Chapter 509
That thunder catastrophe looks terrifying to others, but those who have never personally experienced that thunder catastrophe will never know how terrifying that thunder catastrophe is. If they have not cultivated the spirit flower, even a monk at the top of the Purple Mansion will not be able to stop it. A thunderous attack.

When he survived the thunder calamity, even though he had prepared in many ways, he escaped death, which was much more embarrassing than when Jian Yuyan survived the disaster.

Qin Luoyi didn't show emotion on her face. She knew that she could cultivate the spirit flower so quickly because of the spirit water and the source of chaos, and these must not be revealed.

Naturally, she and her brother would not tell the outside world that Duanmu Changying and Zong Wuying had communicated with those elders a long time ago, and completely concealed the matter of Jin Dongyan's spiritual water. One was for Qin Luoyi, and the other was for Tiandaozong .

They are all poisoned by strange poisons, and they will not live for long. Lin Tianyu and his ilk who survived have not reached the Purple Mansion. peep.

He greeted Huangfuyan with a smile, and after talking for a while, Huangfuyan talked about the Dragon Shocking Art that had been circulating in the Xuantian Continent during this period.

"I don't know if it's true or not that the Dragon Singing Jue became the Shocking Dragon Jue. We failed to send people to the Xiaguang City auction last time." Huangfu Yan said with a smile. The mountains and the entire territory of the Duanmu family were anxious to find Qin Luoyi.

"Liu Hanqing, who got the jade slip, was frequently attacked by others, and he was seriously injured. In order to protect him and the jade slip in his hand, many core disciples of the Liu family died. He doesn't know where he is hiding now. , There are many forces looking for him."

Even his only daughter, Liu Qingcheng, became the target of those people. Liu Qingcheng was taken back to the Liu family, and the ancestor of the Liu family personally protected her.

Qin Luoyi looked in the direction of Qinglong Valley inadvertently.

The Shocking Dragon Jue is clearly a trick of Tiandaozong. After seeing the devil Jin Zongyan, she can probably guess what he wants to do. His ambition is in the entire Xuantian Continent. The peerless powerhouse competes, and he sits on the mountain and watches the tigers fight, waiting to reap the last fisherman's profit.

When she was in Xiaguang City, she told Mo Han and Song Wuhen that the Dragon Shocking Art was written by Duanmu Changying, and the two of them should not fight. Seeing Huangfuyan's current state, although she was curious, she didn't. The heart of contention is presumably due to the presence of the lunar and solar nerves.

The one who was hit was the Liu family, and she was happy to watch the show, not to mention that both Liu Qingcheng and his daughter looked at her clearly unkindly. She and the Liu family thought that they would not have much chance to turn their fights into friendships in this life.

I just don't know how Duanmu Changying will deal with this matter now, and whether he will release the news that the tactic of startling the dragon is actually fake.

"I did see it. I was also in Xiaguang City at the time, and I happened to meet the auction in Xiaguang City." Qin Luoyi took his eyes back, looked at Jian Yuyan and Huangfu Yandao with a slight smile, and said what happened during the auction. out.

"It seems that the rumors are true, but I don't know if it's the real Dragon Shocking Art. Even if it's not the Dragon Shocking Art, I'm afraid it's some kind of excellent mentality. Liu Hanqing would not want the compensation from the Tuoba family, but I took that piece of jade slip." Jian Yuyan said, but his expression was also indifferent, obviously not interested in the tactic of startling the dragon, and because Liu Qingcheng beat Qin Luoyi several times, he also hated the Liu family in his heart.

Huangfu Yan left after staying in Tiandaozong for a short time. Jian Yuyan let Wang Qin, Xiao Wenbo and others follow Huangfuyan back to Huangfu's family, but he himself stayed.

Knowing that he was reluctant to part with Qin Luoyi, Huangfuyan just smiled and didn't say anything. He had already received an invitation from the Qin family to celebrate Mr. Qin's birthday. , I can't protect him if I lose my cultivation base, not to mention that every few days, he will be tortured by the sun god's power, and I will introduce him to Qin Yanzhi's birthday this time.

So before leaving, I just told him to remember that three months later, he must rush to the Qin family in the southern region, so as not to miss the birthday of the old man of the Qin family.

"Master, Miss Qin heard that she didn't cultivate the Taiyin nerves, so what will young master do in the future?" After leaving Tiandaozong, Wang Qin asked him worriedly.

Huangfuyan's heart sank.

Before, he was too curious that Qin Luoyi had advanced to the top of the Purple Mansion in a few months and had congealed a spirit flower. After hearing Wang Qin's talk, he remembered this, and the smile on his face faded... really It's God's will.

And thinking of Jian Yuyan who would rather endure the pain of the sun's power swallowing his body every day than double cultivation with the person he arranged, his head hurts badly.

Knowing that Qin Luoyi was going to Qilong City to meet Duanmu Patriarch Duanmu Jinyu, Jian Yuyan decided to go with her without hesitation, and Qin Tian was not in a hurry to leave, saying that he would go to Qilong with her It's not too late to return to the Qin family.

Seeing his eyes faintly fall on Jian Yuyan's body when he was talking, Qin Luoyi couldn't help but twitch the corners of his eyes fiercely, while Jian Yuyan smiled shallowly, even in front of many people, the eyes that fell on Qin Luoyi's body were extremely gentle Pamper and do not avoid disobedience.

Duanmu Changying looked away with a slightly bitter smile.

After staying in Tiandaozong for a day, Duanmu Changying arranged everything properly, took everyone out of Tiandaozong with the white jade platform, and headed to Qilong City.

Along with Qin Luoyi, Jian Yuyan, Qin Tian, ​​Zong Wuying and Chen Ba.Qin Luoyi still has an impression of Chen Ba. Back then in Penglai Xiandao, Chen Ba often followed Duanmu Changying. Unexpectedly, he was also a member of Tiandaozong. He brought him by his side, this Chen Ba was thought to be a very useful person for Duanmu Changying, although he looked straightforward, but Qin Luoyi looked at him much more pleasing to the eyes than the enchanting Sima Yu.

Tiandaozong is nearly 500 million miles away from Qilong City, but with Baiyu Terrace, it took less than half an hour to reach the outskirts of Qilong City, hundreds of miles away, and then began to ride the rainbow.

Compared with Xiaguang City, Qilong City has a larger city wall. It is full of aura and there are many monks. In Qilong City, there are nearly a million monks. The gray and white city walls are tall and majestic, and there are many The monk dressed in a black costume with a long sword on his waist, stood with his head held high, full of energy.

The monks who entered and exited the city gate were orderly. Praying Dragon City was the foundation of the Duanmu family. Not to mention that the cultivators guarding the city gate were not weak, and the city was crouching tiger, hidden dragon. No matter how high the cultivator is and how powerful the influence behind him is, even members of the other six great families will not act presumptuously here. That is definitely a provocation to the Duanmu family.

Duanmu Changying did not directly jump over the city gate to enter Qilong City, but landed at the city gate, and entered from the city gate like other monks.

(End of this chapter)

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