Brother is too evil

Chapter 439 The Power of the Sun Out of Control

Chapter 439 The Power of the Sun Out of Control (1)
"Tsk, it's not bad. Although it's not as good as the spar I lost, it's better than nothing."

There are also some pills and the like, but Qin Luoyi's alchemy skills are extremely high, so he doesn't pay attention to these, but he keeps them in his storage space, and there are several million taels of silver notes in it. Also put away.

Leaving Sima Yu behind, she went to look at other people and collected all the storage space on their bodies, because these people were all killed by the sapphire blue warship, except for one person whose body was relatively intact, the rest of them only had There were some stumps and broken arms.

Jian Yuyan and the old man in Tsing Yi were still fighting fiercely in the air. Qin Luoyi looked intently, but it was still difficult to distinguish their figures, and then looked down at the relatively intact corpse (actually, everything below the chest was gone.) With a sudden movement in his heart, he cut open his clothes with the tip of the sword, and looked under his arm, a tiny sun-shaped pattern appeared impressively.

There was a deafening roar of dragons and tigers in the sky. One of the two purple mansions turned into a giant dragon, majestic, and the other turned into a giant snow-white tiger, very vicious. One dragon and one tiger fought fiercely together. A moment later, the giant dragon stretched out its sharp claws and tore the white tiger into pieces, then threw itself fiercely at the old man in Tsing Yi.

There was a faint trace of blood on the lips of the old man in Tsing Yi. The white tiger was torn apart, and he was also seriously injured. He didn't dare to fight Jian Yuyan's giant dragon anymore. He didn't expect that this seemingly young man would actually have a higher level of cultivation than him. He tried his best, but he only supported him for a moment.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Qin Luoyi on the ground, a stern look flashed across his face, and he rushed straight towards her.

Jian Yuyan was extremely angry.

The giant dragon opened its mouth wide, intending to swallow the old man in Tsing Yi. The old man in Tsing Yi was not far away from Qin Luoyi, but if he continued to go towards Qin Luoyi at this time, he would surely be doomed.

In the blink of an eye, he has already made a decision to temporarily abandon Qin Luoyi, leave here first, and then slowly figure it out.

Holding up the formula in his hand, streaks of silver light flashed out of his hand, engraving many runes at an extremely fast speed, the space around him became turbulent, and a small half of the dragon's body sank into the space, as if As if trapped in a quagmire, the movement of the attack was several times slower.

A cold and stern look flashed in Jian Yuyan's eyes. He stood in the air, flapping his clothes, and quickly squeezed out a few formulas in his hands. The spiritual power in the air became more turbulent, rushing towards the giant dragon.

"Little Lord!"

Dozens of divine rainbows shot from a distance. Zong Wuying was no stranger to those figures. He glanced at Jian Yuyan in shock, but his hands moved faster, temporarily blocking the dragon's attack. The platform was called out by him, jumped onto the white jade platform, and quickly disappeared without a trace, and the void returned to its original state again.

Seeing that Qin Luoyi was fine, Jian Yuyan looked better, and watched Zong Wuying disappear in the direction, thoughtfully.To be able to tear apart the void with bare hands, and make it difficult for him to exert his attack power in the twisted void, so he took the opportunity to escape... This person is not simple.

Qin Luoyi came to him and saw that there was nothing wrong with him and he was not injured, so he couldn't help but feel relieved.

Dozens of cultivators from the Zifu who caught up were all the core figures of the Huangfu family. Looking at Jian Yuyan, they looked very nervous.

Before leaving, they all heard what Jian Yuyan said to Huangfuyan, but they didn't expect him to be so decisive for Qin Luoyi's sake, to disperse his cultivation.

Huangfuyan also came, he came here with a flying magic weapon, his expression was very guilty, and he was even more worried, fearing that Jian Yuyan would lose his cultivation as he said.

Although the Huangfu family has always been extremely powerful and ruled a vast territory, it has been passed down by a single line. In his generation, he has many partners in dual cultivation, but he has not been able to get a lineage. Thousands of years. He has already lost his mind.

A cultivator fights for fate, no matter how high your cultivation level is, the matter of heirs cannot be forced. Hundreds of years ago, he had been looking for candidates for the Huangfu family, and wanted to hand over the Huangfu family to a reliable hands.

More than two years ago, he met Jian Yuyan, a disciple of his good friend Wu Shan, and he liked him very much. Knowing that he was a chaotic body, he was even more delighted.

Jian Yuyan didn't disappoint him either, whether it was talent or a strong heart, he was very satisfied.She respects him even more, even her own son, that's all. Unexpectedly, because of Qin Luoyi... Hey, it's also his fault.

Although Qin Luoyi's cultivation talent is extremely high, but in the Yufu stage, she forcibly used the power of the mansion to refine so much power of the sun, even with the spar supplemented by the power of Hanhe stars and the power of chaos, she hurt the root, It is certain that he will not be able to advance for many years.

Thinking of this, the guilt in his eyes grew stronger.

"Yuyan..." He opened his mouth to speak, but suddenly Jian Yuyan snorted, and a stream of blood escaped from the corner of his lips.

The extremely hot energy came out through the body, making Qin Luoyi who was very close to him feel extremely hot, and the skin on his body became extremely red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Oops! The power of the sun has exploded again!" Huangfuyan's face changed drastically: "Did you use the power of the sun when you were fighting just now?"

Jian Yuyan closed her eyes and worked hard to suppress the powerful force that was out of control, without saying a word.

After being suppressed for a while, the blood on the corner of his lips escaped even more. He was injured, and the power of the sun was out of control. Will die violently.

"Jian Yuyan, let's go back!" Qin Luoyi also felt that the power in his body was fluctuating very violently. If it really got out of control, or a spirit flower formed accidentally, the consequences would be disastrous.

Huangfuyan ordered someone to come over and help Jian Yuyan enter his flying magic weapon. Jian Yuyan didn't resist. He opened his eyes slightly, looked at Qin Luoyi who looked anxious, and smiled: "Don't worry, I'm fine."

He did not resist the person who supported him. The old man in Tsing Yi is powerful, has rich combat experience, and is extremely cunning. If he hadn't risked using the power of the sun, he might not be able to defeat him, and he would have fallen into his hands long ago.

He knew very well that using the power of the sun would be dangerous, but he didn't expect it to happen so quickly. He thought he could wait a little longer. When he dissipated his cultivation, he would no longer be afraid of the power of the sun.

Huangfuyan was very anxious, Wannian Xuanbingyu was in the training room, Jian Yuyan left decisively, but Wannian Xuanbingyu didn't bring it with him, and stayed in the training room.

The speed of the flying magic weapon was extremely fast. In less than half an hour, he returned to the house on the top of the mountain. Jian Yuyan, who was already flushed and dripping sweat quickly, was quickly moved into the training room.

(End of this chapter)

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