Brother is too evil

Chapter 510 Surprise

Chapter 510 Surprise (1)
"Second son."

Seeing Duanmu Changying, who was dressed in a blue luxurious brocade robe, green silk jade belt, as beautiful as a crown jade, landed at the gate of the city, Zhao Tong, the leading guard guarding the city, rushed over and looked at him with a smile on his face. After saluting, he couldn't help but cast a quick glance at Qin Luoyi and the others beside him.

Except for Zong Wuying and Chen Ba, all of them are very face-to-face, handsome men and women, with noble and extraordinary demeanor. Facing Duanmu Changying, who is an extremely noble descendant of the Duanmu family, there is no expression on their faces. Flattery, and the second son is extremely polite to these people.

A flash of light flashed across Zhao Tong's eyes, and he personally led the way and sent Duanmu Changying and his party into the city. Watching them walk away, he recruited a confidant guard, found a secluded place and whispered, then The famous confidant soon disappeared.

Qilong City, the root of the Duanmu family, one of the seven super families in the Xuantian Continent, is so prosperous and luxurious that it goes without saying.

The street market is so wide and long that it can hardly be seen, and there is a lot of traffic and traffic.On both sides of the street, there are wine stalls in tile shops, and the theater in Shizhai is full of seats.

Qin Luoyi and his party walked on the street, all of them were outstanding and eye-catching. Many people looked at them, and after seeing that one of them was actually Duanmu Changying, the second son of the Duanmu family, their eyes lit up even more.

There are only three direct descendants of the head of the Duanmu family, the young master Duanmu Changqing, the second son Duanmu Changying, and the youngest daughter Duanmu Yun.

Duanmu Changqing and Duanmu Changying are not very old, but they are both amazingly talented people. Both of them have cultivated Yufu at a young age. Such aptitude is not only one in a thousand, it is rare even in thousands of years. They met one, but this generation produced two. With them, it is conceivable that the already powerful Duanmu family will continue to grow stronger in the future.

It's a pity that Duanmu Changqing is cruel by nature, and many people who want to make money and have a relationship with him are not allowed to enter. The second young master is much more amiable, and the jade tree is facing the wind. A girl, with a tight face and unknown luck, was able to make friends with the second son Duanmu, which made them really envious.

The ancestral house of the Duanmu family is in the center of Qilong City, occupying a very large area. The courtyard where Duanmu Changying lives is spacious and exquisite. It is very easy to accommodate a few of them, but Qin Luoyi does not want to live here with Duanmu Changying. After sitting for a while, when Duanmu Changying wanted to arrange accommodation for them, she told him that she wanted to find a quiet inn to live in.

"The inns in Qilong City are all in the busy city, but there is no particularly quiet place." Duanmu Changying pondered, there are inns in particularly quiet places, but they are all very small inns, remote and crowded. Also complicated. "If you don't want to live here, I have a courtyard on the outskirts of the city."

Qin Luoyi thought about it, and chose to go to his courtyard on the outskirts. It was quiet and not as noisy as in the city, and he could practice meditation when he had time.

Duanmu Changying knew that they were rushing back to the southern region to attend the birthday of Mr. Qin, especially Qin Tian, ​​who was still a direct disciple of the Qin family, and couldn't wait until the birthday was really approaching before going back, so he introduced them briefly After the situation in Dragon City, he left Chen Ba and Zong Wuying to accompany him, and he left first to arrange some matters related to dementia.

Not long after he left, Qin Luoyi left the majestic and noble ancestral house of the Duanmu family, and asked Chen Ba and Zong Wuying to take him to Duanmu Changying's other courtyard in the suburbs. dismissed.

That other courtyard is very nice, with a house with four entrances and four exits, all kinds of pavilions, terraces and pavilions, hidden in the mountains and rivers, the nose smells the aroma of green trees, grasses, flowers and trees, which immediately lifts people's mood.

Duanmu Changying moved very quickly. After knowing that they did not want to live in the ancestral house of the Duanmu family and chose to live in the suburbs, he immediately sent someone to clean it. The room was very tidy, and all the bedding was brand new. , the windows were bright and clean, and a dozen people were left to wait for their dispatch.

Qin Luoyi chose a courtyard in the south to live in. Jian Yuyan originally wanted to live in the courtyard next to her, but Qin Tian was one step ahead of him.

He had no choice but to choose a courtyard relatively far away from Qin Luoyi to live in, with Qin Tian in the middle. For these two days, let alone being alone with Qin Luoyi, it was not easy to talk to her , which made him really depressed and helpless.

But Qin Tian is Luoyi's elder brother, and will be his brother-in-law in the future. Two days ago, he saw the scene of the two together in the hot spring pool, so it's normal for him to be on guard against himself.

If he had a younger sister and saw her making out with other men in front of him, he would probably do the same, even if he missed Yi'er again and wanted to hold her in his arms to comfort his longing during this time I can bear it.

Song Wuhen received a secret report from the gate of the city, and learned that Duanmu Changying had returned to Qilong City with a few strange men and women by his side. A gleam flashed in his eyes, and he guessed that Duanmu Changying suddenly disappeared for several months. It was because they created a tactic to startle the dragon and caused chaos in the world, and now they brought people to the city of praying for dragons.

I'm afraid those people are not simple.

Going out of the mansion to follow the past in person, he found that it was Qin Luoyi who was with Duanmu Changying, and his expression changed drastically.

He also knew Jian Yuyan. He knew that he was Qin Luoyi's younger brother and Wu Shan's disciple. He hadn't seen him for many years. He didn't expect him to come to Xuantian Continent.

And Qin Tian.

Others may not know Qin Tian, ​​but he does. Qin Tian is Qin Luoyi's older brother and the only son of Zhennan King of Chu State. If he was surprised to see Jian Yuyan, he was shocked when he saw Qin Tian .

Of course, what shocked him even more was that these two people who had no relationship with Qin Luoyi, including Qin Luoyi, actually walked with Duanmu Changying. They seemed to be very familiar with each other, talking and laughing along the way Can't stop laughing.

Seeing Duanmu Changying bring them into the ancestral house of Duanmu's family, his heart sank even more, and he kept guard outside, waiting for them to come out, then followed them out of the city and lived in Duanmu Changying's other courtyard. The heart has sunk to the bottom.

"Duanmu Changying...could it be another trick?" Qin Luoyi knew how much he hated Duanmu Changying. When we met, when she mentioned Duanmu Changying, she couldn't hide the coldness in her eyes, but after following her around, it was clear that all the coldness in her eyes that she had looked at Duanmu Changying had dissipated.

His intuition is very bad.

It stayed for a long time on the big tree in the distance of Duanmu Changying Bieyuan in the suburbs, and then quietly swept away.

Tianlong Mountains.

An obese middle-aged man stood with a dejected expression, his clothes were torn in many places, and he was breathing heavily. If you look closely, you can see that his face is slightly pale, and there is a faint trace of wiping at the corners of his lips. There were bloodstains, and it was obvious that the body had suffered serious injuries.

(End of this chapter)

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