Brother is too evil

Chapter 462 Punish Liu Qingcheng

Chapter 462 Punish Liu Qingcheng (1)
"A good-looking man is naturally attractive." She smiled slightly.

"Do you like him only because he is good-looking?" Mo Xiao snorted coldly, looked at her fixedly, his voice was low and stern, with a touch of murderous air: "I know you have known them for a long time, in your space There are jade slips of the two of them, did they come to you specially that day? Let me tell you, there are many good-looking men in the world, you can like anyone, but you can't like those two. "

Qin Luoyi's heart trembled, and he frowned slightly and stared at him: "So you crushed that jade slip." Not long after he threw it here, she found that the jade slip in the space was broken. The broken jade slips have been pondered over for a long time, but I have never figured out how they were broken, and I didn't expect the culprit to be here.

"With those two jade slips on you, no matter where you go, they can find you." Mo Xiao stood up from the couch, and walked towards her, with a demonic evil in his cold eyes. Si, raised his hand to caress her pretty face, and smiled softly: "For your sake, next time you see them, you must go around farther away. If they find out, the two of us will form a natal contract, haha, Once they get excited, maybe your life will be lost."

It turned out that Bai Yi was able to find the Xuantian Continent so quickly, and also found himself sealed in the barrier, relying on the jade slip, Qin Luoyi finally came to a realization.

She has never prepared to use Ouyang Ling's jade slips, but she keeps them on her body for safety, and one day when she encounters any danger, she may come in handy.

Although Bai Yi's jade slip is also a soul jade slip, but the refining method is different, it can only let her know Bai Yi's safety, and cannot call Bai Yi to help out after being crushed in a crisis.

Like the jade slips that Ouyang Ling and Liu Qingcheng summoned the ancestors of the Liu family, the refining method is extremely complicated, and some Zifu monks may not be able to refine such jade slips, and not only the refining method is complicated, but the inside The soul power of the seal is not a star and a half. No matter how powerful a monk is, it is impossible to refine many pieces of jade slips like that. This will damage their cultivation. Only people with very different relationships will get such jade slips.

"Why did they kill you?" Qin Luoyi patted his hand away, looked at him coldly, feeling extremely depressed in his heart, what did this man do that made Ouyang Ling and Bai Yi's joint pursuit kill?

Bai Yi has lost his memory now, she doesn't know what kind of person he is, but after losing his memory, no matter how people change, they won't change a lot, right?At least she in Bai Yi can't see what kind of heinous person he used to be. If Ouyang Ling didn't suspect that he had been looking for Hunyuan Dzi, she would be happy to maintain a good relationship with him.

When monk Tianwu was about to kill herself, Ouyang Ling saved her. In the end, even though he let him go because of the conditions proposed by monk Tianwu, he gave her the jade slip to prevent the monk from turning around to take revenge on her.

Instead, it was the demon owl.

Not only did he create a Jiuyou Lake, which would become black mist when it got dark, so that the cultivators of the Zifu didn't dare to approach it at night, but he also took himself captive.

If it wasn't for the Hunyuan Dzi in her body that suddenly came out and chased him, he had no choice but to make a natal contract with him, and he didn't know what he would do to him.

"Do you think they just want to kill me? I got you involved?" Mo Xiao looked at her cold phoenix eyes, understood what she was thinking, sneered, put his hands behind his back, and a domineering arrogance emanated from him He came out: "You have the Hunyuan Dzi Bead on you...they still don't know that the Hunyuan Dzi Bead is on you, do they? Believe me, as long as they know that the Hunyuan Dzi Bead is on you, they will definitely give up on me to chase after it." kill you."

After finishing speaking, she still looked at her bracelet as if she didn't know it. She had already cultivated to the Purple Mansion. If it wasn't for this bracelet, the matter of the Hunyuan Dzi on her would have been exposed long ago.

Qin Luoyi's heart sank to the bottom of the abyss: "The Hunyuan Dzi is theirs?" So Bai Yi has the formless method to suppress the Hunyuan Dzi?
"That's not true." Mo Xiao shook his head and looked at her with an unpredictable smile: "The Hunyuan Dzi... Forget it, it's better not to know now, as long as you know that the Hunyuan Dzi is on you, they will kill you!" You just need to destroy the bead, so be obedient, and when you see them, you will take the initiative to go further away."

It's a pity that I can't go back now. If I take her back and go back to his territory to find a place to hide her, then if Ouyang Ling and Xuanyuan Qing want to come and kill people... they have to be able to find someone.

There was a look of regret in his eyes.

"They want to destroy the beads? Why?" Qin Luoyi was even more puzzled, and couldn't help but slander in his heart. Although the Hunyuan Dzi Bead is a little perverted and can control people's desires, there are many sources of chaos in it, and it is still one The magic weapon against the sky, could it be that the Hunyuan Dzi Bead doesn't know which host, because of the Hunyuan Dzi Bead's mischief, it can't control the lust in the body, and the overlord once forced his bow to push them down?

But a woman who can push them there still in this world?
"You just need to know that they want to destroy the Hunyuan Dzi. As for why, you don't need to know." Mo Xiao glanced at her, still not intending to tell her too much, and said lightly.

Qin Luoyi was upset.

If Bai Yi and Ouyang Ling wanted to destroy the Hunyuan Dzi, if it really didn't work, she would just give them the Hunyuan Dzi. In the past, she was worried that when the Hunyuan Dzi left her body, it must be when she died, otherwise she would get rid of it. It can't be done. The last time I met the demon owl, it actually ran out on its own initiative. She thought things were not as bad as she thought. As long as the method is right and it finds something it is interested in, it will definitely come out.

Just as he was about to reply to him, there was a sudden knock on the door. Qin Luoyi let go of his consciousness, only to realize that his consciousness could not pass through the door to see clearly on the flying boat.

Who will come to her at this time?

Xia Qingwu's figure appeared in front of her eyes, she remembered that Xia Qingwu said that she would also leave Linghang City by this flying boat.

Walking to the door and opening it, a strange man stood outside the door, glanced quickly at the room, and then said to her with a smile: "Miss Qin, Miss Xia Qingwu is in room 066, she invites you to go over there .”

Sure enough, Xia Qingwu was looking for her.

Qin Luoyi took another look at the strange man, nodded with a smile, and said, "I see."

The strange man left quickly.

Mo Xiao came from inside her bracelet, just now when Qin Luoyi went to knock on the door, Mo Xiao went in easily, as if the soul imprint on her did not exist.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

A terrified cry suddenly came from the third floor of the flying boat. It was the morning, and there were many people on the deck. Hearing the scream, they all rushed towards the source of the sound.

(End of this chapter)

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