Brother is too evil

Chapter 484 Tonic

Chapter 484 Tonic (1)
In order not to be discovered, Qin Luoyi told him what he had discovered in the past two days, and then quickly returned to the next door. Bingmei's internal injuries were still serious, and after a little hesitation, she escaped into the bracelet space to practice again.

It's better for her to replace it with Bing Mei in two days. It would be bad if someone finds out the abnormality. She has no interest in seriously injuring herself in order to pretend to be realistic.

The elixir in Bingmei's storage space is effective, but in just two days, the wounds in her body have healed a lot. If her drunkenness had not dissipated so heavily, she should have woken up.

In the past two days, apart from inquiring about news, she did not forget to cultivate, and absorbed a lot of fire essence. Compared with a few days ago, her pill fire was much purer, and its color changed from the previous light yellow to the current one. pale gold.

There are also bodhi seeds.

When she was cultivating the Fire Essence, and even when she was absorbing the power of the stars from the Chaos Dzi Bead, she held the Bodhi seed in her hand, and she felt very energetic. , Even the soul was refined, and a strange power emanated from the bodhi seed.

In just a short period of time, she felt that her soul perception was stronger than before. This was a feeling she had never felt before. When she practiced before, although her soul power would gradually become stronger, but the process of becoming stronger It's hard to feel, often after her cultivation is much stronger, she can feel that her soul power is stronger than before.

If it wasn't for the wrong location, Qin Luoyi would have wanted to try her alchemy. The flames had become more refined and her soul power had become stronger. She had great confidence in refining the thirteenth-order elixir.

In fact, before she came to Xuantian Continent, she thought that she could refine the thirteenth-tier pill, but it is not easy to refine the thirteenth-tier pill, and each spiritual plant is too rare, and the required age is also extremely high It is extremely difficult to gather such a spiritual plant. Even if she is sitting on many rare spiritual plants, if she is not eight or nine percent sure, she will not dare to try it. The waste would be too great.

The night passed quickly.

She withdrew from the state of cultivation and began to pay attention to the situation outside, thinking in her heart that it would not be long before someone would notice that Lan Zhen had woken up.

"My lord! You are awake."

She didn't make her wait for too long, and there was a surprised voice from a man next door, as well as the sound of chaotic footsteps. Qin Tian's voice was deep and deep, and it was exactly the same as that dead Lan Zhen. Qin Luoyi couldn't help giggling. It turns out that her brother is also a genius, and she thought he would pretend to be hoarse for two days under the pretext of being injured. It seems that she was worrying for nothing.

There were footsteps coming towards the room where she stayed, and with a creak, the door was pushed open, and the guard in black opened the door.

Qin Luoyi knew that this person was Hou Qianzhong, the leader of the guards in the valley. These people were all under the orders of Lan Zhen. Lan Zhen had a special identity, as if he had something to do with that suzerain.

Qin Tian stood by the door with his hands behind his back in the appearance of Lan Zhen, motioning for the black-clothed guards to step back, then he walked into the room, raised his hands, feet, and even his expression and eyes. Merry wandering.

Qin Luoyi stared at him, and couldn't help but sigh after a while.

Her brother is really talented in acting, and her disguise can only make him resemble him in appearance, not in spirit. A person like him would definitely be an actor-level existence on earth.

Qin Tian walked into the room, closed the door, and saw a bed standing in the middle of the room at a glance. The bed curtains were very luxurious, and a figure was covered with an apricot-colored quilt, lying quietly on the bed.

He walked over quickly.

In Tiandaozong, almost everyone knows the relationship between Lan Zhen and Bing Mei. Both of them are cultivators of the Purple Mansion. That Bing Mei likes Lan Zhen very much. Bing Mei is beautiful, so Lan Zhen naturally likes her, but Lan Zhen is romantic, not only likes her, but also often sees Lie Xinxi, and has unclear relationships with many beautiful female nuns.

Qin Tian stood by the bed, his soft eyes fell on the person on the bed... His eyes were closed tightly, his face was pale, his breathing was heavy and slow, the blood stains on his face had been wiped clean, but his clothes had not been changed again. The monks in the mansion did not allow others to easily touch their own things and body, so Qin Tian woke up from a coma for two days, and the clothes on Qin Tian's body had not been changed. meaning.

Just looking at her expression, she really seemed to be seriously injured, especially the way she was breathing, Qin Tian's heart sank, and he couldn't help reaching out to touch her hand.

Before touching her hand, he quickly retracted it, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and it landed on her eyes.

He remembered that Luoyi's eyelashes were black and long, but now the eyelashes are obviously shorter. He may not have noticed it before, but last night when Qin Luoyi turned into a glamorous look, the two were close, and he could see it clearly. Clearly.

His eyes scanned the room quickly, his eyes were calm and slow, and after a while, he backed out.Qin Luoyi, who had been paying attention to his every move in the bracelet space, had a flash of light in his eyes, and a look of confusion flashed in his eyes.

It was too noisy to go out during the day, Bing Mei was really still lying on the bed, Qin Luoyi quickly put the confusion in his mind behind him, and continued to meditate.

Qin Tian was not injured, except that he fell into a coma for two days due to the Mihun powder, and he had to slowly recover his cultivation base, there was nothing wrong with him, so he did not meditate, and went for a walk in the valley first, She could still feel his breath at first, but then she walked farther and farther away, and soon disappeared.

Qin Luoyi cautiously did not let go of his divine sense to look out. This is the sect of Tiandao Sect, and there must be many strong people in it. Lord Tie and Lord Shi are both cultivators of the Purple Mansion.

At night, Qin Luoyi didn't go out, and continued to practice. Qin Tian had already woken up. If she was careless when she went out now, Qin Tian might find out that the person lying on the bed was the real Qin Mei. One pass explanation.

Two days later, Qin Luoyi guessed that Bing Mei's injury was almost over, so he came out of the space at night, first threw Bing Mei into the bracelet space, and then quickly got into the bed.

Early the next morning, Qin Tian was the same as the previous two days. The first thing he did after waking up was to open the door of the next room and walk quickly to the bed, staring at her face carefully.

Looking at the suddenly elongated eyelashes, a strange gleam flashed in Qin Tian's eyes, and the hand that had been tightly clenched in his sleeve suddenly let go, he let out a sigh of relief, and stared at her fiercely. Stepped out.

Not long after he left, Qin Luoyi opened his eyes, with suspicious eyes, got up and walked out, ready to take care of his brother Zhen.Bingmei likes Lan Zhen, and the two of them were in danger at the same time. The first thing she did when she woke up was definitely to see Lan Zhen, which was in line with Bingmei's temperament in the eyes of others.

(End of this chapter)

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