Brother is too evil

Chapter 461 You Can't Like Them

Chapter 461 You Can't Like Them (2)
Qin Luoyi turned his head and continued to walk forward.

The white-clothed man didn't dare to approach him with a pale face, and he didn't shake his fan anymore. His clothes were drenched in cold sweat, and he quickly disappeared into the crowd with two attendants.

Many people who saw this scene couldn't help showing shock in their eyes. They knew exactly what the white-clothed man wanted to do, didn't they just see that she was a single woman and beautiful, and wanted to go forward to tease others? ?
I didn't expect that I didn't get close, so I ran away in such a desperate manner.

Many people even recognized that man as a disciple of a noble family in Linghang City. He had cultivated out of the Jade Mansion. He usually likes to flirt with girls and flirt with female cultivators. After a while, it was the first time he fled like today.

Liu Qingcheng also boarded the flying boat. When he came up, he happened to have a panoramic view of the scene. Her gaze was coldly directed towards the man in white, but she found a man in green standing quietly in the corner. She couldn't see him, but she was able to see him from her direction. After recognizing who he was, Liu Qingcheng was surprised at first, and then smiled.

Because the eyes of the man in Tsing Yi fell on Qin Luoyi's body, and there was a flash of excitement in his eyes as if he had found a prey.

Qin Luoyi quickly found his room, swiped the ticket, opened the door and walked in smoothly.The furnishings in the room are simple, one soft stool, one stool, and a small desk. Although it is not very spacious, it is enough for one person to live in.

The flying boat takes off quickly.

Qin Luoyi didn't go to the deck, but closed his eyes and practiced inside the house.

In the cave two days ago, she had faintly touched the barrier of the third rank of the Purple Mansion. If there is no accident, she should be promoted soon in these two days.

Fortunately, the Hunyuan Dzi will only have abnormal phenomena when there is a qualitative change in the mansion. She is now the second level of the Purple Mansion, and she can practice boldly even on the flying boat.

By the time she withdrew from the cultivation state, it was already the next morning. The golden sunlight shone through the glass windows on the flying boat and filled the room. A tall figure stood against the light, standing in front of her, leaning slightly , raised the corners of his mouth, raised his eyebrows lightly, and looked at her with a smile in his eyes.

Qin Luoyi was startled, and reflexively summoned the Yufu and wanted to attack. Fortunately, before he shot, he finally saw the person bathed in the sun clearly.

"Demon owl!"

She narrowed her eyes slightly, staring at the man standing in front of her, couldn't help but want to grind her teeth, but she smiled like a flower on her face: "When did you run in?"

She remembered that on the flying boat, the key to each room was the boarding ticket. Each person's ticket was unique and could only open the corresponding door.

Mo Xiao deliberately ignored the sharpness in her eyes, looked at her delicate and beautiful smiling face, and smiled meaningfully: "I didn't know you were so happy to see me, if I had known, I should have come to you earlier .”

His voice dragged on for a long time, his voice was elegant and magnetic, and there was a hint of charm that seemed to have nothing, which made Qin Luoyi get goose bumps on the spot.

Nice to see him?
Of course she is happy!
He suddenly got off the soft couch and stood in front of him, the smile on his face disappeared, he stared at him and said, "Take me back to Tianlong Mountain Range immediately." The damn bastard, just throwing her here 2000 million miles away.

Mo Xiao's eyes were as dark as night, and there seemed to be a faint smile in her eyes. Taking advantage of the moment she got up, she lay down on her soft couch with a leisurely expression, leaning her chin and squinting at her fair pretty face, gently Qi thin lips said: "Hey, it's not that I don't want to send you back, it's really powerless."

"Willing and powerless... Take me back quickly, don't make excuses." Qin Luoyi snorted coldly, his eyes full of disbelief.

"Do I need to make excuses?" Mo Xiao blinked, then narrowed his eyes slightly. Under the sunlight, his long and narrow phoenix eyes were like piles of thin crystals, bright and strange, and raised his eyebrows that flew into his temples slantingly. , curved the corners of her beautiful lips: "If you don't believe me, you can feel it for yourself. In order to completely get rid of those two people, I ran for half a month, tearing apart the void, and my whole body collapsed. None."

Qin Luoyi's heart skipped a beat.Ignoring the palm he handed to her, she said, "Why did those two people chase you down that day?"

She wanted to know the relationship between Ouyang Ling in white and Mo Xiao.

Mo Xiao sighed, touched his face very narcissistically, his dark eyes became melancholy: "Because they are jealous that I look better than them, so they chase me down every time they see me. "

Qin Luoyi couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth.Jealous that he looks better than them?It's okay to say that, I'm not ashamed.

"I'm jealous of your good looks, is it worth it? Actually... I think the one in white looks better." Qin Luoyi couldn't help thinking when he saw his narcissistic look. stimulate him.

Now they are in a natal contract, so he doesn't dare to really do anything to himself.

The smile on the corner of Mo Xiao's lips froze, then he stretched his hand back and continued to rest his chin, a cold light flashed in his eyes: "Do you think he is prettier?"

"Yes." Qin Luoyi nodded again with a grin: "Tsk, you have to look good, you have to have a figure, you look noble and elegant, and you are full of charm when fighting, and the legendary fairy is nothing more than that. Hmm... In my opinion, those gods are probably not one-tenth as handsome as him."

As soon as Mo Xiao stretched out his hand, he pulled Qin Luoyi down on the soft couch. With a movement of his body, he pressed down on her body, the corners of his lips raised, and he smiled like a phoenix: "Look carefully, you really think he is more beautiful than you?" Am I pretty?"

When he was talking, his face was close to hers, their eyes were eye to eye, nose to nose, lips to lips, and the warm breath was gently and shallowly blowing on her face.

Qin Luoyi didn't expect that he would become angry and push himself under him, his expression turned cold, he pushed him away, looked down at him, and said mockingly: "I can see clearly, he is indeed prettier than you... ...What? Since you asked, don't tell me that what you want to hear is not the truth, and if you want to hear me, you'd better not see it?"

Mo Xiao laughed suddenly: "Do you like him?" The corners of his eyes tilted upwards slightly, against which a pair of eyes that looked like floating shadows were so beautiful that it made one's heart palpitate.

Like white clothes?

The last time the Demon Emperor attacked, if Bai Yi hadn't arrived in time, she would have lost her life, not to mention that he had taught her the Wuxiang Dafa before, not to mention those spars.

Of course she likes white clothes.

If possible, she would never want to be an enemy of a person like Bai Yi for the rest of her life.

Just as he was about to nod, his heart suddenly became alert, and he looked at Mo Xiao. There was a faint smile on Mo Xiao's lips, but there was a deep and serious look in the bottom of his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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