Chapter 497
Duanmu Changying couldn't perform it, and other people naturally couldn't perform it either. Everyone was shocked and angry, the formation was successfully dispersed by Jin Dongyan, and he jumped away on tiptoe, standing in the distance proudly haha laugh.

Duanmu Changying sighed secretly, because the blood from the corner of the injured lip escaped again, looked at Jin Dongyan who was not far away, and then looked at Qin Luoyi who seemed to be okay beside him, couldn't help reaching out and rubbing her cheeks Hair: "Didn't I tell you not to come out?" His eyes dimmed, and now it was completely impossible to surround the devil again.

Zong Wuying and the others glared at Qin Luoyi angrily, his chest heaving violently, and about to stab her a few words, seeing the strange tenderness in Duanmu Changying's eyes, everyone looked at each other and swallowed.

"Hey, it's actually not bad. I've never seen the Son of God treat women so tenderly. It's good to have someone to accompany you on the way to Huangquan." One of them was having fun.

Duanmu Changying stroked the hand on Qin Luoyi's head for a moment, then smiled, a little moved, looked at the crystal coffin in the distance, and finally dispelled the flashing thought, rather than let her accompany her When he went to hell by himself, he still wanted her to live well, and winked at Zong Wuying and the others. No matter what, he wanted to send Qin Luoyi away safely.

"Lord Zong, send them away." He took out his white jade platform and signaled Zong Wuying to take Qin Luoyi and the other two away. Although the Nine Elephants Universe Formation couldn't kill him, it was fortunate that he Stay behind.

It's just... If it is said that before, it is possible to be sure that they and Jin Dongyan will die together, but the latter will have to kill many disciples of the sect. Those are his confidantes. Fortunately, the other disciples, I am afraid Now that the vegetables are almost scattered, it is worthwhile to use thousands of people to pull this devil into the gate of hell.

If he really wants to let him live again, and get the source of chaos to advance, the devil doesn't know how many murders he will have to do to the world.

Qin Tian glanced at him deeply.

Qin Luoyi was also taken aback. He didn't expect Duanmu Changying to let Zong Wuying protect him and leave after they thought they had ruined their chance to kill Jin Dongyan and made all their calculations go to waste.

She lowered her eyelids slightly to hide the strangeness in her eyes, but her heartbeat couldn't help but lose frequency. After a while, she looked up at Duanmu Changying again, Duanmu Changying's beautiful eyes reflected that icy face.

Duanmu Changying raised his hand to erase the strange face on her face, wanted to see her one more time before he died, and imprinted her face into his heart, but when he reached out to her face, he gave up... If you are not afraid of ten thousand, you are afraid In case, in case she has to go around, if in case of failure, maybe she can escape by not being seen by the devil.

Zong Wuying's eyes had regained his calm. He reached out and took the Baiyutai from Duanmu Changying's hand. He knew what Duanmu Changying was going to do. Unfortunately, he couldn't replace him in the final plan. It would be fine without him alone. Duanmu Changying absolutely can't.

"Want to leave?" Jin Dongyan's bewitching face became ferocious: "Stop dreaming, none of you will be able to leave today, all of you will be left to the suzerain!"

A black aura lingered around him, and he walked over slowly, his steps were not heavy, but each step seemed to step into a person's heart, carrying extremely strong power, which made people's blood churn.

Qin Tian took a step forward and stood gracefully beside Qin Luoyi, who had already held the Blue Star Sword in his hand.

Duanmu Changying stood on the other side of her.

Zong Wuying carved the runes on the white jade platform undisturbed, but after the engraving was finished, there was no movement in the surrounding space. His expression changed suddenly, and he raised his hand and squeezed out a few formulas, trying to tear the void, As a result, the void remained unresponsive.

"Haha, I told you, don't leave even one of you." Jin Dongyan laughed: "This space has been banned by me, and all of you will die here today, only you will not die... ...I will continue to live on your behalf."

He pointed to Duanmu Changying and said.

He has become the Holy Son, the Holy Son who is under one person in power and above tens of thousands of people. After the death of the suzerain, it is logical that he is the Holy Son and can be the suzerain again, and continue his hegemony of unifying the world, not only in Xuantian Continent, but also In a wider space, he will become stronger step by step, and no one can stop his powerful steps.

Duanmu Changying sighed, after all, he still underestimated his strength, never thought that he could confine the space.

Qin Luoyi looked thoughtfully at the black aura on his body.

The black aura on Jin Dongyan's body is thicker, similar to Mo Xiao's, but the aura on him is different from Mo Xiao's. Mo Xiao's black aura only feels cold, but the power is very pure. Jin Dongyan's body The black air makes people feel evil, as if possessed by some monster.

The black energy rushed towards them fiercely: "Go to hell."

Several purple mansions suddenly emitted dazzling purple light, trying to block the seemingly pervasive black air, Qin Luoyi snorted softly, and jumped out, with a defensive cover made up of purple mansions on his body, but a powerful and hot wave in his hand. A fireball the size of a man's head shot towards Jin Dongyan unexpectedly.

The temperature in the entire secret room suddenly rose, and the placed tables and chairs instantly turned into fly ash, as if they had never existed before.

Duanmu Changying and the others couldn't hide their surprise on their faces.

Jin Dongyan's face turned livid. He sensed the power of the golden fireball. A thick black mist stood in front of him and tried to stop it, but the golden fireball rushed towards him directly through the black mist.

He stepped aside hastily.

Even though he was flashing fast, there were still a lot of sparks sticking to his body, which actually caused many small holes to appear on the clothes he refined from special materials.

"This is... the sky fire of the tenth floor of fire!"

Jin Dongyan was shocked, and there was an unconcealable greed in his eyes: "I didn't expect you to have a sky fire on your body, and the source of chaos must be in your hands. It's a waste of time, haha... the suzerain is about to achieve great power, God help me!"

"It's the sky that wants to destroy you." Qin Luoyi snorted softly and said with a smile.Tsk, I'm so happy when I'm about to die.

She controlled the golden flames and attacked him one after another. The air in the secret room suddenly became extremely high. Even Zong Wuying and the others couldn't bear it anymore, and they withdrew to the stone gate together with Duanmu Changying and Qin Tian. Outside, there was a trace of tension in his expression.

"It turns out that this girl doesn't want the Holy Son to have trouble." Some people came to their senses and looked at each other with a smile.No wonder Qin Luoyi suddenly got out of the crystal coffin when they were about to perform the trick of killing each other, and messed up their Nine Elephants Universe Formation.

Duanmu Changying and Qin Tian held the magic weapon in their hands, and watched Qin Luoyi face Jin Dongyan intently. The two looked nervous and worried, but unfortunately, the sky fire in the fire domain was too powerful, and they couldn't get close at all, let alone What can I do to help.

(End of this chapter)

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