Brother is too evil

464 Chapter 1 Don't let go of even one

Chapter 464 Don't let anyone go (1)
If it wasn't for her parents and Patriarch Liu, her situation in the family would have been even more difficult, and all of this was thanks to the woman in front of her!
Ever since Qin Luoyi came to the Piaomiao Sect, everything has gone wrong for her. She has taken away the dazzling aura that was originally cast on her, and even Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing... have also been confused by her!

Thinking about today's incident again... She was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood. The people she met along the way just now looked at her with either disdain, contempt, or wretchedness that wanted to strip her off. If it wasn't for her There is still a sliver of reason, knowing that she is not what she used to be, she has already pounced on them and dug out their eyeballs.

She also thought that from now on, everyone would look at her with that strange gaze wherever she went, the anger in her heart became even hotter, she glanced around, and then shouted in a low voice: "It's not that you framed me and drugged me, I will Are you with Ye Feifei?"

Sending someone to lure Qin Luoyi, she hid aside and saw her go in with her own eyes, and never came out, so she left with peace of mind, and when did she come out, and when did she go in, she was completely I have no impression, I only know that when I woke up, I was sitting on Ye Feifei, naked, and the door was full of people.

"I drugged you?" Qin Luoyi looked at her with a smile that was not a smile: "Which of your eyes saw that I drugged you? Do you look like you were drugged? So many people have seen it. The enjoyment of the face... is obviously very clear, and I am still enjoying it."

After a pause, a cold light suddenly flashed in her phoenix eyes, and she said softly: "I know you are in a bad mood today, but you can't be so bloody and wronged me indiscriminately, anyway, we have been sisters for two years, although that You have been looking for someone to kill me for two years, but the master has expelled you from the sect, and I will not argue with you anymore, but if you keep biting me like this, I will not obey."

After finishing speaking, he stopped talking to her and continued to walk forward.

"You..." Liu Qingcheng was so angry that his chest heaved violently, staring at her back, his eyes were blood red, where was the enchanting arrogance of the past?

She knew that there were many people around who were eavesdropping on their conversation, so she wanted to put all the things of today on her, but she didn't expect that she would not be fooled, and even talked about her expulsion from the teacher!

Qin Luoyi didn't even look back.Return to your house soon.The red lips could not help but bend slightly.Mo Xiao got out from the space of the bracelet, and lay down on the soft couch before she sat on it.Qin Luoyi was in a good mood at this moment.Don't even bother with him.

I didn't expect Mo Xiao to be so powerful. Not only could his spiritual sense penetrate the walls made of this special material, but he also knew in advance the plan Liu Qingcheng and Shangguan Wuyou conspired to deal with him, and he was still under Li Feng's nose. He ran out silently and killed Xiao Liang who was about to bully a female cultivator.

Demon Xiao was wearing a dark golden wide-sleeved robe, and his whole body was lazily leaning on the soft couch. Only a few strands of his long black crow-like hair were braided at the back of his head, and the rest was casually draped along the shoulder line. Underneath, the beautiful mandible, the forehead with beautiful hairline, the skin as white as condensed suet jade, the whole person is handsome and full of unspeakable charm.

"The benevolence of a woman." Staring at the corners of Qin Luoyi's raised lips, Mo Xiao couldn't help but sneered, mocking lightly.

Qin Luoyi didn't take it seriously, and a sly look flashed in his black eyes: "Don't you think doing this...would make her more painful than killing her with a knife?"

Liu Qingcheng never changed her nature, and tried to deal with her again and again on Penglai Xiandao, until she was expelled from the teacher's school, her cultivation base was even abolished, and she was still insecure. After a few years As soon as I met her, I wanted to give her a big gift. If she didn't return the favor well, wouldn't I be too sorry for the idea she thought of?
To pinch Liu Qingcheng to death, for her, all she had to do was move her fingers. Let her die like this, it was really too cheap for her.

Mo Xiao raised his eyebrows evilly, and his handsome face became even more sinister and coquettish: "The process is not important, what matters is the result. You have to be ruthless to the enemy, so that their souls will be scattered, and no one will dare to easily fight against you in the future."

Qin Luoyi didn't miss the coldness and fierceness in his eyes when he spoke, and her heart skipped a beat, she knew that the wickedness and indifference on this man's usual face were just appearances, and she was afraid that his heart was too dark.

"The result is very important, and the process is also important..." She blinked, a smoldering light flashed in her phoenix eyes, and she curled her lips into a smile. If she stopped killing by killing, then she wouldn't be a devil?What's more, this is a flying boat, even if she wants to kill Liu Qingcheng, she won't do anything on it, Liu Qingcheng is different from Xiao Liang.

After knocking on the door a few times, Shangguan Wuyou didn't come out. Liu Qingcheng was furious, and stayed nearby to keep an eye on Shangguan Wuyou's movements. After waiting for several hours, she finally waited for him to come out. She took two deep breaths and raised her voice slightly. With a proud face on his chin, he walked out and stopped in front of him.

"Why are you here?" Shangguan Wuyou saw her, his face sank suddenly, he frowned and looked around quickly, his room happened to be in the corner, seeing someone nearby, a flash of relief flashed in his eyes.

"Shangguan Wuyou, are you avoiding me?" Seeing that he was talking to him with a cold face, Liu Qingcheng's anger grew even hotter.

"What nonsense are you talking...why am I avoiding you? I'm just practicing in the room." Bypassing Liu Qingcheng, Shangguan Wuyou was about to leave.

Liu Qingcheng grabbed his hand.

"What does it look like to be hands and feet, let go!" Shangguan Wuyou's face turned cold, his eyes became extremely gloomy, and he patted her palm away with the other.

"Shangguan Wuyou, how dare you hit me? You said that you would always treat me well, love me forever, and form a double cultivation with me... It's only been a few days, have you forgotten?" Unable to suppress his anger any longer, he let out a low growl.He just felt that the Shangguan Wuyou in front of him was very strange, and there was no half of the care and care he treated him in the past.

Shangguan Wuyou looked at her with disdain.

Beat her?

So what if you hit her?

He said that he would always be nice to her, and that he would double cultivate with her.But that was also before. "Liu you think we can still practice dual cultivation now?"

The scene this morning has already been spread on the flying boat, and it will spread throughout the Xuantian Continent in a short time. How could he, Shangguan Wuyou, still double cultivate with her?Even if he is not a direct disciple of Shangguan's family, but he is still surnamed Shangguan, and he is a double cultivator with her... He can't afford to lose that person.

"Shuangxiu or something, you'd better go to Ye Feifei." Shangguan Wuyou looked at her, and said in a strange way.

"You clearly know that I like you." Liu Qingcheng was so angry that her body began to tremble slightly, wishing she could slap him on the face.She never thought that the man who vowed to love her for the rest of her life this morning would say such a thing to a man who is always obedient to her.

(End of this chapter)

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