Brother is too evil

465 Chapter 1 Don't let go of even one

Chapter 465 Don't let anyone go (2)
Shangguan Wuyou sneered and mocked: "You like me but ran to Ye Feifei's bed? Liu Qingcheng, your liking is really strange."

When Liu Qingcheng heard him mention Ye Feifei, he thought he was jealous of himself and Ye Feifei, his face softened, and he explained in a rare way: "You know that I am not... It was an accident, and I don't know what happened. When I woke up, I saw people standing outside the house."

"Accident?" Shangguan Wuyou mocked with disbelief on his face: "Liu Qingcheng, who are you trying to deceive by saying these words? Everyone saw it at the time, and you were soberly with him, and you hugged him tightly, with a cheerful face He looks like... They say that Hua Feifei has a lot of things, and he has a lot of tricks on women, hehe, Liu Qingcheng, tell me, have you coveted him for a long time? That's why you forgot everything and got out with him? "

Liu Qingcheng stared at him, her eyes straightened.

Shangguan Wuyou turned around and left.

"Shangguan Wuyou, if you dare to leave now, I will tell everyone that you killed Xiao Liang."

Looking at his back, Liu Qingcheng suddenly smiled and spoke softly.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Shangguan Wuyou glanced back at her lightly, and snorted coldly: "I have no grudges against that Xiao Liang, why kill him if I have nothing to do?" Looking at her is like looking at an idiot .

Liu Qingcheng was in a very good mood.

"The evidence is on you, and you still want to quibble?" She chuckled, and slowly walked to his side, her expression returning to her usual enchanting arrogance, and she pointed behind him with her slender fingers.

Shangguan Wuyou didn't believe it at first, but when he saw the determined look, he couldn't help feeling suspicious, looked sideways, and at some point, two pieces of the clothes on the back were broken.

"I heard that the fabric in Xiao Liang's house is Hushan soft silk, and the fabric of your clothes is also Hushan soft silk, and the color is exactly the same..." Liu Qingcheng covered her red lips lightly, smiling enchantingly.

When setting a trap to deal with Qin Luoyi, I remember that he once said that she just needs to find a way to lure Qin Luoyi, and leave the rest to him. He will create opportunities for everyone to go to the theater. Unexpectedly The opportunity he created was actually to kill Xiao Liang, tsk, he was so courageous.

Shangguan Wuyou knew that the person who killed Xiao Liang had not been found yet, he had been to the scene where Xiao Ran died, and of course he knew that there were two pieces of broken fabric in Xiao Liang's room.

Before, he didn't take it seriously, thinking it was left behind by the murderer when he killed Xiao Liang, but now that he thinks about it carefully, the appearance of those two pieces of clothes is very similar to the tear on his own clothes.

A cold sweat broke out all over his body.

Xiao Liang didn't kill him.

This is the flying boat of the Tuoba family, and there are three Zifu monks on board!He wouldn't be so stupid as to pay himself for helping Liu Qingcheng design Qin Luoyi and Ye Feifei's affair.

Suddenly, Qin Luoyi stood in front of Room 66 with an indifferent face, but a faint smile in his eyes.My heart moved, could it be... Qin Luoyi did something to him?
She was going to frame herself to kill Xiao Liang, and on the flying boat of Tuoba's family?However, he is a junior monk of Yu Mansion and has lived for more than 600 years. If someone touches him, he can't feel it at all.

Seeing the color on his face change several times in an instant, Liu Qingcheng thought she had guessed right, her enchanting phoenix eyes shone brightly, she looked at him with a half-smile, approached him, approached He said in a very low voice: "Wuyou, don't be nervous, I'm not as heartless as you, don't worry, I won't say anything about this."

Shangguan Wuyou looked at her with a complicated expression.

How could he rest assured.

This woman clearly wanted to use this to threaten herself.

But... If this matter is really Qin Luoyi's trick and angered Liu Qingcheng, the woman's head became hot and she suddenly yelled, even if he jumped into the Yellow River, he would not be able to clean up.

The most urgent thing to do now is to appease her first. It would be serious for him to destroy the clothes on his body first, and the expression on his face will be much more relaxed when he thinks about it.

I used to be with Liu Qingcheng because of her identity—a rising star with amazing talent among the younger generation of the Liu family.Although he is not from the same lineage as the head of the family, Liu Hanfei, his father and Liu Hanfei are also blood brothers, and because she is extremely favored by the ancestors of the Liu family, and she is not bad looking, that's why I am obedient to her.Even if she was expelled from the door by the Misty Sect and her cultivation base was abolished, and now she is no more than a Martial Saint, because of her status, he did not despise her, but took the opportunity to win her heart, but now... in front of so many people. Ugly, how could he still double cultivate with her?
He was disdainful in his heart, but raised his finger, caressed her face, and said hesitantly: "Is it really an accident that you are with him?"

Liu Qingcheng smiled and nodded: "Wuyou, you have to trust me..." Halfway through speaking, the smile on her face disappeared suddenly, and her eyes showed shock.

Shangguan Wuyou's heart skipped a beat, and he turned his head abruptly.

Qin Luoyi was standing not far behind them. Besides her, there were also Tuoba Yuanxu and Li Feng. Tuoba Yuanxu looked at him indifferently, but Li Feng's eyes were extremely severe.

Shangguan Wuyou's face turned pale instantly, his eyes fell on Qin Luoyi's body, as if about to breathe fire, Qin Luoyi curled his lips, his eyes were cold and mocking.

Brother Wei will come soon.

"The clothes on Mr. Shangguan's body are torn. Take someone to help him take a look. Find a new set of clothes for Mr. Shangguan and change into it." Tuoba Yuanxu said, his voice was low and there was a touch of innate majesty. and extravagance.

Wei Xiushi's eyes fell on Shangguan Wuyou.Quickly seeing the crack on his side, he immediately thought of the two cut pieces of clothing in Xiao Liang's house, what is there that he didn't understand?
Take Shangguan Wuyou away soon.

When Liu Qingcheng woke up, there was no one around except her.She was so angry that her expression was ferocious, Qin Luoyi's appearance was too coincidental... If she still doesn't know that she and Shangguan Wuyou have been tricked by her, she is really a fool.

It's just that he couldn't figure it out in his heart, how could Qin Luoyi know about his plan with Shangguan Wuyou?And not only did she miss the trap she set, but she and Shangguan Wuyou were all calculated by her.

Qin Luoyi and Tuoba Yuanxu walked up to the outer deck side by side, and cleaned up Shangguan Wuyou and Liu Qingcheng. She was very happy in her heart, but she didn't show it at all on her face.

Shangguan Wuyou actually teamed up with Liu Qingcheng to design herself, she naturally couldn't let him go, not to mention from the conspiracy of the two, she found out that the two had long been in collusion, and they had dealt with her together when they were in Penglai Xiandao. I can't spare him even more.

There were quite a few people on the deck, and when they saw Tuoba Yuanxu coming out, their eyes suddenly became eager. The young master of the Tuoba family cultivated the Jade Mansion in his 200s, although he was not as good as Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing. Amazing talent, not to mention that cultivation talent is also extremely amazing.

(End of this chapter)

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