Brother is too evil

Chapter 482 Stealing the dragon and turning the phoenix

Chapter 482 Stealing the dragon and turning the phoenix (2)
In the blink of an eye, the surrounding scenery changed. They appeared in a large room with no windows and only a thick stone door. The floor was covered with blue stones, which was very neat. The stones were engraved with very complicated scriptures. Qin Luoyi only took a look at the talismans and talismans, and he saw that these Taoist inscriptions and talismans were similar to the teleportation array on the bottom of the sea.

Bing Mei was tied up by silkworm silk, her body was also restrained, she couldn't move, she stared at her with her eyes wide open, she couldn't speak, she bit her lip and her chest was heaving violently, but the corner of her eyes couldn't help but glance at her. towards the door.

A look of anxiety flashed in the depths of her eyes. She underestimated Qin Luoyi. She didn't expect that after the formation was activated, she would pull her in who was standing outside the formation. She regretted it even more. Incomparably, if I knew she would have stood farther away, Qin Luoyiluo wanted to kill her at this time, as easy as crushing an ant, ordinary people here are usually not allowed to come in.

Qin Luoyi looked at her glaring but terrified face, a coldness flashed in his eyes, he put his palm on her head, and with a slight movement, she was stunned.

Qin Tian jumped to the door with very light movements, did not open the door, and only listened to the movement outside the door. The door seemed to be a stone door, but he didn't know what special material was used to refine it, and it actually separated the spiritual consciousness. , and can not check outside.

A dark color flashed in his dark eyes, and he waved towards Qin Luoyi. Even in this strange and dangerous place, his face was not in the slightest panic, his expression was dignified and calm, and the jade bright stone in the room was faintly shining. When it shines on his face, it traces his handsome and flawless outline, and suddenly feels like a pearl is on his side.

Qin Luoyi leaped over very nimbly, leaned against the door, and released her divine sense. After a while, she gave up and frowned slightly. Even the spiritual sense of her cultivator from Zifu couldn't pass through the door.

Turning around, his eyes fell on Bing Mei who was lying on the ground, who was unknown to anyone.

She has crystals all over her body.

Last time Master and the others studied the teleportation formation on the seabed, she also had a little understanding of the teleportation formation.

He raised his eyes and looked around.

Soon found a lot of concave nests on the formation, similar to the teleportation formation on the bottom of the sea and the teleportation formation in the Long Mountain Range just now, but somewhat different, this formation is obviously much more complicated, and there are more concave nests a lot.

Seeing her slightly frowning, Qin Tian stretched out his hand and patted her shoulder lightly, and then said to her through voice transmission: "Don't worry." He took out a few crystals from the storage space, and shot them tentatively. After entering those concave nests, the teleportation array could not be activated.

Qin Luoyi's heart sank, and a flash of thought flashed in his phoenix eyes.

It seems that the teleportation array here is not as simple as she thought, and it cannot be activated by placing a spirit stone.Moreover, there is nothing in the stone room except for a teleportation formation, it is very empty, and there is no way to hide if you want to hide.

"It seems that we can only rush out." Qin Tian drew out his sword, with a flash of Ling Ran's fighting intent in his eyes, and continued to send her a voice transmission.

Qin Luoyi felt something was wrong.

Since Bingmei dared to activate the formation to send them here after the complete defeat, this place will definitely not be a good place, and I am afraid that there will be many crises.

It's a pity that Mo Xiao is in seclusion. Otherwise, if he goes out with him, he will be safe. She doesn't want her brother to take risks.

Now that she is standing on the enemy's territory, it is unrealistic to wake up Bingmei and force her to ask her. If the woman plays some tricks to attract people, she is fine. My brother is only at the beginning of Yufu, I am afraid that when the time comes It's not easy for her to protect him well.

She looked at her brother's handsome side face, and then at Bing Mei who was lying on the ground, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she stretched out her hand to beckon her brother to come over.

A few tens of meters away from the stone gate, two middle-aged men dressed in black were guarding the outside with their cold swords in their hands. Looking at the sun that had already set outside the valley, they couldn't help but look sideways behind them, and said in a low voice. discussed.

"Adu, you said that Master Lan Zhen and Master Bing have been out for several hours. Didn't you say that you will be back soon? Why is there no movement until now?" One of the square-faced men said in a low voice: "Could it be that something happened? ?”

"Probably not. I heard that it's just a woman. She seems to be a junior cultivator of the Purple Mansion. Lord Lan Zhen and Master Bing are all cultivators of the Purple Mansion, and Lord Lan Zhen is still a third-ranker of the Purple Mansion. People directly bring people into the teleportation array, and there are quite a few people he takes out. There must be no accidents, and things must have changed, maybe they didn’t meet people.” The sharp-faced man named Adu shook his head and said .

Lord Lan is very important to the suzerain. He has never missed a job when he goes out on business. Compared with before, this is just a trivial matter.

Until it was dark, the stone gate behind them was not opened, they were not allowed to enter the stone gate without authorization, they were only ordered to guard here, and they rotated every six hours.Soon it was time to change shifts. According to the usual practice, when changing shifts, the stone door would be opened and the staff would look around, including the secret room.

As usual, the four of them walked towards the stone gate together. Adu took out a black spar the size of a round thumb and pressed it into the eye of a giant dragon carved on the stone gate. The whole dragon suddenly moved. It was the dragon's head that was on top. After the eyes were installed, the dragon's head soon turned downward. A moment later, the stone door was opened silently, and a strong smell of blood rushed to the face.


The faces of Adu and the others changed suddenly. Before they could see the situation in the stone room clearly, their bodies reflexively jumped back. After jumping to the door, they found that there was no movement in the stone room, only two figures covered in blood fell down. In the stone chamber, there was no movement.

The four breathed a sigh of relief.

"There is an accident in the teleportation array, hurry up and report to Master Tie." Among the two who came to take over, a slightly taller man said to Adu who was beside him, and he looked into the room without blinking his eyes while talking.

Adu jumped up and rushed to the other side of the valley, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye. The tall man led the other three and slowly approached the teleportation formation.

There was a man and a woman lying in the teleportation formation, their bodies were covered in blood, and their breathing was extremely weak. The woman's head was up, her hair was disheveled, and there was fresh blood at the corner of her lips that seemed to have solidified. The ground was stained red, but there were no injuries on her body.

"Master Ice!"

The tall man was shocked.He hurriedly went to look at the other person, and when he saw his face clearly, he couldn't help being even more shocked: "Master Lan!" Lan Zhen's face was pale, and his eyes were closed tightly.The three of them looked at each other, and the tall man took a deep breath to suppress the shock in his heart.

"Let's get Master Bing and Master Lan out quickly." He stretched out his hand to help Lan Zhen up. The door was closed after they came in. He took out the black bead and shot it at a place in the middle of the formation. Go, the beads quickly disappeared, but the heavy stone door was quickly opened.

(End of this chapter)

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