Brother is too evil

Chapter 446: The White Clothes Chasing After You

Chapter 446: The White Clothes Chasing After You (2)
She had probably calculated before that from cultivating from the seventh level of Yufu to the peak of the ninth level of Yufu, she would almost consume all the crystals in her body, maybe it was not enough, and the spiritual plants in her space had to be counted!

She looked around with cold eyes.

In the empty and empty realm, there is nothing but her and the sapphire blue warship, and her contractor, the strange black-clothed man, is not nearby.Duanmu Changying, who was thrown out of the bracelet space by her, passed out in the warship, unconscious.

"Is it really a soul contract?"

Jumping out of the warship, Qin Luoyi looked around, suddenly smiled and murmured.

She also thought it was a soul contract before, but now she is deeply suspicious.The power of that golden light group is so powerful that it actually made her soar from the seventh level of Yu Mansion to the second level of Purple Mansion. She has never heard of it, whether it is in Shenglong Continent or Penglai Immortal Island. In the soul contract, the weaker side will get such great benefits.

Her contractor obviously knew the Hunyuan Dzi, and his reaction when he saw the Hunyuan Dzi was beyond her expectations.

On this continent, during the hundreds of years that the Hunyuan Dzi Bead appeared in the world, many hidden powerhouses were secretly looking for this sky-defying bead.

The Hunyuan Dzi Bead is also weird.

In the past few years she has traveled, the Hunyuan Dzi has always stayed in her Lingtai acupoint, and has never left voluntarily. Even if it is the source of chaos, the peerless treasure cultivated between heaven and earth, it just stays in the Lingtai acupoint, and it will destroy the chaos. The source absorbed it, but this time it ran out strangely by itself, and also actively absorbed the black mist from her contractor.

Except for the source of chaos, she has never felt that it is interested in anything, and it bursts out of her body so fast that it can be called impatient.

Qin Luoyi thought about it for a long time, but he couldn't figure out the reason, so he simply left it behind and stopped entangled. The most urgent thing is to get out of here first.

When she was brought here, Jian Yuyan had successfully condensed the spirit flower, and the thunder disaster had passed smoothly, and now he must have known that she was missing, and if she never went back, he would definitely be worried.

She started wandering around.

The space here is very large, and after walking for more than half an hour, she couldn't find the exit. She guessed that this place is like the ice field, and it should be a space of its own.

Time passed quickly, and before you knew it, several hours passed.And her contractor never showed up.

Depressed in her heart, Qin Luoyi simply used the sapphire blue warship to bombard the surrounding space indiscriminately, and even used a few of her special shells.

The man in black was not far away from Qin Luoyi, and he could see every movement of Qin Luoyi inside.

The power of the sapphire blue warship was too great, even though it didn't blow away his barrier, the crackling sound seriously affected his cultivation.

He didn't want to pay attention to her at first, but when she bombarded the barrier with the sapphire blue warship again, he finally stepped in.

Seeing him coming in, Qin Luoyi quickly hid the complacency in his eyes, and snorted coldly: "Hey, you're finally willing to come out."

"Mo Xiao, I don't call you hello." The black-clothed man curled his lips into a smile, with a hint of contempt in his evil eyes: "With your warship, you can't blast the barrier I set up, be quiet, don't you No more wasting effort."

"Since you can't blow it away, what are you doing running out in such a hurry?" Qin Luoyi blinked his phoenix eyes and sneered.

Mo Xiao Junyi's evil face suddenly burst open, his brows and eyes were curved, and his glazed eyes showed a deep smile. He pointed at Qin Luoyi and said, "Which eye of yours is anxious to see me?"

Take two steps forward, walk to Qin Luoyi's side, and look down at her: "Instead of wasting time blasting my enchantment here, you might as well hurry up and practice, I will leave here in a few days... just With your cultivation level, after going out, be careful not to be torn to pieces, it is rare to meet such an interesting person, it would be a pity to die, and then don't blame me for not reminding you in advance."

Qin Luoyi's heart skipped a beat, and he narrowed his phoenix eyes slightly and looked at him: "You're leaving, what's none of my business?"

"I've made a contract with you... If you don't follow me, where else do you want to go?" Mo Xiao raised his eyebrows and approached her, his sharp eyes fixed on her eyes: "Stop bombarding the barrier, and harass me again!" Immediately blow your soul away."

"Let me go out of my mind?" Qin Luoyi chuckled, stretched out his fingers to pinch his chin: "Do you dare? My natal contractor."

Mo Xiao's spine stiffened.

He looked at her dangerously.

Qin Luoyi smiled brightly, not afraid of him looking at him at all, his phoenix eyes were bright and shining like stars.Mo Xiao's reaction proved that her guess was correct, he and herself were indeed a natal contract.

Mo Xiao's face changed several times, then he waved her hand away heavily, and walked away. Qin Luoyi's words hit his sore spot. Yes, he and her made a natal contract, and he made it willingly. Not only did he make a natal contract with her, but he also contributed his precious blood, which greatly increased her cultivation.

Qin Luoyi didn't want to go with him.

She was sure that the two of them were really in a natal contract, and she was not afraid that he would dare to do anything to her.But judging by his appearance, he didn't mean to let her out at all.

Turning her head to look at Duanmu Changying on the ground, she was thinking... There are still a few days left.I don't know if Zong Wuying next to him can find a way to get them out of here.

There is also a jade slip in her storage space, which was given to her by Ouyang Ling. According to her understanding of the jade slip, if she crushes the jade slip, Ouyang Ling should feel it, but Mo Xiao said, here is His enchantment, I don't know if Ouyang Ling is here, can he find it inside the enchantment, Ouyang Ling is powerful, and this demon owl is not easy.

Ouyang Ling gave her the jade slip, originally to guard against Monk Tianwu's back, but Ouyang Ling and Bai Yi obviously knew each other, if she crushed the jade slip now, even if it wasn't because of Monk Tianwu, if Ouyang Ling really found him, It should not be a hand.

It's just that she has the Hunyuan dzi in her body... Ouyang Ling is looking for the Hunyuan dzi again. Every time she sees him, she has to be very careful, which is why she has never wanted to have too much contact with him.

She is not worried about Duanmu Changying.

Even without the promotion a few days ago, Duanmu Changying is not her opponent, but Zong Wuying, if he really finds here, I don't know if he is with Duanmu Changying, will he do something to her again? trick.

Staring at Duanmu Changying, her eyes lit up after a while.

She used some poison on Duanmu Changying before, it was an extremely difficult poison, as long as she didn't understand it... I believe that Duanmu Changying would not dare to do anything bad to her for the sake of her own life.

The last time she was captured by Zong Wuying, she didn't miss that Zong Wuying was a peak monk in the Zifu, but he was very respectful to Duanmu Changying. Although Duanmu Changying was only a junior monk in the Yufu, she was from the Duanmu family after all. Concubine, where is the identity, as long as she holds Duanmu Changying's life, Liangzong Wuying will not dare to play any tricks.

(End of this chapter)

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