Brother is too evil

Chapter 502: Heavenly Demon Heart Sutra

Chapter 502: Heavenly Demon Heart Sutra (2)
Where there is life, there is hope.If he could go back with Mo Xiao, it would save him a lot of effort.

The demon owl laughed loudly, casually turning the natal magic stone in his hand, his beautiful eyes were full of contempt and disdain: "Never betray? I heard your words very familiarly, I seem to have heard you talk to me often before. Someone once said, haha, you also said that if something happens to her, you will go through fire and water for her, and you will not hesitate to do so, but in the end, when she had an accident, you seemed to be running faster than anyone else."

Seeing the obvious disdain in Mo Xiao's eyes, Jin Dongyan's heart skipped a beat, his eyes flickered, he didn't dare to look directly into his eyes, his lips moved, and then he said in a hoarse voice: "Mo Xiao, take the magic stone of your life Give it back to me, and I will tell you where I got the natal magic stone, and the location of Mane Pool, I know you have been looking for Mane Pool."

Mo Xiao raised his eyebrows and smiled unscrupulously: "Mo Nie Chi doesn't need you to tell me, I have already found it long before the war, as for the natal magic stone..."

"You found the Mane Pool? Before the Great War... How could it be possible? Could it be that you have already..." Hearing that he had found the Mane Pool, Jin Dongyan stared at him incredulously, muttering in his mouth, because the As time goes by, the dazzling radiance that emerges from his body begins to dim, and it is obvious that there is not much life left.

"Why is it impossible?" Mo Xiao sneered: "Don't talk about Mo Nie Pool, the current Mo Nie Pool is not very attractive to me, and as for the natal magic stone... I don't care too much."

He stretched out his other hand, and on the white and jade-like hand that was originally empty, several pieces of green crystals that were the same as those on his right hand suddenly appeared.

Jin Dongyan's eyeballs almost fell out.He was so shocked that he was speechless for a while, and his expression was even more gloomy and desperate.

When did the natal magic stone become so easy to obtain?Mo Xiao actually has so many in his hands, and he almost lost his life because of that natal magic stone.

Mo Xiao put away his natal magic stone, stroked his smooth and perfect chin, looked at him with a half-smile and said: "It can't give me anything that interests me."

Gently squeezed Jin Dongyan's natal magic stone tightly in his hand.

Jin Dongyan's body went limp, almost fell, and he closed his eyes in despair.

"Hold on."

A clear and pleasant soft drinking sound suddenly came from the blue crystal coffin, stopping Mo Xiao's movement, and Jin Dongyan opened his eyes abruptly.

Mo Xiao's eyes fell on behind him, but he didn't pinch it.

A flash of light suddenly flashed through the already desperate Yaoyi eyes, he turned his head abruptly, looking at the person who made the sound with some anticipation, because Qin Luo was soaked in the spiritual water mixed with various treasures of heaven and earth in the crystal coffin, The disguise on the face of the clothes was washed away.

The fair skin is crystal clear, the eyes are black and bright, shining like stars, the eyebrows are curved, and the red lips are gorgeous, as beautiful as walking down from a painting, but the eyes looking at him are extremely cold.Seeing that face clearly, Jin Dongyan's pupils suddenly shrank, and then quickly looked at Qin Tian on one side, and then Duanmu Changying.

"Don't let him die in a hurry." Qin Luoyi didn't want to look at Jin Dongyan any more, she said to Mo Xiao: "This man is very vicious, he poisoned them all, you first ask him what he did." What kind of poison is it, how to solve it, and then it will not be too late to crush him to death."

Mo Xiao wanted to kill Jin Dongyan, she naturally had no objection, in fact, she wished to use all the top ten tortures of the Manchu Qing Dynasty on him, but it was a pity that he didn't have that life to enjoy.

Since Duanmu Changying saved her, and she knew that his nature was not bad, she naturally couldn't just watch him die. After all, he was the younger brother of the second senior brother. If Jin Dongyan was really killed by Mo Xiao, he was afraid that he would die. There is no help.

"Hey, don't waste your time in vain, I won't tell you." The light on Jin Dongyan's body has dissipated, and his desperate face was full of madness. Ruthless... I never thought that I, Jin Dongyan, would die in your hands in the end."

His eyes are full of unwillingness.

Qin Luoyi also knew that he couldn't last much longer, so he frowned slightly and urged Mo Xiao: "Hey, you should hurry up, if he doesn't say anything, you can use the soul-stirring technique."

"Hey, the soul-devouring technique is useless to me." Jin Dongyan turned his head again and glared at her, his bewitching eyes were full of madness, and there was also a strange anger: "If you want to save them, you must give up your heart. "

Qin Luoyi's heart sank, and he looked at Mo Xiao questioningly.

Demon Xiao nodded with a smile: "It's really useless to use the soul-stirring technique on him."

"Is there no way to stop him from speaking?" Qin Luoyi asked again unwillingly, and Mo Xiao's words made her feel an inexplicable strange feeling in her heart.

Demon Xiao cast a faint glance at Duanmu Changying, then his eyes fell on Zong Wuying and the others, he shook his head, under Jin Dongyan's desperate and unwilling gaze, he moved his finger lightly, and instantly crushed the piece of emerald green The natal magic stone.


With a scream, the natal magic stone turned into powder and fell on the ground. Jin Dongyan's figure also quickly disappeared between the sky and the earth, and there was no possibility of coming back to life.

Duanmu Changying stared at the pile of green powder on the ground, and there was a faint smile on her pale and thin lips. She turned her head slightly and glanced at Qin Luoyi, her eyes were unusually soft.

Qin Tian's eyes also fell on her.His expression was normal, but there was some guilt and self-blame in his eyes, and there was also an inexplicable strangeness.

"The devil is finally dead." Qin Luoyi pulled the corners of her lips, thinking of the song Feng Qiuhuang that the devil played just now, she felt that it was too cheap for him to die like this. Guang Guang saw the entanglement of guilt in Qin Tian's eyes, and he couldn't help but feel very headache.

She actually wanted to tell her brother that the kiss was nothing... He didn't need to be so entangled, but she was afraid that if she really said it, her brother would be even more entangled in self-blame.

After all, it's all Mo Xiao's fault.

If it wasn't for him not doing as they agreed, would there be any subsequent things?Thinking of this, she gave Mo Xiao a hard look, then turned on the mechanism and jumped out of the blue crystal coffin, and dragged the sapphire blue warship out of the blue crystal coffin.

Qin Tian also jumped out following closely behind her.

His thoughtful eyes fell on Mo Xiao, and he could feel that Luo Yi had great trust in Mo Xiao, so he just jumped out, not worried at all that he would plan to use the spirit water in the crystal coffin.

Duanmu Changying also jumped out.

He skimmed directly into the sapphire blue warship, and looked at Zong Wuying and the others, although they hadn't woken up, but the obvious aura was much stronger than before.

"Why are you here now?" Qin Luoyi pulled Mo Xiao aside, but still couldn't hold back and questioned him, almost, almost, she had a taboo with her brother in this body.

(End of this chapter)

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