Chapter 496
Jin Dongyan made himself the holy son of Tiandaozong, preparing to seize his body. His body was dilapidated. He wanted to seize his own body, and then he would be reborn like a phoenix with the help of spiritual water. It is also difficult to escape the poisonous hands.All their cultivation bases will be absorbed by Jin Dongyan, and he will refine their cultivation bases to make himself stronger.

"Luoyi, you actually care about me, I'm so happy." Standing outside the blue crystal coffin, Duanmu Changying's eyes were like water, watching Qin Luoyi quietly with deep affection, the corners of her lips parted slightly Raised up to reach the eyes, he smiled like a phoenix.

"If you don't come in, you won't be able to come in for a while." Qin Luoyi twitched his brows and eyes fiercely, resisting the urge to roll his eyes, and looked at him with a half-smile and said.

Qin Tian put his hand on the mechanism.

He didn't know Duanmu Changying, but because he saved Luoyi and brought Luoyi to the crystal coffin, he didn't want him to lose his life in vain.

"Don't drive." Duanmu Changying stopped with a light drink: "The old devil is staring at this place now, if you drive it again, he will definitely rush in, don't look at him being blocked now, say He won’t be able to rush over anytime soon.”

"You stay outside looking for death." Qin Luoyi said angrily. He thought he brought himself to Lingshui to play some tricks, but he didn't do anything, which made Qin Luoyi believe that he did it back then. Those things are all forced.As the second senior brother once said, in fact, his nature is not bad.

"Anyway, sooner or later, I will die." Duanmu Changying raised his eyebrows and smiled indifferently: "Before I die, I can know that Yi'er still cares about me, and I am satisfied."

Qin Tian's head was full of black lines.

A man actually teased his sister in front of him... He couldn't help but glared at Duanmu Changying. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it.

Qin Luoyi was angry and funny, and his resentment towards him dissipated a lot, and his phoenix eyes softened a lot: "Come in quickly, isn't there still two years left? People say that good people don't live long, and scourges last a thousand years. Don't you?" You will die so early, if you want to die, Lord Yama will not accept you." Turning the corner, he said that he was a scourge.

Qin Tian pressed the switch again.

"Don't press it." Duanmu Changying's expression suddenly changed, becoming very cold: "You stay inside, the devil is not dead, don't come out... It's best to wait until he is completely dead before coming out, as long as you stay Inside the crystal coffin, no matter how powerful the devil is, he can't do anything to you."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for them to speak, he suddenly turned around and jumped into the Nine Elephant Universe Formation, and stood beside Zong Wuying. The power of the Nine Elephant Universe Formation suddenly increased greatly.

"He actually stood in front of the formation." Qin Tian's eyes flashed, and he quickly saw what was going on.

Qin Luoyi also saw it.

He sighed and said, "I'm really looking for death!"

Duanmu Changying was originally only a beginner in the Yu Mansion. As soon as he stood at the eye of the formation, his aura suddenly increased. One was because of the Nine Elephant Universe Formation. It became stronger, but the main reason was that Duanmu Changying used secret techniques to improve her cultivation, just like Feng Feili back then.

She still remembered that Feng Feili took her special healing pill and had to retreat for a period of time before recovering.

The most taboo thing for monks is to use secret methods to improve their cultivation. Although it can solve a temporary emergency, it is not a critical point of life. No one will use such secret methods. If they do not use high-level pills to recuperate the body in time, the damage to the body caused by secret methods is unacceptable. reversed.

Jin Dongyan soon fell to the disadvantage, but the secret technique used by Duanmu Changying could not maintain that state for too long, as long as Jin Dongyan held on with a strong breath, his vitality would be exhausted sooner or later.

"Brother, you stay here, I'll go out and kill that devil." Qin Luoyi shook his head secretly, reached out to touch the switch, but Qin Tian pressed her hand violently, and shouted: "It's too dangerous outside, You stay here well."

If he wants to go, he will go.

He pressed the switch, but Qin Luoyi was the first to jump out, turned around and smiled at him: "Brother, you can stay here, I'm fine."

Qin Tian looked at her helplessly, and with a thought, a figure jumped out following her. The lid of the crystal coffin was closed again, and there was another figure inside. .

Jin Dongyan was angry.

At this time, he was at a disadvantage, unable to rush out of the Nine Elephants Universe Formation, and could only watch helplessly as the crystal coffin opened and closed again.

"Don't hold on for a while, if you can't kill the devil, retreat to the coffin first, and we will slowly figure out a way." After Qin Luoyi rushed out, Qin Tian took her hand and told her.

At their level of cultivation, they can already stop eating and drinking. Even if they stay in the crystal coffin for several years or hundreds of years, it is no problem. It is regarded as a good practice. As long as they save their lives and spend time with that devil, they can always find them. Opportunity.

"Qin Luoyi, what are you doing out here?" Duanmu Changying was fighting fiercely with Jin Dongyan, when he saw Qin Luoyi coming out, he couldn't help being anxious and angry, his eyes were red: "Go in!"


Just because he was distracted from talking, Jin Dongyan suddenly found an opportunity and hit his body hard, and with a puff, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Nine Elephants Universe Formation, Heaven and Earth Annihilation!" He shouted lightly, and he wanted to launch the most powerful move of the formation - Heaven and Earth Annihilation, and even death would drag the devil down. If the devil survived, Qin Luoyi is in danger, that is his mother... The Duanmu family, and even several other families are in danger, Jin Dongyan is a lunatic!
"You want to die with me, damn it!" Jin Dongyan's complexion finally changed. The Nine Elephant Universe Formation that Duanmu Changying found could have restrained his kung fu, but their cultivation base was too low, and there were only two Purple Mansions. They are just peak monks, if they continue to fight like this, they will definitely lose, and it will be a matter of time before they are killed, but they never expected that they would have such determination to really fight themselves to the death.

If he had one-tenth of his previous strength, he wouldn't be afraid of them, but now... if they continue to join hands like this, he is afraid that he can only deal with them by sublimating to the utmost, and after he has sublimated to the utmost, he himself will never be able to deal with them. If you live again, even if you change another body, it will not work.

With a few complicated moves in his hands, the terrifying aura on his body increased sharply. Taking advantage of the last move of Heaven and Earth Silence is still brewing and before it can be fully displayed, he will disperse their formations, and then move them They killed one by one.





Qin Luoyi jumped directly into the formation and stood beside Duanmu Changying. He was the eye of the formation and was very important. Duanmu Changying, Zong Wuying and the other elders did not expect Qin Luoyi to jump in. , and with one palm, Duanmu Changying was prevented from using the last move of heaven and earth silence.

(End of this chapter)

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