Brother is too evil

Chapter 448 Tuoba Yuanxu

Chapter 448 Tuoba Yuanxu
This time, not only Duanmu Changying was shocked, but even Zong Wuying opened her mouth wide. Qin Luoyi had a happy smile on her lips. Then she thought of her contract with the Demon Emperor, and the smile on her face quickly collapsed. .

"Young master, let's go!"

Zong Wuying urged Duanmu Changying again.

Two people and one monster, these three are not good.

Duanmu Changying still wanted to pull Qin Luoyi away together, but with a movement of Qin Luoyi's feet, he easily dodged away, far away from the torn void.If it wasn't for Zong Wuying, she was afraid that if she got too close and would be tricked by Zong Wuying, Duanmu Changying would never want to cross the void with him.

"Her seal has been released." Zong Wuying's pupils shrank, and Qin Luoyi's movements were so fast that he didn't look like a person whose cultivation base had been sealed: "Holy Son, let's take advantage of the chaos and leave quickly."

Grabbing Duanmu Changying, he rushed into the void and disappeared quickly.

Facing Ouyang Ling, Mo Xiao didn't dare to take it lightly, but Xuanyuan Qing actually went towards Qin Luoyi, his expression changed, he met Ouyang Ling with a palm, then quickly withdrew, and went straight to Qin Luoyi's side, Quickly tearing apart the void, threw Qin Luoyi in, and the void quickly closed behind Qin Luoyi.

Bai Yi was furious.A long sword appeared in his hand, and he slashed at Mo Xiao with murderous look in his eyes.

"I'll deal with him, you go and chase him back." Bai Yi said to Ouyang Ling, and after getting along with Ouyang Ling for a long time, he knew that Ouyang Ling could also tear the void.

Ouyang Ling wanted to kill Mo Xiao.

Meeting Mo Xiao here, and there are two of them now, and Mo Xiao is alone, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!
His hesitation was seen in Bai Yi's eyes, and Bai Yi's eyes were burning, and he gave him a hard look.Ouyang Ling was stunned by his stare, thinking of the importance Xuanyuan attached to Qin Luoyi now, she had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​joining forces to attack Moxiao.

Squeeze out the hand formula to quickly tear the void.

Mo Xiao snorted coldly, made a feint, and quickly attacked Xuanyuan Qing, preventing him from going into the void.

Mo Xiao's attack was so fierce that Ouyang Ling couldn't enter the void, so he had to turn around to resist, watching helplessly as the torn void quickly closed again.

Bai Yi's face was icy cold, and his strikes were even more ruthless, and the Demon Emperor also attacked with palms from time to time.

Mo Xiao didn't meet his attack head-on every time, but just clung to Ouyang Ling. After dozens of moves, Mo Xiao quickly lost the wind under the joint attack of the two of them.

Ouyang Ling couldn't hide the joy in his eyes. It would be a surprise if he could kill Mo Xiao here today.Demon Xiao no longer loves to fight, and fiercely attacked several palms, tearing apart the void and leaving.

Ouyang Ling cursed in a low voice, unwilling to give up just like that, and wanted to chase, but was stopped by Bai Yi: "Take me to find Qin Luoyi."

"It's been too long, and I can't find it." Ouyang Ling wiped her face depressed and said.

"Why?" Bai Yi didn't believe it, and stared at him dangerously, thinking he was making excuses.

Ouyang Ling spread her hands: "The jade slip on her body was destroyed by the demon owl just now." Apparently, the demon owl has noticed that they found this place relying on the power of the soul in the jade slip.

Thousands of miles above the sky, the space seemed to be forcibly torn apart by some force, violently turbulent, and soon a hole with a width of one meter appeared, and a white shadow was thrown out of the hole, the broken void quickly closed and recovered The tranquility before.

That white shadow was exactly Qin Luoyi who was thrown into the void by Mo Xiao.

Coming out of the void, Qin Luoyi held back his dizziness, quickly stabilized his figure, raised the Shenhong, and fell to the ground.

Looking at the rolling and unfamiliar hills around him, Qin Luoyi couldn't hide his anger: "Damn Demon Xiao!"

Seeing Bai Yi coming, she was actually thrown into the void by him, that's all, Bai Yi and Mo Xiao... are actually enemies, just thinking about this makes her dizzy.

Flying for dozens of miles, she met a few casual cultivators, a very young girl, a middle-aged man, and two young men. Their cultivation bases were not high, and the middle-aged man looked like the most Qingfu cultivator. That's all, after asking them, I know that this is the northern region of the Xuantian Continent, which belongs to the Tuoba family.

"The Tuoba family is more than 2000 million miles away from the Tianlong Mountain Range, and there is a Liu family in the middle." Qin Luoyi was surprised when he figured out where he was.

Mo Xiao just threw her away tens of millions of miles just by throwing her away. Like Bai Yi and Ouyang Ling, the contractor, I am afraid that his origin is not simple.

I also found out that there is a town called Linghang nearly 50 miles away from here. It is densely populated and has many monks. The town can also lead to several other great families in the Xuantian Continent.

More than 2000 million miles, here is too far away from the central region where Huangfu's family is located. Qin Luoyi thought that he was riding a sapphire blue warship, traveling day and night every day, and at most 10,000+ miles a day. After a month.

The flying instruments of the Si family are different. These flying instruments specially made for transporting monks may not have very good other functions, but they are extremely fast. The speed can reach 50 miles per day and night, and they can also travel day and night.Compared with her going back with the sapphire blue warship, the speed will be more than twice as fast.

Not wanting Jian Yuyan to be too worried, she decided to take the flying magic weapon of Linghang City and go back to the central region quickly. Jian Yuyan has successfully condensed the spirit flower. He said that he would go back to Penglai Xiandao, and she should also go back to Penglai Xiandao up.

Thinking of Penglai Xiandao, she couldn't help but think of Feng Feili, Duanmu Changqing, and Chu Yifeng... Thinking of the three of them fighting for their lives in the sea, she panicked in her heart, her face turned cold, and she accelerated Yuhong Chao Go to Linghang city.

Passing above a small town, I heard the sound of violent fighting from the ground, and bursts of light from Yufu shone, illuminating half of the sky.Then he knew that there must be monks fighting here.

When flying through the air, she didn't intend to stop, she just glanced down, and accidentally saw a familiar figure among the fighting people.

A young woman with an oval face and a handsome appearance with a touch of heroism, holding a long whip in her hand and waving it non-stop, directly blowing away a Xuanfu... Such a fierce girl was on the way to Tongjin City back then. The girl in black who suddenly appeared to help her when she was besieged by the disciples of Dongtianfudi.

There were more than a dozen monks surrounding her. The woman in black made a fierce attack, but there were too many people on the other side, including several Yufu monks. Although she was strong and self-supporting, she was gradually showing signs of failure.

"Hey, stinky girl, put down the whip quickly, don't be brave anymore, can you still want to beat us by yourself? Go with the master obediently, and you will benefit from it in the future." The frivolous man in white smiled and opened his mouth, looking at the woman in black with a burning fire in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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