Brother is too evil

Chapter 501: Heavenly Demon Heart Sutra

Chapter 501: Heavenly Demon Heart Sutra (1)
Jin Dongyan's expression changed.

I am afraid that there is no repayment.

"It's just a flute, what's so good about it?" He stretched out his hand, trying to snatch it away.

Mo Xiao chuckled, avoided it easily, and raised his eyebrows: "What are you in such a hurry for? Could it be that you want to use this flute to deal with me, and that's why you're in such a hurry to take it?"

"What's the matter." Jin Dongyan, who was said to be the center of the matter,'s bewitching eyes flickered: "Haha, what is the relationship between us, why should I deal with you?"

"Since there is no one, that's good." Mo Xiao glanced at him with a half-smile, turned around and walked towards the crystal coffin, his eyes fell on Qin Luoyi who was in the middle, Qin Luoyi's face was very ugly, staring at him His eyes were full of swords and swords.

Damn bastard.

She clearly said that she threw the black bottle, but when the situation was extremely critical, as soon as the bottle was thrown, he would be there immediately... As a result, the devil used the flute sound to deal with her, and she almost tore her brother apart. I ate it.

Jin Dongyan stared at Mo Xiao's back, his eyes were full of predation, the clothes on his body did not move automatically, and a powerful force silently attacked Mo Xiao, directly attacking his vital points.

Qin Tian raised his eyebrows. He had already seen that the man in black clothes was not simple. He was worried that the two were in the same group, but when he saw Jin Dongyan making a move, his heart immediately relaxed.

Duanmu Changying quietly waited for the two to lose.

"Be careful." Qin Luoyi couldn't help but remind him, the hatred in his heart was hatred, and he didn't want Mo Xiao to die like this. He was going to die, and she couldn't survive.

Duanmu Changying and Qin Tian looked at him in surprise, especially Qin Tian's eyes were strangely complicated.

Qin Luoyi seemed unaware of their gazes.

The two turned their heads to look at Mo Xiao again.

Mo Xiao smiled lightly, and after a quick flash of unscrupulousness in his beautiful eyes, he turned around abruptly, flicked his sleeves, and brushed away the sneak attack force that was coming towards him.

Clenching the jade flute in his hand, he turned around abruptly, the aura on his body changed suddenly, and he stared at Jin Dongyan coldly and sharply: "If you dare to sneak attack me, you will die!" He held up the jade flute and patted him on the top of the head.

Jin Dongyan didn't succeed in one blow, and he was also angry. Mo Xiao had wanted to kill him a long time ago, and it happened that he had already fully sublimated and his body strength had recovered a lot. Anyway, he was going to die anyway. If you die, you will become stronger in the future, and you will lose a strong enemy.

"I have been lingering here for many years, but you are free and easy everywhere, hehe, Mo Xiao, I am going to die anyway, why don't you die with me, we also have a companion on the way." With several palms, the powerful force made the ground tremble.

Mo Xiao directly avoided his sharp edge, with black air around his body, he looked at him with disdain and said: "You want to die with me, you have a good idea, you should go on the road alone, don't waste your energy to kill me, you kill me!" Not mine."

Jin Dongyan had a sullen face, and said with a stern smile: "Mo Xiao, don't talk big, I might not be your opponent before, but have come to this world, and your cultivation is restricted, and I will die desperately. Extremely sublimated, your cultivation is much higher than your current level, if I want you to die with me, you must die together."

As he spoke, he slowly walked towards Mo Xiao.

Qin Luoyi's heart tightened, he stared at Mo Xiao intently, then glanced at the mechanism in the crystal sarcophagus, and said to Mo Xiao: "Don't fight him desperately, didn't you say that after he reached his ultimate sublimation, it would only take more than half an hour? Your life, you should come in with the flute first, and go out after half an hour."

"You..." Hearing Qin Luoyi's words, Jin Dongyan was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized, and then said angrily: "The black bottle is yours? You helped her get the sky fire on the tenth floor of the fire domain? Damn Mo Xiao , You actually calculated me like this!"

Looking at Mo Xiao's gaze was terrifyingly sinister.

"You're wrong, the bottle is mine, but I didn't collect the fire for her." Mo Xiao was not afraid of his sinister gaze, smiled jokingly, turned to Qin Luoyi and said: "Whether it was before or now, this kid is the only one who makes way for me. How can I hide in the coffin to avoid him? Look, if I want to squeeze him to death now, it's the same as crushing him to death." Like an ant, it's easy."

Qin Luoyi pursed his lips, obviously not believing it, but said in his mouth: "If that's the case, you should squeeze him to death quickly. What are you dawdling about?"

"Mo Xiao, I'll pinch you to death." Jin Dongyan snorted, his killing intent towards Mo Xiao became stronger. He didn't expect that everything today was designed by him. The Heavenly Dao Sect he established is so secretive that he doesn't often After leaving the sect, he actually found them all, and tried everything possible to kill him. At this time, he completely forgot that he wanted to kill Mo Xiao just now, and only the anger of being plotted by Mo Xiao and Qin Luoyi was in his heart. hatred.

"Go to hell with you." The brilliance on his body suddenly became more dazzling, so that people could barely open their eyes, and the surging power was heading towards Mo Xiao.

"Do you want to die with me?" Mo Xiao didn't pay attention to his sternness, a jade-white stone suddenly appeared in his hand, the stone was only the size of a fist, emitting a faint light.

"You..." Jin Dongyan suddenly changed his face, staring at the stone, his face turned pale, startled and frightened, and forced himself to say: "Natural magic stone, where did you get such a good thing?" of?"

"You still want to hide it from me?" Mo Xiao sneered: "With your aptitude, it is impossible to come back alive and rely on your own soul power to repair, unless you have the natal magic stone, in order to find you this natal magic stone , but it took me a lot of effort, now I only need to pinch it lightly, and I can completely dissipate your soul, and you will never be able to come back to life." Mo Xiao said while gently pinching the piece of natal demon stone.

"Don't." Jin Dongyan was horrified, his eyes were tightly locked on his hand, and he said in a hoarse voice: "Don't crush it, I will give you whatever you want." That was his only chance of survival, but at this time Mo Xiao pinched in the hand.

Mo Xiao squinted his eyes slightly to look at him, a cool sarcasm flashed across his eyes, but his moderately thick red lips showed a dizzying smile: "Give me everything? Jin Dongyan, what else is there on you now?" You can give it to me."

Jin Dongyan's heart froze, and his expression was a little desperate.

Mo Xiao is right, what else can he give him now?His own life is in his hands, his body is even more dilapidated, and he has already sublimated to the utmost in order to kill that woman. If he can't get back the magic stone of his life, he will only live for a while.

But he just died like this, he was not reconciled!
Staring closely at the emerald green natal magic stone in Mo Xiao's hand, he clenched his hands, gritted his teeth, and made a decision in his heart instantly: "As long as you don't destroy the natal magic stone, I, Jin Dongyan, swear that from now on only You will never betray you, if you break this oath, you can destroy the magic stone of your life at any time."

(End of this chapter)

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