Brother is too evil

Chapter 447: The White Clothes Chasing After You

Chapter 447: The White Clothes Chasing After You (3)
Making up her mind, she stood up, walked to Duanmu Changying, first returned to him what she had snatched from him, then removed the drug from his body, and then ran to the other side of the sapphire blue warship Sit down, use the secret method taught by your master, hide your cultivation, and wait quietly for Duanmu Changying to wake up.

Not long after, Duanmu Changying's eyelids moved first, then he opened his eyes after a while, seeing Qin Luoyi sitting cross-legged opposite him, Duanmu Changying touched his head reflexively.

Qin Luoyi lost all his cultivation, the blow was not heavy, there was no blood, and he didn't even pick up a bag (he didn't know that it had been more than half a month since he was beaten by Qin Luoyi, and he hadn't beaten him. The bleeding was real, and it took up a lot, but it has been long enough, and it is completely healed now.)
Qin Luoyi closed his eyes, as if he didn't notice him waking up, and the puppet in Tsing Yi stood quietly on the other side, turning a blind eye to his waking up.

As soon as Duanmu Changying's consciousness moved, her cultivation was still there, and the acupoints that she had sealed with silver needles were already very unobstructed. As soon as she felt relieved, she turned her head and looked around.

It was a very empty place, with no trees, flowers, grass, or birds and insects... The emptiness was a little strange. He stood up and stepped out of the sapphire blue warship. He soon realized that this place was very strange. No matter how he walked, he was always in this space. , unable to get out.

After half an hour, he walked back to the sapphire blue warship. Qin Luoyi, who was meditating with his eyes closed, opened his eyes and looked at him very displeased.

Duanmu Changying stared at her fair and pretty face, thinking of the injury on her back, her eyes darkened: "Yi'er, the injury on your back...let me apply the medicine for you, it will heal quickly." Force, ointment is the best choice.

Qin Luoyi looked at him coldly with her phoenix eyes, she sat without moving, it has been more than half a month, the injury on her back has already healed, but what makes her strange is that Duanmu Changying finally woke up, why hasn't she woke up yet? Find a way to contact Zong Wuying... Did she guess wrong?There is no secret way of contact between Duanmu Changying and Zong Wuying?

A loud and dull voice came, and the barrier began to shake violently. Qin Luoyi didn't care about Duanmu Changying, his heart shivered, and he stood up abruptly.

Duanmu Changying did not forget that Qin Luoyi's cultivation had been sealed by Zong Wuying, so she quickly jumped into the sapphire blue warship, stood beside her, and looked around warily.

The barrier shook even more violently, and deafening sounds came one after another, and a moment later, a black figure suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Duanmu Changying moved her feet, and quickly blocked Qin Luoyi's body, protecting her behind her.Qin Luoyi raised his eyebrows, looking at his back, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

Mo Xiao looked at Duanmu Changying, with a flash of contempt in his eyes, and with a light wave of his hand, Duanmu Changying was shocked away with a bang.

But before Mo Xiao got close to Qin Luoyi, he rushed over quickly, summoned the golden disc magic weapon, and instantly the golden light shone brightly, attacking Mo Xiao viciously, his eyes were extremely fierce.

Mo Xiao was soon enveloped by that golden light.

However, the trump card that had always been invincible in the past did not hurt him at all.A powerful force shot out from Mo Xiao's body, and once again slapped Duanmu Changying away viciously.

Qin Luoyi frowned slightly, and was about to stop Mo Xiao from attacking Duanmu Changying, when Duanmu Changying, who was thrown tens of meters away, suddenly took out a talisman, a red flame ignited in his hand, and soon The talisman burned to ashes.

"I still want to find a helper, I'm overestimating my capabilities!" Mo Xiao laughed, Duanmu Changying actually dared to do something to him, he was already ready to kill.

There was another earth-shattering sound, the barrier shook even more violently, and a phantom appeared in the air, it turned out to be Zong Wuying.

Qin Luoyi hooked his lips.

Duanmu Changying didn't have a jade slip on her body, so she used the talisman to contact Zong Wuying. She had seen that talisman before, but she just glanced at it, thinking it was just an ordinary talisman.

All the power of Mo Xiao's attack fell on Zong Wuying.

Duanmu Changying was photographed twice and was seriously injured. He quickly ate a piece of healing pill, and then rushed to Qin Luoyi's side.

The rumbling noise outside has never stopped, this space is crumbling, and some places have already darkened.

Mo Xiao's expression changed, and he no longer entangled with Zong Wuying, he slapped him out with a single palm, and made a few complicated formulas in his hand, trying to stabilize the space.

Zong Wuying felt that the black-clothed man in front of him was unfathomable. Seeing that he retreated voluntarily, he didn't dare to fight him again. He quickly jumped to Duanmu Changying's side, wanting to tear the void, and took Duanmu Changying with him. English away.

How can he tear apart the space that was only strengthened by the demon owl?
Not to mention that what Duanmu Changying summoned with the talisman was just a phantom, his cultivation was less than [-]%, even if the deity came, he might not be able to get out.

"Why are these two people here... and Xuanyuanqing, why is he still alive." Even with his continuous blessing, the barrier space was shaking very violently, Mo Xiao's handsome face became a little ugly.

Qin Luoyi's heart skipped a beat.

Xuanyuan Qing?
She is no stranger to this name. When Ouyang Ling saw Bai Yi for the first time, it was the name that came out of his mouth.Could it be that there are white clothes outside... and he said two people, could it be that Ouyang Ling is also outside?

She was not in a hurry to leave, she wanted to see if it was really the white clothes outside, and how did the white clothes come here?


With a loud noise, the barrier space was completely shattered. Zong Wuying was overjoyed. He had been unable to tear open the void before, and was torn apart by him at the moment the barrier shattered.

"Young master, let's go!"

Duanmu Changying reached out to pull Qin Luoyi.

Qin Luoyi easily dodged away.

She has already seen the two men attacking the barrier, they are really Bai Yi and Ouyang Ling. When the barrier was broken, a lot of water poured in around it. The bottom of the secluded lake.

"Haha, Mo Xiao, if there is a way to heaven, you don't go, and if there is no way to hell, you come in. Let's see where you go today!" Ouyang Ling saw Mo Xiao at a glance, laughed, and rushed towards the cold-looking Mo Xiao. come over.

Qin Luoyi was stunned.

Could it be that Ouyang Ling and Mo Xiao are rivals?That white dress... Thinking that he had actually made a life contract with Mo Xiao, Qin Luoyi suddenly had the urge to scream up to the sky.

The white clothes also came over, and the moment they saw Qin Luoyi, the sharp and cold eyes softened.

Duanmu Changying was also taken aback when he saw Bai Yi coming. He hadn't forgotten that when the Demon Emperor saw him turn around and run away in the tide of monster beasts.

A silver figure broke into his sight, except that he was a little smaller, exactly the same as the Demon Emperor back then.

(End of this chapter)

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