Brother is too evil

Chapter 481 Stealing the dragon and turning the phoenix

Chapter 481 Stealing the dragon and turning the phoenix (1)
The ice girl raised her chin, called out a long silver whip, and patted the ground lightly, a crack instantly appeared on the ground.

Qin Luoyi looked at her indifferently.

The ice girl was annoyed, she gave a soft drink, and quickly poured the power of the mansion into the silver whip. The silver whip instantly became several times longer, exuding a dazzling silver light, like a wandering dragon, and quickly attacked Qin Luoyi. come over.

Qin Luoyi squeezed out a hand formula, and a powerful purple light went straight towards her silver whip, carrying a powerful and terrifying coercion.


As soon as a match was made, Gao Jie immediately appeared, Qin Luoyi stood still, but the ice girl retreated dozens of steps before she stabilized her body, the blood in her heart was churning, the silver whip that had grown several times did not hurt Qin Luoyi at all .

Lan Zhen's expression changed.

Bing Mei was at the first rank of the Zifu, and the silver whip was a rare magic weapon, and it didn't take advantage of Qin Luoyi at all.

"You step back."

He bullied himself with a cold face.

Bing Mei stomped her feet and had no choice but to back off.

Lan Zhen sacrificed to the Zifu, and soon confronted Qin Luoyi. He himself was the third-level cultivation of the Zifu. After two rounds, he was sure that Qin Luoyi's cultivation was very different from his own. It was hard to tell the winner for a while. .

Bing Mei also saw it.

Thinking of the disadvantage she suffered at Qin Luoyi's hands just now, she gritted her teeth and was about to charge up, but was stopped by someone in the middle of the charge.

Qin Tian held a long blue sword in his hand, with a dazzling blue light emitting from the sword, he blocked Bing Mei's body.

"The Qin family's Blue Star Sword!"

Bing Mei's face changed suddenly, and she stared at Qin Tian with dead eyes. She didn't expect this man to be from the Qin family. He could get the Qin family's famous holy sword, the Blue Star Sword. Not low.

"kill him."

Lan Zhen also recognized the sword, and gave orders to the men in black standing around Luezhen with a cold expression.

A dozen men in black jumped up and surrounded Qin Tian.


Lan Zhen was distracted and ordered, and was hit hard on the chest by Qin Luoyi, and a mouthful of blood spewed out instantly. A dozen black-clothed monks participated in the battle. Wanting to see that Lan Zhen was actually injured by Qin Luoyi, Bingmei was furious. Regardless of Qin Tian, ​​he rushed towards Qin Luoyi.

"Be careful." Qin Tian slashed a black-clothed monk to death with a sword, and shouted at Qin Luoyi.Two Zifu monks besieged her alone, fearing that she would suffer.

Qin Luoyi smiled at him, signaling him not to worry.

He took out the Qiankun Clock and struck it hard on Lan Zhen and Bing Mei. The melodious bell rang, and Lan Zhen spat out a mouthful of blood. There is a horrible feeling of backflow of meridians.

Bing Mei was crumbling.

"The Universe Clock!"

Both of them were cultivators of the Purple Mansion, so they were naturally well-informed, and quickly recognized what Qin Luoyi was holding, which turned out to be the Qiankun Clock with a powerful sonic attack.

Resisting the discomfort in their hearts, the two quickly jumped to one side. If Qin Luoyi used the Qian Kun Bell to attack them at close range again, they would be even more injured.

Qin Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

With a sword strike, another black-clothed monk was born. Lan Zhen was already standing in front of him with a grim expression, and beside him, there were four other black-clothed monks. "Go to hell!" Lan Zhen roared angrily, Zifu turned into a fierce leopard, opened its mouth wide and rushed towards Qin Tian.

Qin Luoyi dashed over like lightning, and stood in front of Qin Tian. Although Qin Tian had the Blue Star Sword, his cultivation was from the Jade Mansion after all, and it would be very dangerous even for the injured cultivator of the Zi Mansion.

The purple mansion appeared above her head, and she covered Qin Tian and herself in the dazzling purple defensive cover. With a thought, a dazzling golden light shot out, straight to Lan Zhen's vital point.

Lan Zhen sneered disdainfully.

He was also protected by the Purple Mansion, so he was not afraid of Qin Luoyi's attack at all, and continued to control the black panther to attack the two of them.

Bing Mei also attacked.

There was a teasing smile on the corners of the lips, and it was a golden light that Lan Zhen and Bing Mei didn't care about. It arrived in front of Lan Zhen with lightning speed and broke through his purple mansion's defense in one fell swoop. , into his chest.

Lan Zhen opened his eyes wide and let out a sharp scream. His whole body was pierced through. Originally, the hole was only the size of a fist, but it expanded at a very fast speed, and soon became the size of a bowl, exuding a burning smell the taste of.

"Brother Zhen!"

Bing Mei opened her mouth wide, her expression terrified, Lan Zhen had already fallen to the ground, and soon her whole body disappeared, she realized something was wrong, her face heaved violently, she stared at Qin Luoyi and said anxiously and angrily : "It turns out that... you were the one who entered the tenth layer of fire and took away the source of chaos!"

Except for the fire in the fire domain, she couldn't think of any place where the fire was so powerful, but in a short time, a third-tier monk in the Zifu was reduced to ashes and disappeared forever between the heaven and the earth.

Lan Zhen's natural defense was astonishing. Although he was only at the third level of the Purple Mansion, he had also entered the eighth floor of the Fire Domain. If it was the fire of the eighth floor of the Fire Domain, it would not be able to harm him at all.

Qin Luoyi smiled slightly: "You guessed right, the source of chaos is indeed in my hands." He thought to himself, can't tell that this woman is quite smart.This could also be guessed by her, and since she said this, she didn't intend to let these people live.

Raising his slender hand, several flames shot out again, and the targets were naturally the few remaining black-clothed monks. The black-clothed monks were shocked by Lan Zhen's death, and before they recovered, Qin Luoyi's attack It was too fast, all of them were killed in an instant, and no one escaped.

Bing Mei was startled and regretted, this woman is too scary, if I knew it earlier, I shouldn't have hit her.As she stepped back, she quickly raised her hand, and several spars shot out from her hand, and instantly flew into several very inconspicuous recesses on the ground.

When Qin Luoyi saw the few spars thrown out, his intuition was not good, and he quickly thought of the teleportation formations he saw on the bottom of the sea during the tide of monsters. Those teleportations were only activated by the spars.

After all, Bing Mei is a cultivator of the Purple Mansion, so she did such a trick suddenly, it was really beyond her expectations, and it was when she felt that she was sure of winning, it was too late to stop, Bing Mei happened to be standing outside the formation, her eyes widened angrily , Gritting his teeth and staring at her.

This teleportation didn't know where it would be teleported. Qin Luoyi's heart sank, and he rushed towards the position where she was standing in a tacit understanding with Qin Tianji. The brilliance of the formation rose rapidly, and her body It seemed to be controlled by some force, and it couldn't rush out.

Qin Tian clings to the Blue Star Sword but fails to rush out.

Qin Luoyi's pupils shrank, and at the moment when he was about to be sent away by the teleportation formation, he shot suddenly and shot the Jade Flood Dragon Silk in the storage space towards Bing Mei, and pulled her in fiercely.The dazzling light flashed away, and soon the mountain returned to calm, leaving only a dozen or so black corpses lying motionless on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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