Brother is too evil

Chapter 449: Layer Fire Domain

Chapter 449 Ten Layers of Fire (1)
Although he was talking, his hands were merciless, and he slapped hard, and he was about to slap the girl in black.Qin Luoyi thought back then that the woman didn't care about indiscriminate things, and jumped out to help him when she saw several men attacking him together. He had a good impression of her in his heart, took out a long sword, and stabbed at the man in white.


The man in white was stabbed straight by her sword, with blood streaming from his shoulder, and glared at her angrily, but when he saw clearly that it was a young woman with a beautiful face and a graceful figure, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"How dare you hurt me...someone, go and arrest her and that stinky girl!" He shouted at the people behind him.The people standing behind him half dealt with the woman in black, and half rushed towards Qin Luoyi fiercely.

The man in white is a junior monk of the Yufu. Apart from him, there are four Yufu monks among the dozen or so people. The others are just Qingfu monks. Qin Luoyi naturally doesn't pay attention to these people now.

Ever since Qin Luoyi appeared, his eyes have never moved away from Qin Luoyi's body, and he didn't care about the injury on his shoulder. His scorching and obscene gaze made Qin Luoyi's goosebumps rise, and he couldn't bear it any longer. Unable to stop, a sword qi swung out, knocking him to the ground directly, spitting blood and crawling several times but failed to get up.

She is a Tier [-] cultivator in the Purple Mansion, and it was easy to deal with these dozen or so people. Even though she preserved her strength, she knocked them all to the ground in a short time.

"So it was you... Thank you, miss, for saving me." The woman in black recognized Qin Luoyi at a glance.

Qin Luoyi pointed at the people on the ground and asked with a smile what she wanted to do with them. These dozen or so people were restrained by her, and now they had no power to resist.

"Do you know who our son is? Our son is the son of the Liu family. If you are against us, you are against the Liu family!" A man in Tsing Yi who fell to the ground shouted, even though he was injured, he looked at Qin Luo proudly Clothes, waiting to see how her face turned pale with fright.

"The Liu family? Which Liu family?"

Qin Luoyi raised his eyebrows, and the murderous intent in his eyes flashed away. It's good that he didn't mention Liu's family, but mentioning Liu's family reminded her of Liu Qingcheng.

"Hmph, ignorance! How many Liu families are there in Xuantian Continent?" The man in green finally stood up, helped the man in white up, and looked at Qin Luoyi with disdain.

The murderous intent in Qin Luoyi's heart was even stronger. These people were not good at first glance, and they were members of the Liu family. It would be better to kill them now, once and for all.

The white-clothed man and the green-clothed man looked embarrassed but arrogant, unaware of the killing intent in Qin Luoyi's heart.One of the older middle-aged men sensed that something was wrong, stood up and stood beside Qin Luoyi.

The girl in black's complexion became a little ugly, she waved the whip in her hand, and smiled contemptuously: "Huh, is the Liu family amazing? Others are afraid of your Liu family, but I, Xia Qingwu, am not afraid!" As she spoke, the whip in her hand crackled. .

Qin Luoyi didn't miss the murderous look in her eyes.Lips hooked into a smile, phoenix eyes flashed like glass, and the tip of the raised sword lowered imperceptibly.

When the man in white heard Xia Qingxuan's name, his body trembled, his face suddenly changed, his eyes flickered... Xia Qingxuan, could it be the Xia Qingxuan whom Liu Hanyi likes?
Dozens of divine rainbows fell from the sky.

"Cousin, what's the matter?" One of the blue-clothed men walked towards Xia Qingwu, and when he saw Qin Luoyi beside him, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

"Young Master Tuoba!" The man in white was wondering if this Xia Qingwu was the Xia Qingyuan that Liu Hanyi liked, when he suddenly saw the young master of the Tuoba family, Tuoba Yuanxu, appearing and calling Xia Qingwu's cousin, he immediately understood This woman is indeed the woman Liu Hanyi likes, and she is extremely annoyed.

Beads of sweat slipped from his head, and he hurriedly explained before Xia Qingwu could speak: "Hehe, misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding, Miss Xia, young master Tuoba, I have something else to do, so I'm leaving first." Holding the wound, He left quickly with a group of people without looking back.

Seeing him leaving in a hurry, Tuoba Yuanxu's eyes were very cold, he naturally knew this person, a collateral child of the Liu family——Liu Feng, a real dandy, a romantic, loves to flirt.

He asked his cousin with his eyes.

Xia Qingwu shook his head slightly at him.

Tuoba Yuanxu felt relieved.

Xia Qingwu turned to talk to Qin Luoyi.

It was only then that Qin Luoyi realized that the woman in black was called Xia Qingwu, and she was originally from the Xuantian Continent. She traveled around the world a few years ago, and visited many places in the Xuantian Continent, as well as many places in Penglai Xiandao. The last time she met When she was there, she heard that the wave of monster beasts broke out, and wanted to go to Tongjin City to see the wave of monster beasts, but she left before the wave of monster beasts broke out completely, and returned to Xuantian Continent.

And the blue-clothed man in front of him, Tuoba Yuanxu, the young master of the Tuoba family, one of the seven great families in the Xuantian Continent, was actually the man who accompanied his sister to pick red berries by the Jiuyou Lake that day.

"We are going to search for spars in the fire area, you can go with us." Xia Qingwu warmly invited her to go with her.

Tens of thousands of miles away from here is the famous fire area on the Xuantian Continent. There is no vegetation on the ground, no magma in the ground, and there is no property to support combustion.

"No, I'm going to Linghang City." Qin Luoyi declined. She had heard of Huoyu, but she was in a hurry to go back to Tianlong Mountain Range and didn't want to waste any more time.

"Linghang City? We went to Huoyu to go back to Linghang City." Xia Qingwu smiled and said, "What are you going to Linghang City for? Are you in a hurry? If you are not in a hurry, let's go back to Huoyu together. It is a rare opportunity to enter the fire area these days, every three years there are only a few days when the fire is smaller than usual, if you are lucky, you can find a lot of crystals."

Qin Luoyi liked Xia Qingwu's straightforwardness very much, he didn't hide the purpose of going to Linghang City, and of course there was nothing to hide.

"To go to Tianlong Mountain Range, you have to go to Xianyang City of the Liu family first." Tuoba Yuanxu said with a smile: "The flying boat to Xianyang City left only ten days ago, and the next one will leave ten days later."

Flying boats are not available in Linghang City every day. Qin Luoyi also inquired clearly before that she was going to the Tianlong Mountains where Huangfu's family is located. There is no flying boat to get there directly. She must first take the Liuzi family's Xianyang City. , and then change to the flying boat to the Tianlong Mountains, but I didn't expect that it would be ten days later.

At her speed, it only takes two or three days to reach Linghang City, so there is plenty of time.

A group of Yu Hong went to the fire area.

Two hours later, I arrived at the outer edge of the fire area, and I felt red flames all over the sky blowing towards my face, scorching the ground black, not to mention that there was not a single blade of grass growing in the fire area, and there was not a single plant or tree in sight for hundreds of miles outside the fire area .

(End of this chapter)

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