Brother is too evil

Chapter 483 Stealing the dragon and turning the phoenix

Chapter 483 Stealing the dragon and turning the phoenix (3)
Bing Mei was picked up by another monk, and after everyone came out, the stone door was closed again, and the tall man took off the spar from the longan, and quickly led Lan Zhen across the valley, into a secret passage, After a while, he came out of the secret passage again.

The surrounding scenery suddenly changed, the trees were shady, the flowers were in full bloom, and the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant everywhere. It was like a paradise. This place was also a valley, and many luxurious buildings were built in the valley.

Lan Zhen was placed on the bed in one of the well-furnished rooms, and Bing Mei was carried into the adjacent room, and soon the Master Tie came over.Master Shi, the master of alchemy, was also invited over.

Mr. Shi quickly found out that Lan Zhen had been plotted against, and there was a strong and overbearing smell of drugs on his body, and even his cultivation base was temporarily dissipated.

Bingmei also had it, but Bingmei was unlucky, she had much more drug in her body than Lan Zhen, and her internal organs were also seriously injured. It will be cured naturally when the medicine dissipates, and the cultivation base will not be sealed forever, but I don't know when it will recover.

Although Bing Mei was seriously injured, she obviously took the time to take a healing pill after the injury, which was the tenth-order heavenly spirit pill he refined. The pill is slowly repairing her body, and she should be fully recovered in a short time.

There are many black-clothed monks guarding the valley.

Master Tie ordered them to take good care of them and left with Master Shi. Both of them knew what Lan Zhen and Bing Mei were doing when they went out this time. They never expected that they would be the only two of them to come back. Personally clever, they should have activated the formation and ran back before the medicine fully took effect. If not, with their current state of complete loss of cultivation, a mortal could kill them.

Two days later, Lan Zhen woke up at night, looking at the strange blue top of the bed, the laziness that appeared in his eyes when he suddenly woke up quickly receded.

He slowly sat up and looked out of the window, a bright full moon was hanging in the sky, and there were pavilions and pavilions outside the house, and there were many shadows of trees.

"Brother, are you awake?" A black figure silently jumped in from the window, hidden in the shadow beside his bed, and smiled at him through sound transmission.

The woman standing in front of him had willow leaf eyebrows, phoenix eyes, and a small cherry mouth... Qin Mo's eyes flickered, he was startled for a moment, and then a faint smile appeared on his perfect thin lips.

Looking at the strange face in front of him——if you say it's strange, it's not completely strange, it's Bingmei's face.He never knew that his younger sister could not only make alchemy, but also disguise herself, and she was so lifelike that it was hard to tell whether it was true or not. That day in the teleportation formation, because she couldn't find a way to get out, she actually took out a stack of Something, quickly made a mask and turned him into a blue shock.

He couldn't help raising his hand to caress Pang.

The disguised thing on the face is like real skin. Even if someone suspects something, they can't find the trace of the disguised face. He remembers that Luoyi said that unless she uses her special potion, it will not be uncovered. down.

In fact, Qin Luoyi's previous disguise||mask was not like this. The mask that Yuanxu made for Tuoba at the beginning was just unable to see the flaws. She saw Tuoba later in the city lord's mansion of Linghang City. Yuan Xu suddenly took off the mask in front of Li Feng, only then did she realize that there was such a big flaw in her disguise.

On the flying boat, she practiced while figuring it out, improved it again, and refined a potion that could blend the disguise product with the skin, so that she would no longer be afraid of being discovered.

"When did you wake up?" Qin Tian asked, but in order not to disturb the people outside the house, he still used sound transmission to enter the secret. That day he watched her change her face for him, and also dressed herself as Bing He looked charming, and used the powerful and domineering drug Mizuishan on him. Now thinking of the scene at that time, he still feels a little scared.

He couldn't help but glared at her slightly angrily.

This girl is also too courageous, afraid of showing off her feet, she actually gave him Mizuishan without even saying a word. She must have used it herself, and she didn't even think about it. If someone really noticed something wrong, they How the two died is unknown.

Qin Luoyi blinked, and the smile on his face was unusually bright, covering the strangeness in his eyes.

She knew what her brother was thinking.

How could she do such an unsure thing?It's really a dangerous place where people are not familiar with their lives.

Brother thought she was still alive, she must have killed Bing Mei, otherwise where would a living person hide?I want to tell him about the bracelet, but after thinking about it, it’s all right. It’s not that I don’t trust him. If I tell him about such a heaven-defying thing, it might become a burden for him. In this place where there are enemies everywhere, in case he can’t hide Concentrating on it, I couldn't help but look at her bracelet, it would be terrible if someone found it.

Lan Zhen is fake, but Bing Mei is real.

Moreover, Bingmei had injuries, so she really only used Mizuishan, neither of them had any other injuries, so they would definitely be suspected, so she directly stunned Bingmei, which shocked her internal organs. In order to replace her in a few days, she also found a healing pill from her storage space and gave it to her.

The weight of drunk powder on her body is much heavier than that of her elder brother. She put the bracelet space on Bingmei's hand, stayed in the bracelet space by herself, and watched the actions of the few people who came in to open the stone gate. inside.

Both Bing Mei and Lan Zhen had such a black spar on their bodies. After she burned Lan Zhen to death, she took his storage ring in her hand.

She always thought that the gate of the teleportation array was opened with a mechanism, but after a lot of effort, she couldn't find the mechanism, and ignored the black spar on their bodies, thinking it was just an ordinary spar used to absorb spiritual power, but it turned out that It is the key to open the door.

Fortunately, they didn't slam the door recklessly that day, otherwise, no matter how exquisite the disguise technique is, the two of them might be exposed at this time.

Blinking, she smiled and then sent a voice transmission to her brother: "I woke up early, but I have been pretending to be unconscious. I saw it outside. It is a valley. When we entered the formation, it was also a valley. Inside, guarded very closely."

She told him everything she had seen in the past two days, especially those who were guarding outside, who was the leader, what characteristics they had, who else had visited them, what their surnames were, and what they looked like. Describe it to him in detail, two days is enough for her to find out many things clearly.

Qin Tian was already a very smart person with a photographic memory. Looking at his younger sister who had been talking to him through sound transmission, his eyes softened a lot.

The little sister who was originally timid and fearful of him had grown up unconsciously. Not only was her cultivation strong, but she also cultivated the Purple Mansion within a few years of separation. , Considering everything, when he was unconscious, she had already done so many things.

(End of this chapter)

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