Chapter 523
I don't know if she would be so complacent if she knew that the Shocking Dragon Jue was just a fragmented volume and would never be able to break through to the peak of the ninth level of the Zifu.

Seeing his disapproving look, Liu Qingcheng's heart froze.Then he smiled again.Standing up in a graceful manner.

"I don't just want to think, but also do it. I will stay in Qilong City for a few days, Mr. Qin, you should think about it... Do you want to be suppressed forever, or follow me, and become the leader of Xuantian Continent in the future?" Peak powerhouse, think about it yourself, hehe, I’m waiting for you to come to me.”

"Get out." Qin Tian was tired of even looking at her, and reprimanded her unceremoniously with disgust on his face.

Liu Qingcheng's face completely sank.Just now she thought that the man didn't give a single answer and she was deliberately taking Joe.

When he was about to speak again, the door was suddenly pushed open, and a clear and teasing voice came: "Tsk, you are so angry, who made you angry?"

Qin Tian smiled.


Liu Qingcheng turned her head sharply, seeing the unconcealed contempt in Qin Luoyi's eyes who walked in, the anger in her eyes rose rapidly, and she wanted to tear her into pieces.Damn Qin Luoyi, when did she come here, and how much did she hear what she said just now?

Looking at Qin Tian and seeing Qin Luoyi coming, his handsome face instantly softened a lot, his eyes were smiling, that handsome appearance made her tremble fiercely in her heart, and she couldn't help but feel even more jealous.


Why did she get the love of Duanmu Changqing and Feng Feili, let them protect her so much, and that elusive white robe, now even Qin Tian is obviously fascinated by her.But he was almost ruined by her.

Fortunately, she now has the Dragon Shocking Art.

Thinking of the Dragon Shocking Art, she became confident again, and looked at Qin Luoyi with a face of arrogance and disdain. When her cultivation base improved, she would definitely make this woman look good, and for this woman, she was cruel to Feng Feili. And Duanmu Evergreen.

She won't kill her, she will let her have nothing, ruin her reputation, and then crawl at her feet, begging her like a lowly ant, and she will torture this woman severely.

"Young Master Qin, as long as you don't leave Qilong City, what I just said will definitely count. I'll wait for you to come to me." She no longer looked at Qin Luoyi, her eyes fell on Qin Tian, ​​and the enchanting look appeared in her eyes again. shimmering.

He was still seducing his brother in front of her face.Qin Luoyi snorted unhappily in his heart, walked up to Qin Tian and stood next to Qin Tian, ​​looked at Liu Qingcheng with a half-smile and said: "You don't have to wait, waiting is for nothing, he will never wait." Will come for you."

Liu Qingcheng was angry.

She really wanted to rush up and slap her twice, but at this moment in front of Qin Tian, ​​she restrained her temper.Taking two deep breaths, he said disdainfully: "Qin Luoyi, what are you... Mr. Qin's affairs are up to Mr. Qin, and it's not your turn to intervene. What do you think of Mr. Qin? Make the decision for Mr. Qin, can you be the master of Mr. Qin?"

Qin Luoyi smiled meaningfully, raised his hand and tugged at his brother's sleeve, raised his head maliciously and asked, "Young Master Qin, tell me, can I make the decision for you... I said you will never go to her , am I right?"

Qin Tian laughed.

She couldn't help but reach out and tap her forehead, her phoenix eyes flashed with gentle doting: "Yes, of course you can make the decision for me."

Qin Luoyi showed him a very bright smile in a happy mood.

Qin Tian's eyes dimmed.

Liu Qingcheng was so angry that she was about to grit her teeth.

She hated even more in her heart, and she didn't know what trick Qin Luoyi used to confuse Qin Tian so much. Now she already had the urge to shoot Qin Luoyi to death.

She was able to come to Qilong City, of course she didn't come out alone. The ancestor specially sent someone to protect him, but he remembered what his father said, telling her not to touch Qin Luoyi, he would personally arrest Qin Luoyi Get up and vent your anger on her.

She gave Qin Luoyi a contemptuous look, and walked away with her head held high. She would definitely take back everything that belonged to Qin Luoyi.

Including Qin Tian.

With a movement of his body, he jumped out of the window, walked out of the restaurant meanderingly, and when he reached the street, he turned his head and looked towards the private room where Qin Luoyi and Qin Tian were. Looking back frequently, there was no hiding the hatred in his eyes.

A man dressed in black walked out of the darkness and stood beside her. The man exuded a dangerous aura, and followed Liu Qingcheng's gaze towards the window, his eyes were cold and bloodthirsty.

Neither Qin Luoyi nor Qin Tian paid attention to the man in black. They talked to themselves without looking out the window.Liu Qingcheng became even more angry, stomped her feet fiercely, and quickly left behind Shenhong.

"Is everything going well? Are you sure you can undo his soul-hunting technique?" Qin Tian took Qin Luoyi's hand, pulled her to sit beside him, and asked her about entering the Duanmu family.

When the matter here is over, he should go back to Qin's house, and he has to go back a month in advance, otherwise Qin Mo will definitely lose his temper.

Qin Luoyi nodded with a smile and said, "I'm somewhat sure, but there are too many variables in this matter. Whether it can be solved in the end or not will only be known after trying." asked, "Have you dated someone?"

"It's Chu Yifeng." Qin Tian nodded and said, "He should be here soon. Since you're here, I'll ask someone to add another pair of bowls and chopsticks."

Raise your voice to call people.

Qin Luoyi stopped him: "No need, I've already eaten, Duanmu Changying is still waiting for me on the opposite side, I'll go there first."

She stood up, thought for a while and said: "You have to be careful about this Liu Qingcheng, she came to pray for the dragon city with the ancestor of the Liu family." She had already vaguely guessed that the ancestor of the Liu family came to pray for the dragon city. It has something to do with the Dragon Shocking Art.

"I know." Seeing her pretty eyebrows slightly twisted, she couldn't help but smile and said: "Don't worry, frown and be careful that you become a little old woman at a young age."

"Have you ever seen such a beautiful little old lady?" Qin Luoyi made a face at his brother.

Qin Tian laughed.While smiling, he reached out to help her smooth the somewhat messy hair around her ears.

The door was pushed open, Chu Yifeng walked in, saw Qin Luoyi was there, and Qin Tian's hand was still on Yi'er's head, his eyes lit up first, and then envy quickly passed over.

The blue hair on the clothes is smooth and soft, and feels very good to the touch, especially after the two are happy, her pretty face is white with pink, and the black hair is scattered on the pillow, which is extraordinarily beautiful and seductive, and often makes him unable to put it down.

When Qin Luoyi saw Chu Yifeng coming in, he said to Qin Tian, ​​"I'll go first." The meandering figure walked past Chu Yifeng, and Chu Yifeng didn't expect that she would leave when he came, so he turned and followed. , but there is nowhere to be seen Qin Luoyi.

(End of this chapter)

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