Chapter 495
"You can actually recognize that it's Bing Po Scattering? It seems that I really underestimated you, but... can your mother wait decades? Don't say decades, even a few years, she will become A pile of bones." Jin Dongyan laughed maliciously.

"I found a ten-thousand-year ice jade and made it into an ice coffin. With the ten-thousand-year ice jade to protect her, she can wait for hundreds of years, let alone decades." Mr. Duanmu said. Ying looked calm.

"You really have a heart." Jin Dongyan's expression was livid: "What about you, after protecting your mother, aren't you afraid of death? And you, Zong Wuying, are you not afraid of death? As I said, just wait until you find the source of chaos , when the time comes when the master of the sect has made great progress, I will refine the real antidote for you. At that time, our Tiandaozong will be able to dominate the world, and you will have inexhaustible wealth and honor... You don’t even have this time! Can't wait."

Zong Wuying's eyes were full of disdain, and he glanced at Duanmu Changying: "If it wasn't for protecting him from growing up, I would have given up my life to you long ago. Don't dream of dominating the world. There will never be such a day." Yes, you have no life to get the source of chaos."

Jin Dongyan looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "You two just want to prevent me from dominating the world? It's really fanciful...Zong Wuying, go to death."

He raised his hand and pressed the mechanism, summoning the puppets outside the stone gate to come in. As soon as the stone gate opened, the two puppets fell to the ground. Several black-clothed monks quickly jumped in from the door, stood beside Zong Wuying, and held Duanmu Changying and Qin Luoyi guarded behind him.

Jin Dongyan looked at the puppet that fell to the ground and fell apart, as well as those elders who he relied heavily on on weekdays, what else did he not understand? "You all betrayed me, you don't want to live anymore, don't you... In that case, I will fulfill you!"

A sinister and violent aura emerged from him again, but there was an undisguised coldness between Jin Dongyan's bewitching brows, his eyes were like poisonous snakes, and that cold aura rushed towards the group of people beside Duanmu Changying. coming.

"Block him." Duanmu Changying yelled lightly, and the eight people including Zong Wuying rushed up quickly.

The eight people are all cultivators of the Purple Mansion. Apart from Zong Wuying, there are also two peak cultivators of the Purple Mansion. The others are not weak. They are all high-level cultivators of the Purple Mansion. Dazzling purple light burst out from them , The eight people rushed up, stood in a strange shape, surrounded Jin Dongyan, and greeted him with all kinds of magic weapons and mansions in their hands.

"Nine Elephant Cosmic Formation." Jin Dongyan saw clearly where they were standing, his pupils shrank sharply, and the cold aura on his body was completely blocked by the Nine Elephant Cosmic Formation: "In order to deal with this suzerain, even this formation is used by you I found it, but so what? You want to use the incomplete Nine Elephants Universe Formation against me?"

"Boom!" He raised his palm, and the aura on his body became stronger. With one against eight, he did not lose the wind.

Duanmu Changying turned around and grabbed Qin Luoyi's hand: "I'll take you inside the crystal coffin, it's not safe outside, you and your brother stay inside, and come out after they finish beating."

Qin Luoyi looked at him sideways. She did not expect that Duanmu Changying would actually confront Jin Dongyan and instigate those elders. She clearly had this intention long ago. What she did not expect was... He was actually poisoned, and if he didn't take the antidote for two years, he would die.

And his mother.

Is this the reason why he chased and killed his elder brother Duanmu Changying again and again, and became the son of Tiandaozong?I remember that Duanmu Changqing also said that ten years ago, the relationship between the two brothers was actually very good.


She looked at Jin Dongyan who was surrounded by the Nine Elephants Universe Formation. He was still not defeated. The eight elders of Tiandaozong dealt with him together, their expressions were extraordinarily dignified and not very relaxed.It would be very difficult to kill that Jin Dongyan.

Duanmu Changying had already brought Qin Luoyi to the altar, and his expression was unprecedentedly relaxed: "Yi'er, go in."

Qin Tian pushed the mechanism open and pulled her in. Duanmu Changying stood at the opening of the blue crystal coffin, watching the coffin lid gently close.

Jin Dongyan has been paying attention to the movements here, his eyes lit up when he saw this, and he rushed over quickly, trying to pull Qin Luoyi and Qin Tian out, but was stopped by Zong Wuying and the others, unable to get away in a hurry .


With a crisp sound, the water-blue crystal coffin was tightly sealed. Standing in the spiritual water, Qin Luoyi felt that the spiritual power inside was really terrifyingly rich, and it poured into her body along the pores, but Although the spiritual power is strong, it is very gentle, and after entering the body, the body feels extremely comfortable.

After pulling Qin Luoyi into the blue crystal coffin, Qin Tianchang heaved a sigh of relief. The battle outside of the top cultivators of the Zifu was extremely fierce. Even if she was a cultivator of the Zifu, it would be very dangerous to stand outside.

He looked up at Duanmu Changying.Unexpectedly, Luoyi actually knew the holy son of Tiandaozong. Not only did he know each other, but his relationship was not ordinary, otherwise he would not have summoned such people to deal with Jin Dongyan.What made him puzzled was that his cultivation base was not high, but it was just the same as his own at the beginning of Yu Mansion, why didn't he take the opportunity to come in?

"It's too dangerous to stay outside, you should come in too." Qin Luoyi looked at Duanmu Changying and said.The voice tried to keep the tone of the usual speech, and there was no sign of concern, and the expression was also indifferent.

Duanmu Changying's eyes suddenly brightened.There was an unconcealable tenderness in his eyes. In the past, he didn't know why he always thought of her. Even if she cruelly took a knife to take his life, he couldn't help but often think of her figure.

Thinking back to the time when the two got along in Feifeng Mountain, or even on the small island outside Penglai Xiandao, in Xuantian Continent for the past few years, he obviously should hate her, but he couldn't help but send someone to the Piaomiao Sect. Pay attention to her news at any time, and let people report back every few months.

This time when he saw her again in Penglai Xiandao, especially when he saw her being attacked by the demon emperor, the strange pain and panic in his heart made him completely understand that he had fallen in love with this woman a long time ago. Worrying, even dreaming back at midnight, I often dream of her figure.

It's a pity that she likes his brother... Thinking of Duanmu Changying, his eyes darkened.Dealing with and eradicating Jin Dongyan was what they had discussed a long time ago. Jin Dongyan's spiritual water has already been completed, and only the source of chaos is missing. Although the source of chaos in the fire domain is missing, Jin Dongyan has accumulated some for thousands of years. However, compared to the source of chaos in the fire domain, the source of chaos on him seems too little.

In addition to the source of chaos, he also has many spars containing the source of chaos.Just this month, if he can't find the source of chaos again, he will use the chaos spar on his body and the small amount of source of chaos to advance.

Jin Dongyan's body is already failing. Although he looks young, his foundation is decayed and old. He urgently needs to be promoted, and he needs to be reborn.

(End of this chapter)

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