directly at Sima Yu.

Sima Yu turned pale with fright, turned around and ran away from Yu Hong, but no matter how fast he was, he couldn't catch up with the Baolan warship, and was soon caught up by Qin Luoyi, and a cannonball hit him, Sima Yu screamed With one sound, although the cannon did not kill him, it broke one of his arms, and his body was also severely injured, with blood dripping from his body, which was truly miserable.

The rest of the men in Tsing Yi chased after them, unleashed their powerful magic weapons, and blasted towards the sapphire blue warship.

The defensive power of the sapphire blue warship is astonishing, it was forged by Master Luo himself, how can their magical weapons be able to blast away?Seeing that the situation was not right, the remaining seven men in black turned around and fled. If they stayed here again, they would only be beaten.

Qin Luoyi fired a few shots, and another person was blasted into a bloody mist. The others all ran in different directions in order not to be caught up by the sapphire blue warship, but they all escaped.

The injured Sima Yu also escaped.

Qin Luoyi gave up the others, and caught up with him again. This time, instead of using the sapphire blue warship, he took the warship back. Yu Hong caught up with Sima Yu, killed Sima Yu without much effort, and captured him. Looking at his storage space, there are actually a lot of things in it, and there are several spars.

(End of this chapter)

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